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talljasperman's avatar

(NSFW) Can a man get a yeast infection?

Asked by talljasperman (21924points) April 20th, 2014

What would it feel like? How do you know that you have it? How would you treat it?

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11 Answers

Smitha's avatar

Yes, It can either be in the mouth (oral thrush) or at the end of the penis, under the foreskin.

johnpowell's avatar

Got one in my armpits. Some cream and time fixed it up. I got a pretty nasty rash in my armpits while I was getting cooked in the august sun building fences. The doctor said it was a yeast infection. Apparently it isn’t just a genitalia thing.

johnpowell's avatar

Oh, to answer you actual question. It was so bad that that I camped overnight at Whitebird so I could be seen by a doctor. It was really painful.

downtide's avatar

Live yogurt is good for getting rid of a yeast infection.

cazzie's avatar

They can get both yeast and bacterial infections and they can spread them.

antimatter's avatar

I think I heard of the yogurt thing before @downtide.

creative1's avatar

Yes they certainly can and if other home remedies aren’t working I would go to your doctor and they can prescribe Diflucan for you and it will get rid of it.

kritiper's avatar

Yes. There is burning pain when urinating. See your doctor.

seekingwolf's avatar

Absolutely, and this is why if you’re a female and have a yeast infection, you should absolutely not have sex until it’s completely resolved. He can give the yeast back to the woman and then the infection will happen again.

majorbacon's avatar

Yes….. And you could spread them as well

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