Social Question

ucme's avatar

What's the best colour you ever saw in a film that was a movie that some people definitely saw, but had little or no impact with men named Trevor?

Asked by ucme (50052points) April 13th, 2014

Red & yellow & pink & green
Orange & purple & blue…

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23 Answers

ucme's avatar

Mine is the yellow number worn by The Bride in Kill Bill Vol I, Uncle Trevor hated that film.

filmfann's avatar

I see what you did there

I loved the reds, which symbolized communication with the other side, in “The Sixth Sense”.
The only Trevor I can think of was the frog in the Harry Potter movies, and there were no remarkable greens about him.

flutherother's avatar

I want to say giraffe. Is that a colour? I will say it anyway. His name is not Trevor, he doesn’t watch films he is too high.

ucme's avatar

The colour of a giraffe is brass like, hence the saying, “he had the brass neck to turn round & tell me I was wrong”

CWOTUS's avatar

And here I was waiting for the “as asked” details.

janbb's avatar

I’ll take “Wut?” for 400, Alex.

ucme's avatar

Heehee, you folks kant evan spel watt

Berserker's avatar

Wut in tarnations bro?

I most certainly do not see wut j00 did thar.

But I pick Jacky Chan being all Fung Ku. (kung fu reversed, fung ku=funky, get it get it get it?)

ucme's avatar

@Symbeline Just me throwing a daft question into the ring of fire, sure beats swearing…no it doesn’t, who am I kidding? :D

Berserker's avatar

Yeah. At this point, I think there’s pretty much no doubt that we’ll both make it until Easter; but that doesn’t mean it’s easy. XD
(but trying to think up alternatives is fun :D)

ucme's avatar

Exactly right!
It’s like some barstool tore out a piece of my soul, ate it & pooed it out of their bottom :D

Berserker's avatar

Aye, it also feels like a part of my soul has been taken and fornicated with through its posterior.

Darth_Algar's avatar

Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

Berserker's avatar

Ah say boah ah say wut in da…

ucme's avatar

Sounds like a drunk Yoda

zenvelo's avatar

Best colour with that obnoxious spelling would have to be British or Canadian, and British films can be so drab, so I vote for Mon Oncle Antoine.

AshLeigh's avatar

I want to say… Chartreuse.

ucme's avatar

I am still very proud of this question :D

ucme's avatar

@lucillelucillelucille Looking at the date, I asked this 2 days before my wife’s 50th birthday.
Maybe I was drunk lol

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@ucme -Drunk with love for her sticktoitiveness!

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