Social Question

Does he think about having sex with me?
I am 20 and friends with a couple in their late 50s. They are like mentors to me; I see them in a parental way and sometimes we hang out as friends.
The husband, however, has lately been making some comments that have me worried that he is sexually attracted to me and might act on it. I didn’t take it seriously at first, because the thought of him in a romantic sense grosses me out, but the other day we were talking on the phone (he called to check in and say hi) and I made a comment about this funny story from college about something silly I did that I’d probably only tell people if I was drinking. He responded with “I don’t know if I can drink with you, because that could be dangerous…” I knew what he implied but shrugged it off and started talking about something else. He said, “Oh, so you’re just going to blow past that?!” I said “Ok, why would it be dangerous?” And he replied, “Well, you know, because you’re a vibrant 20-year-old and you know I find you attractive….” blah blah blah. I didn’t really know how to respond.
In the past he kept asking if I had a boyfriend – I haven’t and I admitted that I’m kind of insecure about it. He went on to tell me that he wouldn’t get specific but he’s always thought I had a nice figure. Another time when I told him I was losing a little weight, he looked at me and said “you’re getting a hot little body.”
I have more examples that I will update with. Do you think he fantasizes about me at all?
I also catch him staring at me a lot. Once I was talking to his wife and leaning forward on the kitchen counter and might’ve unintentionally been showing cleavage. When she suggested I sit on a bar stool instead, he made sure to say that I don’t have to, I can just do whatever is comfortable.
Physically, one time I was sitting next to him with my head on his shoulder after talking about something sad, and my legs were curled up and he put his hand really high behind my thigh close to my butt. He also loosely has loosely held my hand one time and in a flirty way tried to tickle me. After he hugged me once he left his hands lingering around my waist for a few seconds.
Also one time when I came over he was in the shower and after he got out invited me to come up and talk as he was getting ready. I said no thanks and stayed downstairs.
He also makes comments about how hot he used to be in college as a swimmer and how they’re used to not wearing much clothes.