Social Question

Do/did you have any school subjects that you hate not because of their nature but because of other factors?
When I was in my last year in secondary school I hated English and Geography a lot. Not because they were not my cup of tea, but because my English teacher doomed me to an eternal hell since my English skill was better than her, and I repeatedly received failure in Geography tests.
When I was in high school I despised Literature because my teacher was fucking nuts! He didn’t seem to know what he was saying. And when there was a text in the textbook that he didn’t understand, he would repeat one idea (that he thought he understand) over and over. Example: he didn’t understand “The Old Man and the Sea”, he would say: “the old man was a brave and persistent man who wouldn’t give up his dream to catch the biggest fish” and many other versions of this idea until class was over.
And now I hate physical exercise with all my heart! The teacher is a bitch. She is very bossy, always put very high standards on us and always find fault with us, whatever we do. Everyday she comes to school with a grumpy face, she has never said anything nice to us.
Do/did you have any subjects that you hate like that?