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Do you find growing older scary?
This could be relative of course, but I found turning 50 terrifying.
To my mind, being 50 meant that from now on, I am always getting older, as in much older. I spent tons of time in old age homes and to me they were terrifying.
Being old means more than losing your looks. The scary part is losing who I am, if that is true? I don’t know. Perhaps older people here can share about how they did not lose who they were. Perhaps they found themselves instead.
Like any fear, I reckon for me its a journey. It is a bit like being told I cannot walk again, I will eventually (I hope) come out the other side a better stronger person.
People say age is but a number. I don’t really think so. Being a certain age slams many doors in your face. My plans have to be shorter! For obvious reasons. For all the doors closing are there more opening?
Even if you are not 50 you could have insight into this question, please do share. Or, maybe you found more purpose and a better life in growing old. Inspirations or complaints all welcome!
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