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Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

[NSFW] Here is a fun question about women’s orgasms; you up for it?

Asked by Hypocrisy_Central (26879points) April 18th, 2014

disclaimer Seeing there was not a seemingly definitive Googleable answer to the info I sought, I am posing it here, it might be seen as a polling question but given the subject matter, I don’t think many will mind.

Depending on which Web site one visits one can come away with the idea that 30% to 50% of women never achieve orgasm by way of the old in and out; they need something more, fingers, tongue, toys etc. Yet another site will tell you around 25% of women never achieve orgasm no matter what. Some of the info can even be taken as suspect by the products they endorse on the site, or make available for purchase. The question for the Jellyettes, in which way or method do you reach the ”Big ‘O’” at least 30% of the time or more, is it by good old penetration by the fleshy dumb stick, with toys (battery or solid), fingers (your own or your partner’s), oral, or something else; maybe a specific combination? When I say orgasm I mean toe-curling, eyes-rolled-in-the-back-of-the-noggin, quaking like Jell-O orgasm. There is it, you up to answering it?

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20 Answers

livelaughlove21's avatar

toe-curling, eyes-rolled-in-the-back-of-the-noggin, quaking like Jell-O

I’ve never had one of those, either alone or with a partner. Orgasms are great, but I’d hardly describe them this way. Then again, I’ve never been able to achieve a g-spot orgasm. I’m convinced it’s either nearly or totally impossible for me to get there. Clitoral orgasms are all I know.

I’ve never had an orgasm with just penetration. Dry humping will get the job done, as will fingers and toys, with and without a partner. It takes a bit of patience, but I’ll get there. I’m not a fan of receiving oral sex and have never orgasmed that way.

kritiper's avatar

Sufficient foreplay seems to work for me. Then, when she begs for “it,” you give “it!”

Coloma's avatar

Orally and, I like to grab hold of the penis volunteer and “use” it as an object of friction. haha
No orgasmic problems here, I have had a very fulfilling sex life over the decades.
Now, if we’re talkin’ G-spot orgasm..oh my, nothing like a nicely curved penis to hit a home run in that department. I often wish I could ask prospective romantic partners if they had a curve to their lurve. lol

DigitalBlue's avatar

I feel for women who have never experienced an orgasm, I orgasm easily and I know I’m fortunate for that. Combo, with a partner that does just the right thing, gives me the earth shattering-mind-numbing good ones. I don’t like toys, never really have, but I can orgasm from penetration alone and usually do and I generally am not crazy about receiving oral. It’s fun for foreplay if it’s good, but it doesn’t “do it” for me.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

@kritiper Sufficient foreplay seems to work for me.
Elucidate; any special method, technique, order of action, etc. The median time or duration needed for ”sufficiency” to be obtained in foreplay?

@DigitalBlue I don’t like toys, never really have, but I can orgasm from penetration alone and usually do and I generally am not crazy about receiving oral.
Why do you figure it is so easy for you and not women such as @livelaughlove21? One would think there has to be a reason, either physical or psychological blocking the way.

OpryLeigh's avatar

I usually can only achieve a good orgasm through finger or oral stimulation. I have never had an orgasm through penetration alone but I have had the odd one from his pubic bone hitting the right spot during penetration. Those are the best! I am yet to find my G-Spot sadly but we spend a lot of time looking for it and,in the mean time, I am very happy with the quality and quantity of my orgasms!!

JLeslie's avatar

I think it is more like 90% of women don’t orgasm just from penetration.

Most women I know can reach orgasm in less than two minutes when masterbating. With a partner it usually is a little longer, but the majority agree they need direct stimulation of their clitoris. The whole G-spot thing I think is overblown.

Coloma's avatar

@JLeslie I used to think so too until I had some amazing experiences with a former lover.
Pretty mind blowing. haha

kritiper's avatar

@Hypocrisy_Central EGAD! To go into the actual details would be so utterly lurid as to have me banned from this site! (I was taught by a woman I was having sex with for the first time. She was very instructional!)

DigitalBlue's avatar

@Hypocrisy_Central I honestly do not know. I wonder about it, but I don’t know what the difference is.
@JLeslie I’d imagine it’s overblown if you aren’t one to orgasm that way, but as someone who has g-spot orgasms, the sensation is particularly mind blowing. That’s what I was talking about in my previous answer when I mentioned just the right thing. But I do think it’s probably not typical, that it may be far less common to even be able to orgasm that way, and I’m sure trying to force it isn’t the way to go.

AstroChuck's avatar

This post needs more responses!
And type a little more slowly, p-le-a-s-e!</em>

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

@JLeslie With a partner it usually is a little longer, but the majority agree they need direct stimulation of their clitoris. The whole G-spot thing I think is overblown.
Being a man, I only know of one way to trip the light fantastic, the thought of having more ways than one to pop your load is foreign.

@kritiper EGAD! To go into the actual details would be so utterly lurid as to have me banned from this site!
Lurid by whose standards? These are nice people here and they love sex questions, I am sure no one would hardly notice; PM it? I won’t tell another soul any of your secrets. 8-P

JLeslie's avatar

@Hypocrisy_Central I think what is important is tripping the lights with the particular woman you are with. I pretty much know what feels so good it almost hurts, and if the man I am with is interested I will be happy to tell him. Experimenting a little or trying a new thing can be fun too, sometimes we don’t know what we are missing until someone shows us. I think longer more committed relationships tend to have more expirementing.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

@JLeslie I think longer more committed relationships tend to have more expirementing.
It appears to me that running through partners like water through a 1st time Mexican tourist is supposed to yield the best variety of sensual pleasures; be with the same person, that would get stale and dry as having hamburger 30 days in a row ~~

JLeslie's avatar

I’ll just focus on your tildes.

Unbroken's avatar

I can orgasmed by means I never considered before. I tend to think that the stats on this issue are way off. If only because I can’t imagine the opposite side.

And biologically we seem to have more means in which to achieve orgasm.

Is the question more for the purpose of trying to divine what is it like to experience what we experience, what does that marvelous portal feel while it makes me feel so good?

Well considering women have vestigial penis, we flower and become blood filled and erect, for instance the pelvic massage can get a male or female off. The pooling blood makes us sensitive and hot.

As for the physical, the orgasm is the contraction and spasming of muscles the release of phermones and hormones a sense of euphoria the duration can vary there are riding orgasms where they ripple slowly brief break and then evolve into a tidal wave.

There is the intense violent release which is often quick and felt by the whole body and so forth. What determines what will cause the best o.. thre are formulas. But.. there will be a little variation person to person predilictions inhibitions taste and mood and how you spark off your partner.

kritiper's avatar

@Hypocrisy_Central OH geez! Here I go…gonna get banned…
First you find that little man in the boat. And you run your finger around and around and around…then you stick your finger in the chute and twirl it around and around and around… Then you go back to that little man and you box his ears again. Then you go back in the love canal. Two fingers? Three? Continue this routine until…..

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

^ Hardly the THE WORSE I have seen here. You could have PMed it, remember?

kritiper's avatar

@Hypocrisy_Central Yeah, I remember. (Tee hee!)

NomoreY_A's avatar

I must say in all modesty, that I have never had any complaints from women I have “serviced”. Either I must be fair to middling good, or they were all faking it.

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