Can you help me work out what is going on?
Maybe this is logical and I cannot see it. Briefly: I had/have a serious depression, this has lasted for about 3 years now. During that period I became very inactive, for obvious reasons. Anyway, currently I am so keen to get back to the great physical shape I was in. More for the health benefits than the great body benefits.
Every time I go for a long walk my legs hurt like hell. I am not talking muscular pain but what seems like joint/bone pain.
My one ankle ‘plays’ up. Even without exercise. It just kind of goes stiff and I can’t bend it. Not always though. No swelling, no discolouration. Sometimes it kind of collapses. It is worse when I exercise or walk. I am walking much more than I used to, for a while now, but not everyday like I used to before. (Before the depression). I also get the urge to stretch my legs a lot?
Is it old age? Is it the period of inactivity? I know you don’t really know, but any ideas would help. I have to wait quite long before seeing a doctor and it’s not urgent.
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13 Answers
Possibly an Achilles issue? (I’m not a doctor…)
It may be that you’re trying to walk on just one foot (“my one ankle”). That would be more of a hop than a walk, right? That would tear up my legs, for sure – and I’ve got both of them.
Assuming you’re not also suffering from some kind of autoimmune disease such as rheumatoid arthritis (I’m not a doctor, either) which is causing its own problems with your joints, it could be calcium deposits, ligament problems or even shin splints. When I ran cross-country in high school I had terrible shin splints, which certainly feel like “a bone problem” to anyone who has had them.
Good luck in your recovery.
Try aqua jogging. It is soft on the joints.
I’m going with inactivity. You didn’t mention how long you have been trying to be more active. Days, weeks, or years makes a difference.
I sit at my desk a lot and even how I sit makes a pretty big difference. I sit with my legs crossed and my left leg is on the floor. It is a bit more durable.
I second a diagnosis of inactivity and now getting into shape. It takes a while, and your body will not cooperate for a while. When it does, though, you will feel so much better.
Ease your way into it. Walk for half an hour until you fell like walking longer, then make it an hour. And then walk more briskly, in two months you’ll be able to cover the distance an hour covers now, but in 40 to 45 minutes.
Remember if you are too careful with a sore ankle, you will overcompensate and strain the other leg.
I agree with @johnpowell and @zenvelo try balance, My guess is you went to far the first time and then you felt bad you waited until you felt better and then did it again. Too much build up slowly. Also build up your amino acids and magnesium, potassium some calcium. It can be easy to over do it on the calcium though. Nutrients and avoiding bad non nutritious foods would be very helpful to this point.
Vitamin D dificiency. Get it tested next time you go to the doctor. You might want to throw in vitmain B12 test also. It is not good enough to just take vitmain D, you have to know if your actual levels are up in the normal range. If the range from your lab is around 30–80, try to get between 40–50.
I’m not a doctor, but I feel the need to stretch when I never had before, and had muscle pain and weakness and vitamin D has been my miracle “drug” plus keeping my iron up (I tend to be anemic) and my thyroid in check. The D is the most significant for my muscle problems though and I know more that one person who was significantly helped with vitamin D.mpeople who were limping their pain and cramping was so bad.
I was told inactivity too, and that can be a possibility, but activity caused me more trouble if I over did it. It was not soreness from working out, it was cramping, weakness, shakiness, and pain. Eventually I was working out 5 days a week and still not better and constantly risking injury in my opinion. The D was my miracle.
Some people also recommend magnesium for muscle pain, and you will hear eat more potassium. I was never low in either. Those are worth checking though when you do go to the doctor.
First, get the best walking shoes you can afford. Second don’t overdo it until your legs and core can walk long distance without causing pain and also honor that pain…pain tells you that you are doing too much or doing it incorrectly. I would also look into doing yoga to help you stretch and balance your entire body for the workouts you are wanting to do.
@JLeslie Gosh yes, great answer, since a few years ago I was short of vitamin D. (As tested on a blood test). Plus, I was not outside for over a year. I will definitely add it to my supplements. Thank you so much.
@Cruiser I am doing yoga and stretches currently. Thanks!
@LornaLove I really urge you to get the blood test. I have to take a ton of D to be up above 40. When I take 2,000 IU a day, which is what a lot of doctor’s recommend, I am still extremely dificient and in pain. My D level is about 20 taking that much D. It would be like taking a baby aspirin for a migraine, not enough to be therapeutic. My husband doesn’t need a big dose, but he goes in the sun and is tan most of the year. Even he has been dificient when he has been out of the sun for months. I need around 8,000 IU a day of D to keep my numbers in the normal range. But, lots of D has a risk of raising blood calcium levels, which is dangerous, so if you take a lot it should be monitored every so often. I actually take prescription D 50,000 IU once a week and some additional daily OTC.
Your numbers might not be as low as mine, maybe you get more sun. So, you can’t go by what my body needs, and you can’t just guess for yourself what is enough.
I do think go ahead and take some D, some is better than none in my opinion, but I think most likely you won’t be taking enough without some real blood test information the next time you see your doctor.
@JLeslie I will do. I have been reading up about Vit D deficiency and it appears I have a few not commonly mentioned, such as peeling nails, weak hair etc., I feel quite relieved that there is finally a reason. Of course I do have to have a test though to make sure.
There is virtually no sun where I am at least on a regular basis. Does normal daylight count?
If you aren’t tan (tanner than the parts of your body that see no sun) then you are usually dificient. SPF blocks tanning and blocks D.
Your symptoms also can be hypothyroid so you might want to get that blood test too. Dry skin, dry eyes, dry hair, losing hair, brittle nails, depressions, fatigue, all thyroid symptoms.
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