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mazingerz88's avatar

In the movie The Shining, was it Jack's or the hotel's guests fault that he ended up with an ax?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29344points) April 14th, 2014


Was it the ghosts or Jack who deserves to be labeled evil-?

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20 Answers

GloPro's avatar

I blame the bartender.

ucme's avatar

Blame the bloody butler, Grady was proper creepy…cor-rec-ted!

dappled_leaves's avatar

It was his own fault.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Am I mis-remembering? I thought that Jack got there when all the guests were gone and the only people who were there were his wife and the kid. (The twins were imaginary in his dreams, right?).

The only other person I remember being there was the old cook, who left right at the beginning of the movie, and reappeared just before the end.

Or is it time to watch the movie again?

filmfann's avatar

It was the Hotels fault.
The Hotel is a life form in this story.

GloPro's avatar

@elbanditoroso Maybe the cook used the axe to slaughter the guest’s dinner…

I change my answer. I go with the bear giving/getting (?) the blow job.

ucme's avatar

If the story & therefore the blame is traced back to it’s origins, then it’s the fault of whoever chose to build on the site of an old Indian burial ground.

Dan_Lyons's avatar

It is the fault of the Indians upon whose burial ground was built the hotel.

Blondesjon's avatar

It’s Stanley Kubrik’s fault for taking so many liberties with King’s story.

With that said, it’s still a great performance by Jack.

ucme's avatar

I secretly wanted Danny to have his head cleaved in two at the end, clean cut like a coconut.
The kid bugs me & i’m not just talking about his haircut.

filmfann's avatar

@ucme I hope you liked Doctor Sleep.

ucme's avatar

@filmfann His descent into rage & alcoholism briefly lifted my spirits yes.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

It’s Stanley Kubrik’s fault for revealing that the moon landing was faked in that movie.

AshLeigh's avatar

Here’s Johnny.

filmfann's avatar

@ARE_you_kidding_me Look out! Buzz Aldrin is looking for you!

Berserker's avatar

@AshLeigh Here’s Johnny.


ucme's avatar

I maintain that Shelley Duvall’s performance is the finest by a woman in any horror film ever.

filmfann's avatar

@ucme I see your Shelly Duvall, and raise you a Sigourney Weaver in Aliens.

ucme's avatar

@filmfann You see, I don’t class Alien as strictly a horror film otherwise you may just have won the pot.
Subtle difference between sci fi thriller & pure unadulterated horror, as you well know.
Very close call with Event Horizon, very close.

Berserker's avatar

@ucme I’d have to agree, technically, but Alien acts a lot like a slasher movie than anything else. But yeah, sifi.

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