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talljasperman's avatar

What types of snack foods do you hate?

Asked by talljasperman (21924points) April 14th, 2014

I hate Tiger Tiger ice cream (I’ve seen children cry when they find out that the black stuff is licorice). The witch wrapped candies that you get in your Halloween bag I hate too. What about you?

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16 Answers

GloPro's avatar

Corn Nuts
Mike n Ike

Dan_Lyons's avatar

Rice Cakes

Neither rice nor cake

Cruiser's avatar

When I smoked pot there was no such thing as a lousy snack food. That was 20 years ago… now they are all my enemy.

Imadethisupwithnoforethought's avatar

Anything chocolate related

ibstubro's avatar

I intensely dislike marshmallows. Cover them in chocolate and they are to vomit for. They’re like a nightmare of having to chew your air.

Raisins. I liked them somewhat as a kid, now they seem like chewing fruit boogers. What’s appealing about a raisin? The squishy-hard wrinkly texture? The overly sweet, yet slightly spoiled taste? Too small to get a bite on one, but an ordeal to chew several.

kritiper's avatar

Gummy bears and those fruit-like candy things that are sugar coated and translucent, and things that are similar. Oh, and anything with raisins! (Seriously, raisins should be classified as “filler,” not fruit.)

jca's avatar

Beef Jerky. I’ve never eaten it in my life and I don’t plan to. Foul foul foul.

Pop tarts.

Anything frozen that’s intentionally a snack food, like Hot Pockets. Disgusting, no redeeming qualities.

Mimishu1995's avatar


SNACK! <open my mouth wide>

gondwanalon's avatar

Creese cake and ice cream. That stuff is just pure garbage for your body. One guy on fluther said “everything in moderation” relating to ice cream. Well I suppose it is better to just eat just a little bit of crap than it is to eat a lot of crap. HA!

flip86's avatar

Taffy. Can’t stand the stuff. For that matter, any sort of candy that cements itself to my teeth. And pork rinds.

@GloPro I love corn nuts. I’m addicted to the crunch.

flip86's avatar

@ibstubro Perfect description of raisins. Can’t stand them. Love grapes though.

ibstubro's avatar

Grapes are great @flip86. Nice treat frozen in the summer!

flip86's avatar

@ibstubro Never had frozen grapes. I’ll have to give them a try. A guy I work with has mentioned that to me too. Says he buys them when they go on sale and freezes them. I work in a grocery store.

Berserker's avatar

I hate anything that has dried raisins in it, or is just dried raisins by themselves. Dag nab California sons of unmarried dogs, out wit’ ye! Hate that stuff.

And marshmallows. Can’t stand the taste. But I like how they’re all soft and squishy haha.

Dan_Lyons's avatar

Freeze those grapes, and some peeled bananas and make smoothies!

KNOWITALL's avatar

Orange cheese products, Peeps, greasy chips. Frozen blueberries are fabulous on hot days.

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