@ibstubro It’s just the constant drumbeat (Take no fear, you are hardly in solo company.) of “Oh, poor pitiful me!”
Oh, is that what you thought? Let me clear it up, what you see as ”poor me” is nothing such. I know who I am, and certainly no one here is going to take that, my apologies if that is taken as holier than thou or arrogance, etc. it is just the truth. What you see is the byproduct of someone else’s snide comments; sometimes it is to eliminate sanctimonious hypocrisy; but then I would be dead wrong for voicing my observation.
It’s rare that you are able to make a post that doesn’t mention how abused you are. Having a different opinion or offering advice is not abuse. It’s human discourse.
I have never claimed I was abused here. Other might have, but not me. However, if I point out the aforementioned hypocrisy, then I am attacking someone and being rude; I just had an opinion that varied greatly from some of you. Curious how it seem those who say ”you should be able to have your beliefs challenged” are the first ones to go on the attack when I or someone else challenges their beliefs; maybe they should live more off the words they speak.
@livelaughlove21 It’s like you want to be the victim, @Hypocrisy_Central – the constant disclaimers and little comments about what you “can’t” say and what abuse you’ve endured here because of this type of question or that.
So, when people hurl insults you think I invited them to do so? Curious and what end would that be? Sounds like dubious logic to me. I have come to find unless I put a disclaimer stating what the question is not, imaginations run wild with what people think I said or meant, not what I actually said or meant.
Just ask the questions you want to ask, say what you want to say, and everyone here will do the same, as we should. Having an unpopular point of view doesn’t mean you’re exempt from being treated the same as everyone else.
You do not believe I am trying to do that? Sure, some people believe they can say anything and everything against what they disagree with, but let them get it back then the person giving it is a whole lot of things; all negative. If someone gets their sacred cow challenged they should do as suggested and deal with disproving it, civilly.
If the most popular jelly here said the same things you say, they’d get the same reaction, so taking it as a personal affront when people disagree with you is just being whiny.
That is a matter of opinion. I can say people are being whiny because they could not defend their sacred cow, or ended up hurling insults because of such, we can both be correct or wrong, its opinion.
Some things are meant as a personal affront (ahem), but every comment that contradicts what you believe is not an insult toward you.
Maybe you have missed a lot of the action, I disagree with many people on things but they don’t resort to insults, or veiled insults trying to label me in some slanderous way or calling me some stupid fool; when that happens, and it is so clear you could hit it with a shotgun 80 yards away, I will say something, and not be afraid doing it.
Telling people to just ignore your questions if they don’t agree? You know damn well that’s not how the Internet works. Saying people are only commenting on your question and not really answering it? It’s just a reason to complain about people disagreeing with you. Cut it out.
Again, you are off, (another reason for disclaimers), I never told anyone to ignore the question because they disagree, when someone is sniffling about they think the question is rude, it annoys them, it vexes them, etc. I tell them then, they should pass on by instead of inflicting discomfort on themselves chiming in on a question of mine they know is not going to do any good for them; that is why, never because they disagreed.
If they can ignore your questions, you can ignore their answers…and you don’t, so why should they?
Off again, I do ignore most questions, too worthless for my time, so I bypass them, that is my opinion. If I don’t ignore a question it is because I find it interesting enough to answer, maybe you should ask them if they answer mine because they believe it interesting enough to them to answer it, and if so why are they so upset when they do? I don”t ask a question simply as a conduit to attack the OP.
You obviously have thick skin, because you wouldn’t be here otherwise (the same can be said for many of us), but the pity party is just drawing more and more attention to you in a negative light.
If there is a party it was not me, you need to find out who set out the soda, chips and dip.
No disclaimers or little “redacted” comments are necessary and, if you haven’t noticed, they don’t work. If anything, they make the situation worse. If you ask me, I don’t think you want it to stop.
And next you are going to tell me that any comment or question said as an opinion of a person will never be seen as hate speech, trolling, rude, obnoxious, bla, bla, bla, because it point blank got in the face of someone with less think skin sacred cow? Until I know the shrinking violets can handle a streak that tough I have to cut up the pieces for them.