General Question

talljasperman's avatar

Is it normal not to like opera’s that are not in a language that I can speak ?

Asked by talljasperman (21924points) April 13th, 2014

Does it bother you?

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3 Answers

Smitha's avatar

Yes, even if there are surtitles; they’re a distraction. Moreover reading the surtitles makes you miss all the action on stage so I usually find it much more enjoyable to ignore them and listen to the music and watch the performance. For most opera’s lame plots, all you’ll really need is to just read a few page review of the plot. But then thats just me; someone else might like them.

cazzie's avatar

Read the opera texts and stories before you go and then it shouldn’t bother you. I hate Operas in English. It doesn’t sound natural.

ibstubro's avatar

I dislike all opera, but for some rock opera. I tend to get sensory overload fairly easily.

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