What happened in your life that was good today?
Asked by
Dog (
April 28th, 2014
Did you accomplish anything?
Did you notice something beautiful?
Did you have an incredible meal?
Share the good with your fellow ocean-dwellers!
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60 Answers
I woke up next to my wife, who told me she loved me.
Then I woke up the kids who said they looked forward to their day at school.
The sun was shining when I dropped them off, at school.
A standard beginning of the day, by all means, but I enjoy it every time again.
The land is greening up here, the birds are singing like crazy, and no idiot drivers tried to kill me today, unlike the previous days.
This morning I finally found the answer to my question :p
I slept nearly 12 hours, after several weeks of insomnia.
We had a great rain (much needed) and this.
My day just started! I woke up at 10 AM. Days off and sleeping in are amaaaazing.
It is a beautiful morning here after some much needed rain.
I always go outside 1st thing with my coffee and sit on the porch. This morning I got to watch a squirrel and scrub jay chasing each other around the cherry tree. Morning amusement.
I heard a new, very pretty bird call this morning. It was more liquid-sounding than any bird call I’ve heard before – like two quick water droplets followed by a rising tweet. Some kind of thrush, maybe?
I returned an impulse weekend purchase that I woke up realizing was an unnecessary expenditure.
A user named “Dog” showed back up after being gone for a thousand years!
@Pachy I wish I could return the extra 5000 calories I ate. lol
@Coloma, I hear ya! I just finished a huge Thunderbird sub.
^^^ I ate a whole bag of pistachios AND a bunch of chips and salsa watching movies. haha
A whole lot of fuckin nothing.
I’m not spending most of the day alone, for the first time in what seems like weeks. That is a good thing.
@wildpotato: Could be one of the warblers or most likely the hermit thrush.. Do you have a birding book that showe which thrushes and warblers might be around and what their songs are like?
Thrushes sing very flute-like songs. Check out the songs of the hermit thrush, the wood thrush and the veery. They would be the most likely culprits. They usually sing from the woods and at dawn and dusk. The thrushes’ songs are considered the most beautiful of the bird world.
Cornell site for bird songs. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ibuprofen
@gailcalled It took a bit of looking, but made for a nice little procrastination break from my philosophy paper: it was a Brown Headed Cowbird.
I do not have a birding book yet. If you have a recommendation, I’d love to hear it.
My husband surprised me by doing the grocery shopping.
I had a long workday followed by a great Mexican meal and a ‘Yumbo’ frozen margarita.
Life is good.
I gave waterfowl rescue advice today to someone who is trying to catch 2 dumped domestics, a bonded pair of duck and goose. I then went to the goose park and someone told me that someone had dumped a downy little gosling a few days ago. He was nowhere to be found, certainly he perished from the cold storm we had Sat. night. Sooo…good and bad. Might be helping to relocate the 2 dumped darlings, but the baby is gone.
I hate ignorant fucks that get animals on a whim and then dispose of them in cruel fashion. Pfffft!
@Coloma And that’s how Mawynn met you :D
@Mimishu1995 Yes, can’t save them all..but damn, it makes my heart hurt.
@Symbeline, thanks! It’s not for two more days, but it got here early. And I got a drinking horn!
I wanna see the drinking horn.
I’m drinking right now haha, Mondays..gotta have a couple.
@Symbeline, it’s hasn’t gotten here yet. I made him tell me :) I’ll send you a photo when it gets here!
Sweet. Well here’s one good thing about today for me; AshLeigh’s axe! And the horn. Haven’t seen it yet, but I already know it’s awesome.
Hey, we will have a double-party: @AshLeigh‘s early birthday and @Mimishu1995‘s 5K achievement celebration!
I didn’t have to use my AK.
@AshLeigh Hah! Let’s do it!
Err.. what is the date today now?
I had a nice long lunch break. Usually, on a Tuesday, I work a 12hr shift with about a half hour break. Today, I managed a good couple of hours, just sitting down (I’m always on my feet at work).
WHOA!! Okay, that horn kicks ass. So you can really put drinks in there?
Yeah, it just needs to be cleaned out a bunch. Other people drink from them all the time, and aren’t dead so. :D
Yeah, I thought I’d ask because I used to have a drinking horn, (much smaller) but it was actually just a pretend drinking horn, you know, for looks. I didn’t know. It had a small hole at the bottom of it, so you can imagine what happened when I poured something in…
But yours is the real deal, so that rocks.
Also I noticed, it doesn’t have a stand, so you have to hold it all the time…like a MAN lol.
But I can hang it from my belt! I’m just casually walking around in public with it on my best right now. Gonna get a bottle brush, so I can reach the bottom.
Someone I know told me I was a wise , wise woman. Yap, only took 40 fucking years. lol
My friend sent me this: I wanted to be the first person to say happy birthday to you. Most people would say hope you have a good one. But for my parabatai I hope you get picked up by Vikings that their whole purpose is to murder all the whales in the world. They use mimes as slaves so you can beat the crap out of them whenever you want. During the day they catch dragonflys and butterfly’s so they can burn them at night for light. Then you get pulled into The Lord of the Rings universe and get to bang Frodo. haha. Then you fight some orcs and Jace comes out of nowhere and says “I thought Vikings were all big and vicious.”
You say “How come your nipples look so good?” then You slap Jace as hard as you can and somehow go through and stay with the shadow hunters. You help Church undress a couple of people. Find Magnus and party with him for hours on end. Become the greatest serial killer of all time then go to bed and call it a day. That’s how awesome I hope your birthday is.
My Parabatai, everyone. So sweet. XD
@AshLeigh Awwww… I wish someone would send me a happy birthday congratulation like that too, using Mafia and film-noir theme :’(
I have fuzzy caterpillars and Ladybugs all around me on this fine spring morning! ”-)
This! With the help of many wonderful volunteers these geese who were dying in their dried up pond here in Northern CA. were rescued today and are now being sent to their new homes in Santa Cruz. Give geese a chance! A happy, happy day after their sad story was revealed last weekend.
I stopped by a woman (driver) and boy that had turned around on the access road ahead of me, asking, “Do you need help?”
The driver didn’t even know the state she was in, and I pointed them in the right (one-way) direction.
Watched 10 month old Zoey and 6 year old Jaden yesterday and today. Yesterday we took a walk around the block. My legs hurt afterward and I was disgusted, so today we took a little longer walk. We walked two blocks to the south, one block to the east, and as we started back up two blocks back to the north Jaden said, “Where are we going?”
I said, “Nowhere. We’re just walking in circles.”
He said, “No, it’s a rectangle.”
I had to chuckle! I need to starting walking in rectangles more often, and even squares and triangles.
I saw a huge horse laying on it’s back in the grass, rolling from side to side, kicking it’s feet in the air. I don’t know the reason, but it was a spectacular thing to watch.
I made a delicious huge pot of beef veggie soup with New York steak, yellow squash, zucchini, onions, red, yellow and orange peppers and new potatoes for my ranch friends. Rave reviews and now I am a hot sweaty mess heading for the shower after a full day of cooking, ranch chores, and now, wine, wine, wine. :-)
I just said goodbye to my boys for the next three weeks.
They will stay in Holland, while my wife and I return today.
Now, even though saying goodbye is never fun, I was proud to see them carry themselves so well as they did.
They never are afraid as long as they are with friends or family. They know we will soon see each other again.
No cries, just sincere hugs, smiles, live and love.
Made me proud.
Chris and the kids came by. Adrionna has a fascination with Vaseline and my face cream. Forgot to put it up. She came out on the deck where we all were, covered, head to toe in my face cream!
Put out the garbage so far. At my age, I’m constantly being told that “any day above ground is a good day.”
It’s a beautiful and relatively COOL day! Breezy and around 78 degrees at noon-ish now.
I just had a big bowl of fresh strawberries with strawberry yogurt. The moment is good. haha
I gained the trust of a very nervous Collie today. I felt honoured that this anxious old boy decided that I was ok after all.
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