Meta Question

Mimishu1995's avatar

Care to share your sweet, embarassing, funny, beautiful, random... whatever Fluther memories?

Asked by Mimishu1995 (23811points) April 28th, 2014

Yeah, a lot of people here have been here for a long time. Some have developed really close relationship with Dr. J. So anyone care to share some Fluther memories.

Come on. I’m in the mood for good stories now. And it is also a great way to get to know your relationship with Dr. J.

Tell me your Fluther stories, anyone?

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51 Answers

thorninmud's avatar

Back in “08, Andrew (one of Fluther’s founders) asked a question that someone else had just asked. Lots of good-natured ribbing ensued.

There was also the time Ben and Andrew solicited member suggestions for new “greetings” (the perky messages that appear under usernames up at the top-right of the page. That was a lot of fun, and a couple of mine still pop-up there.

Berserker's avatar

The YARNPOCALYPSE, I will always remember. It was crazy, and we broke every rule ever, but…worth it.

So there’s a jelly here, I can’t name names, even though this is nothing bad about the user. Just not sure she wants to remember this. XD

We did it on Easter a few years ago, late at night, a few users and I. Basically we were commemorating that jelly. But it sort of went out of hand…We posted I think like over 70 questions that included stuff about yarn, sewing, squirrels and…they weren’t real questions. We just completely flooded the whole site with questions. AND we went into already existing questions and flooded those with answers about squirrels, yarn and sewing. We all switched our avatar to the same one that the jelly in question had at the time. (this has happened here before, with other users plenty of other times, although I don’t see it happen anymore, ever, but I’m sure most people remember the AstroChuck avataring haha)

Went Auggie got on the next day she was like, omg wtf. She and the mods had to clean up our mess. :/ We didn’t get in trouble or anything, and the commemorated user enjoyed it. We were let away with it, but of course, without being told, knew that it was a one time thing and that we should probably not do that again.
I had tons of fun, but I actually felt kind of bad. Not just for spamming the site, but for how the user in question might feel about it. I even sent her a message in advance going, uh…dude, if you see all this stuff when you get on tomorrow…but she got a laugh out of it. I admit, we went completely overboard, and most of us apologized the next day in a thread that someone made asking what the hell all this was.

Well, that’s my memorable event. What makes me feel sad about this is that most of the people who were directly involved in creating the YARNPOCALYPSE have, by now, all left the site. Good and bad feeling. I had fun, but so many of my friends left. This also includes the user who inspired the event, she doesn’t post anymore, hasn’t for quite a while anyway.

Dutchess_III's avatar


The frizzer question. I actually posted a couple of responses as Val_123 before it got sent to the zoo.

jca's avatar

I was going to say the Yarn pocalypse too.

Berserker's avatar

Also I meant when, not went. Ugh.

AshLeigh's avatar

I wasn’t there, but I love the question where two people got engaged.

There was that time we were all posting our voices, and someone was like ”@AshLeigh, you have to be 13 to participate in Fluther” (I believe I was 16 or 17 at the time) and I said “Suck my dick” and it got modded, even though me and him are homies and were just joking around :)

Stinley's avatar

Does anyone remember the smegma question. I had fun that day. Changed my avatar and everything

johnpowell's avatar

This is my favorite. At least the one that I take the most pride in.

ucme's avatar

I liked lucillelucillelucille, I had loadsa laughs with lucillelucillelucille, I kinda miss lucillelucillelucille…#holytrinity

Dutchess_III's avatar

Thanks for the hose in the ear tip @johnpowell! As long as your ear doesn’t have smegma in it, it should be cool.

Brian1946's avatar

Here’s the Yarnpocalypse thread:

Here’s the quip where the term originated. I miss KateTheGreat, the world’s best-armed opera singer! ;-( You would have liked her, @Mimishu1995 She played some mean Mafiosa music with her machine gun!

Yarnpocalypse is the term that took hold, but I really liked SavoirFaire’s “Yarnageddon” too.

Here’s the first sign of the Yarnpocalypse:

Berserker's avatar

@Brian1946 Lol nice. A screenshot exists!

And yeah, Kate was certainly one of a kind. :)

Brian1946's avatar


From what I can see of the screenshot, you, YARNLADY, seazen, and Kate were the Four Horsepeople of the Yarnpocalypse! ;-o

Cruiser's avatar

@Brian1946 At the heat of the Yarnpocalypse we had near 100% rabbit ears in the thread….it was pretty hilarious.

Berserker's avatar

@Brian1946 Seelix was also a horseperson. :D She’s not in that screenshot, but trust me, she was there. :D

dappled_leaves's avatar

Looks like Putin was on people’s minds then, too. :P

Mimishu1995's avatar

Err.. apart from that YARNPOCALYPSE, what’s more? I want to hear MORE!

gailcalled's avatar

May 12, 2009 when @whatthefluther (Gary) proposed to @scrowell (Sherry) and she accepted.

The amazingly fortuitous moment when @judochop listened to Dr. Shilolo and went to the ER just before his appendix burst, had emergency surgery and lived to fluther another day.

“surgery. Appendix burst. Talk to you all after the surgery.”

turtlesandbox's avatar

April Fools Day gave us negative evrul. The greetings under our usernames were rude. And users were construing drivel as they typed their answers.

It was the best April Fools’ Day here

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

I would be very sad indeed, if I never got to hear what Milo thought of some situations.

Mimishu1995's avatar

@turtlesandbox How about the last April Fool we had, with the help of the jelly section?

Brian1946's avatar

@Mimishu1995 It’s good to see that you’ve stopped calling your questions stupid or crazy.

Mimishu1995's avatar

@Brian1946 Thanks to @gailcalled :p And I guess you still remember how you aid me with my evil plan last April Fool?

turtlesandbox's avatar

@Mimishu1995 not even close. to tell you the truth I don’t even remember what was done this year.

Mimishu1995's avatar

@turtlesandbox Because you weren’t there. And the jelly section only existed for one day.

jca's avatar

I remember “Talk like a Pirate Day” or something similarly named, about 5 or 6 years ago, where anything you typed was automatically typed to look like pirate-speak.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Oh, that was hilarious! Re: Yarnacopolipse: Miss Anthrope: “drunk chat exploded onto Fluther, apparently.” Think that nailed it you guys!

janbb's avatar

Does anybody else remember when Jeruba enlisted a bunch of us to change our avatars to Astrochuck’s for a day? That was the precursor to Yarnpocolypse.

Cruiser's avatar

@janbb I do! And always wondered what it would be like to be a book smart penguin!

turtlesandbox's avatar

Jeruba took several screenshots of Astrochuck day. Here you go

Berserker's avatar

I remember the Astrochuck thing, ecxept back then I was new, I didn’t know anyone on here and when I saw that I had no idea what was going on. ^^

Dog's avatar

@johnpowell What about the infamous “bag of dicks” quip? He he he….

Oh the awesome memories! I really miss so many of our old comrades.
What the Fluther
And so many more…

Some are just MIA- others are getting the upstairs party going for us.

Berserker's avatar

I miss Vunessuh.

Dog's avatar

For those who were not present here is our question on who will write the millionth quip. ;)

Hey- we are over 2 million now. What was the second millionth quip?

OpryLeigh's avatar

I remember when one Jelly told me that he thought I was one of the sweetest members here. It was a good few years ago and, at a time where I was feeling pretty invisible (in life, not just here!) so that very simple compliment made me feel really good and I have always remembered it.

johnpowell's avatar

Ha.. I totally forgot about bag of dicks. I managed to get very lucky.

janbb's avatar

There was also the dickpunch which hasn’t been done in a while.

AshLeigh's avatar

I feel like I miss all of the cool stuff. Like the time everyone posted their phone numbers, and called each other. Coloma mentioned it once.

janbb's avatar

@AshLeigh It did used to be a livelier place although I don’t remember phone number posting.

Berserker's avatar

Well this only happened between another jelly and I but…Michael_Huntington and me watched a movie in the chat room. We wanted to watch it together so we could comment on it while watching. We watched The Stuff which is a horror movie about live, killer yogurt. It’s totally ridiculous and funny. I found the link on Youtube and we watched it from there.
So nobody is going to understand it if I say, ’‘No Ben, I’ll buy mooooore!’’ But Michael_Huntington will. ^^

It was awesome to me, anyway.

wildpotato's avatar

Vagina nose always cracks me up.

Brian1946's avatar


“Hey- we are over 2 million now. What was the second millionth quip?”

Hey Stella.

Here’s # 2,000,000:

Fluther is on the verge of seeing its 3 millionth quip. This quip is #2,946,923.

Brian1946's avatar

By my casual calculations, we should get # 3 million sometime in the second half of June.

Mimishu1995's avatar

@Brian1946 I’ll try to be the #3 million!

Brian1946's avatar


Let’s try to remember to post a question asking whose quip will the 3 millionth.

What’s gonna happen to me or whoever is the 3 millionth, if it isn’t you? ;-o

Mimishu1995's avatar

@Brian1946 I’ll blast your head out if you are the 3 millionth! ~

Brian1946's avatar


Then I’ll give you “heads” up when I see # 2,999,990, just so I can continue to give “heads” up afterward. ;-p

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