Fluther roll call, who's hanging around?
Might be time for a Fluther roll call perhaps? A few recent threads here have made me think, although on a spur of the moment thing I admit, who’s around?
Who’s around, who’s lurking, and who’s gone? Raise your hand and speak up, let us know. What have you been doing, what you been up to and all that. :)
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158 Answers
Ha! I finally made it to class on time!
I’m here! Tomorrow marks 3 years of Fluther for me :)
I’ve been here forever and still don’t have 5000 pts.
I was lurking, now I’m here, and then I’ll be gone.
@Mimishu1995 And I’m sure you know that we didn’t forget you. :-)
I’m well hung, call me :D
Spring has sprung and doing the spring clean-up and planting my Dahlia’s in the garden. Also going to watch my son race stock cars tonight.
@AshLeigh Geez, that inspired me to look it up. Been here for seven years already 0.o
I’m here. Have spent most of my morning updating passwords in the wake of the Heartbleed bug. Tedious. zzzzzzzz
@Vincentt – you’ve been here a week longer than I!
Checking in now. The post is already 5 hours old, and it’s 8:00 a.m. EDT.
Just lurking. It is 719am.
barely made here at 0721 CDT.
My Name is @cookieman
Been here almost daily for six years.
You can’t get rid of me that easily!
I need no introduction, I but post something and everyone knows I am here ~~
Due to limited internet satellite availability, I am only here in the early mornings these days.
fuck hughesnet
I’m usually here on my days off, but count me in.
Sat. am, 8:19 in CA. still waking up with coffee and feeling like shit with allergies. lol
Just passing through…..I’ve got the proverbial million and one papers to get graded over the weekend. Not much time to be social.
@jerv That’s what I say too. Try as you might Fluther, you can’t defeat me.
and we don’t want to get rid of jerv.
Here. 2:33PM EDT
@tinyfaery More in than out would be nice. :-)
I’m here, but my come and go signal makes posting a nightmare. I see way more Qs than I get to A, and sometimes answers take half a dozen tries before I can get them to post.
Okay, that’s behind me. I feel better now.
I just got home from putting my insomnia to better use than Fluther. I drove my neighbor to the airport at 4am. I was secretly hoping to stow away to Hawaii with her. No such luck, so I’ll be here again tomorrow.
I miss AmWiser’s Fluther roll call. Thanks for reviving it, @Symbeline!
I’m here, but a bit busier than usual. The semester is nearing its close, and I am pet-sitting three cuties.
A day late and a dollar short, but I’m here.
So this is where all the jellies hang out.
Napping? You should be balancing your check book, changing your oil, doing your laundry and cooking your dinner!
Coloma languishes on her bed with 90% battery power, nursing the worst sinus headache and multiple browsing without sound. Someone make me some soup. lol
Aaaah blinded by the light…
I wish that was up for me too. I’m so broke, but at least I got drunk last night. When I made this thread. Lol.
I feel too crappy to have a beer, now that is crappy. lol
I’m here. In and out, but around.
@GloPro I microwaved some cheese filled hot dogs with cheese filling.
I’m around, gone most of the day, back this evening for a little while
All this talk of food. I have a major complaint. It is that it is all but impossible to find a really good brownie that isn’t home made.
Just made homemade chicken noodle soup from scratch. Yummy yum yum.
I’m here and accountable.
9:40 a.m here.
Mafa service, at your disposal!
Aww. Thanks. That was nice to say.
Late, but here none the less. Life gets busier by the minute for us, but I wouldn’t change a thing. I’ve been busy with work and preparing to start school. I have about 2 weeks left and then I’ll be dedicating a lot of time and energy to Grad School and becoming a Nurse Practitioner. I’ll still check in at least daily here… even if I don’t post much.
Staying up for SNL, Been here 5 years and counting. Spending time doing spring gardening and basement renovation.
I keep turning up.
But that doesnt make me a turnip.
@Unbroken, I laughed way harder than I should have at that. You are sensational. XD
@AshLeigh That caused me to smile aand giggle :) You are infectious. You can infect me any time
Sort of here. Mostly lurking.
April 27, 2014, 1:40 AM PST
(That one goes out to @gailcalled who thought I was JA. :P)
@Yetanotheruser Spring gardening and basement renovation?
Maybe you were a Gopher in a previous life.
You should get together with @Unbroken for some nice Turnip greens. lol
10:07 am in dreary CA. Still have this #$%#@!!! headache, I am doing nothing today…more languishing on the menu before the darkness of Monday morning. lol
I am here, about to chow down on a fake turkey sandwich with coleslaw and Russian dressing. The last few weeks, I’ve gotten home late and tired, so I haven’t been on Fluther as much as usual.
@Kardamom I am having peanut butter on 10,000 grain bread and fresh blackberries. :-)
Pass the coleslaw please.
Worked today. Mellowing out with a cocktail, trying to catch my Fluthering up. At least 2 busy days follow.
I am mellowing out with a cocktail too, headache finally under control and a steaming bowl of shrimp gumbo coming up. 6:35 pm on the west coast, I still have a few glorious hours before Monday, Monday…
This thread made me go back and see how long I’ve been on here. “Joined: September 19th, 2009”
<——- Joined: March 11, 2013.
Couldn’t never imagine how meaningful Fluther is to my life back then…
Joined: December 11th, 2009
@Unbroken, I laughed pretty hard at that one too! XD
I’m here. Very late, obviously . . . but here.
Busy weekend so late but glad to be here. April 28 21.45 British Summer Time
Laaaaate again, last one to drag in but here too!
Here. 7:06 pm on the west coast and I am having a beer while my fat shrimp marinate in a chili lime marinade. I survived my Monday. Cheers!
@Coloma Here. 9:15 am in my house and I am fluthering while doing my work. I survived my Monday too! Cheers!
7:42 AM tuesday. Wondering how these twisters, hail, lightning strikes are affecting my fellow US jellies. So far, the twisters have missed me here, but they have apeeared pretty much all around me, or nearby watches. Anyone been posting from storm shelters?
10:18 pm, ready for bed…
You do the fluthering for me, machine gun.
Wondering how these twisters, hail, lightning strikes are affecting my fellow US jellies.
That is why I say away from Florida, etc. no hurricanes, and avoid Kansas, Arkansas , etc. no tornadoes. I don’t have to evacuate for nothing.
7:09 in sunny and hot CA. Ugh…going for 90 tomorrow….I need a another Corona. lol
Tomorrow is one of my days off and so I am having a few beers sitting outside and I just saw a Swallowtail butterfly flitting around my flowers. over and out.
Right now I only know I’m a fan of this and this
I’m on my porch swing with a non-alcoholic brew, laptop and radio watching storms over the horizon.
@Mimishu1995 I only ask because sometimes it seems like their writers have a love affair with noir and mafia tales.
8:29 a.m. in the Midwest and another chilly spring morning. I think the mushrooms have been foiled this year.
I’m thinking someone should finally clean my car out. lol
7:44 am in CA. Going for 90 today and I am frantically trying to water the yard before the 10:am watering cutoff.
In the 50’s and wet, wet, wet here in the Midwest, @Coloma. If we could share weather, we’d have the ideal!
Mississippi soon to be out of it’s banks. Flooding and hysteria.
Heading for the upper 50’s today, sunny and windy. Great day to get out to the garden. Probably have to water tonight.
Been raining for two days now. I don’t mind, but I like snow better.
Well thanks for letting us aware O’ thy presence yall. I noticed a lot of active users didn’t post in here. Must be because it’s my thread. Fuckers. :D
Been roasting alive for three day here :)
Even some mindless ants can’t stand it :)
Damn mindless ant bastards.
Here…but only for a minute. I have half the day off and am going to see the new Spiderman flick in a few minutes. :-)
I’m here, but I’m packing it in early tonight. Probably watch some DVD.
Did anyone count the Flutheronians hanging around by the neck with a rope from the rafters?
Or the Flutheronians wielding a fully loaded machine gun?
Or the Flutheronians with a spent agenda?
or the Flutheronians having a cold cerveza? Spiderman was great, then a massage and now a beer. Life is good. lol
Or a Flutheronian who is an ex-private-eye turned mafioso?
7:26 am Saturday. Taking my monster fluffy cat in for his summer buzz cut at 11. Then think I’ll watch the Kentucky Derby, a local horse is running from a town about 40 miles from me. Go California Chrome!
9:56 p.m Saturday. Currently having a mild depression for unknown reason… Hope things will get better…
8:49 Sunday Morning. Nearly 40’s at night and 80 predicted today. Wha….? I thought only the desert had weather like this? Sunny, bright and cool now, though, and my peach and cherry trees are blooming.
8: 57 p.m Sunday Night. Tried to stimulate a good laughter, but failed (at least right now).
9:32 Sunday morning, Coloma drinks coffee with her evil allergies and ponders her day.
If I stop lurking that means I’m dead. : )
Eeee you’re here! ’‘glomps!’’ :D
12:46 pm in hot and sunny CA. Pushin’ 90 and am sitting on the deck with my laptop, fluthering and flirting with a the good looking AT&T guy that’s checking out my neighbors phone issues. lol
I am freaking exhausted from my week, may porch sit all day in the shade.
So, @Coloma did you get the phone man’s phone number ? ?
2:34 pm MDT, 73 thunder, but no rain yet. It’s cooler today than it has been.
@Tropical_Willie Haha…no, but he was a really fun guy, one of those quick witted, playful types, like me! lol
We had a fun little interaction. He checked out my U-Verse. haha
@Coloma . . . Isn’t that the thing in a Mommy’s tummy where a baby grows?
I was going to say something about an answering cervix…
@Coloma Dudage. Your purple monarch avatar kicks rear end. Now we’re three peeps in here with butterfly avatars. Spring time!
@Symbeline You couldn’t find a zombie butterfly? haha Thanx!
Why did the zombie defenestrate the butter?
Because he wanted to see the butt hurt fly? ;-p
I’m here after having made a spaghetti pie and some sweet and sour cucumbers.
Oooh…..sweet and sour cucumbers, I love cucumbers. I think I shall make myself a tomato sandwich and some marinated cucks right now!
Dude lookit all the butterflies! :D
Homemade pepperoni and spinach pizza tonight.
This is a food thread now.
I had a salmon sandwich with a side of pasta (white sauce, spinach, tomato and cheese) for dinner.
That sounds wonderful. I haven’t had salmon in way too long.
Gourmet pizza in my oven and beer, beer, wonderful beer.
I broke down and made a killer pizza for one, and a half. haha
Artichoke hearts and fresh tomatoes and cheese, cheese, olives, cheese, onions, cheese, yellow peppers and CHEESE! lol
Mew. Gettin’ fuzzy up in this bitch. :D
6:09 on the baking west coast, freaking SO HOT! Can’t water the yards til 7 p.m. so languishing in the AC til sprinkler hour arrives. haha
22:02 here on the east coast wishing all vehicles that drove past my window had mufflers.
I thought the discussion has ended.
9:41 pm here in the Midwest. Wondering if @Coloma still has the nerve to don a bathing suit and run through the sprinklers after 7?
@ibstubro 7:56 sprinklers sprinkling and yes, I did get a nice little shower in my sundress. lol
I like to mist the trees with the hose and let the mist filter down. Aaaaah
10:10 here in the Mountains. An unusually rainy and stormy day for the Front Range.
@Yetanotheruser I heard there were tornados in CO. & N.M. today. Save the morning glories. lol
Good Morning, Flutheronia! 8:54 am, Sunny and a little coll for this time of year; no complaints though.
@Coloma there were 8 touchdowns in Colorado, two in my local area. Morning glories (and morning-glory-grower and family) are alive and well! I’ll post some pix when they start to bloom.
It’s early monday. I’m back now. I’ve been pretty ill. I got out of the hospital a couple of days ago. Kudos to my daughter caring for me during this time. I’m not able to sit long, can’t stay in bed long, she keeps helping me back and forth. She’s been fixing soup for me a lot.
@Jonesn4burgers Wow, I had no idea! Hope you’re at least a little more comfortable out of the hospital!
@Mimishu1995 Girl, you still up?
@Jonesn4burgers Here’s to a speedy recovery. Man that has to suck; can’t sit too long, can’t be in bed too long…get better soon, ya heard?
Here. 8:09 a.m. on the west coast and I am anxiously awaiting a call for a potential 2nd interview today or tomorrow for a new job I have applied for. I hope they don’t stand me up, seemed promising with the follow up from Fri. I can’t stand the suspense, my life hangs in the balance.
Well, 10:40 in Colorado, and I’ve got 3 pint size junior gardeners. Just taking our morning icy-pop break!
Thanks all, for the great kind words. Between the almost daily tornado watches, and my illness, this house has been under its own private dark cloud.
It’s good to be back, although I can only get online for short spurts just now.
Make sure to have plenty of comfy pillows! :D
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