Would you like to play the game: continue this story?
I do not own this idea. All credits go to @Adirondackwannabe!
OK so the rule is a little like TJBM:
The main goal is to make up a story beginning with the sentence the jelly above you write.
Ex: @jelly1 writes: “It was a dark and stormy night.”
@jelly2 has to write:
“A girl and a boy suddenly died”
“They were holding hand in hand”
“While their killer was running wild”
Suddenly the lights flickered, and then went out. The lightning was intense and lit up the night at times. A chill ran through my guts as I realized someone was leaning against the window, looking in. When they moved their hand it left behind a bloody handprint, with the blood slowly streaming down the window in the rain.
Then @jelly2 will have to write: “Cala looks at the car in surprise”
@jelly3 has to write: “It is her husband’s car! Why is it here? Is he following her all the way? <blah blah blah>”
And it goes on just like TJBM :p
Come on! Let your imagination freely roam around, and see where it will go!
Party on, dude!
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104 Answers
It was a dark and stormy night.
…, but the glow in the distance neither dimmed nor flickered.
The wind driven rain churned the dirt road to mud as the carriage hurtled through the gloom.
when…out of the darkness a deformed creature staggered, splashing through the muddy puddles and….
Held out his thumb. I think it was his thumb; this creature was too hairy and mangled to be sure. Anyway, I pulled the carriage over and…
…it was just some dirty vagabond who asked, yo bitch ass, gots a quarter ur what? I…
Have a great game of quarters going on at the house up the street and I accidentally drank mine.
So I reached in my pocket and pulled out…
A credit card. Don’t take plastic? Sorry I only carry 100’s. He then looked at me and said..
Suspiciously…. Why are you carrying a credit card and a hundred? What else you got in that pocket?
Not what you’re thinking, man, geeze. So I reached in and pulled out…
a shrunken head, it appeared to be that of a young man, with red hair….
and a gap in his grinning teeth.
“who is that?” cried out the malformed vagabond in terror….
“Never you mind” replied the head, now offended at the bum’s revulsion. “where are your manners?”
“Well” the mutant vagabond said, “I can always use a little head.” And he started to unzip his….
@Dog Hahaha…“malformed vagabond” very good! lol
…tattered trousers, his feeble, moldy member slithering forth like a diseased banana slug.
Touch it, he mumbled as the head reeled in….
And suddenly there was a clap of thunder, lightening striking and sizzling the dysmorphic derelict right before my eyes.
“Oh, well,” I sighed, “might as well get back on the road before I’m late to…”
My appointment at the castle. I started off and had only gone a short distance when I came on a mutant hooker. What is in the water around here I thought to myself. She looked like…
What is with this carriage? I need to have the alignment checked. I try to steer it one way and it keeps heading straight for the gutter…
Anyway, this mutant hooker ended up being Jena Jamison. Makes sense, but I didn’t expact to see an enhanced slut this far out in the middle of nowhere. Regardless, I picked her up.
“What are you doing out here?”
“I’m lookin’ for love in all the wrong places,” I murmured.
“Well,” she said as she bared her breasts, “You might try looking between these…”
And she had a third perfectly formed breast between the other two… she really was mutated and enhanced… or am i….
…just so stoned to the gills that I will make a mountain out of…
Hey hold everything….she has a bag of cheetos in her purse. She see me looking at those cheesy bites and…..
she snarles at me “Hands off my Cheetos or I’ll do to you what I did to Tito. We had a fight and I cutoff his….”
Credit card!
Well, that threat is enough to scare anybody, so I kicked that bitch back to the gutter.
I think I’ll still be on time for my meeting about…
my pending divorce to my illegal Yugoslavian wife named…
Svetelanya who makes my head…..
spin like I am possessed by demons, evil wench she was, I’ll never forget the time she bashed my Maserati up with a….
Ducati. “Funny running into you,” she said, as she slowly…
Put her arm back in its socket revealing that she was in fact not human but a…
A Firey! Unlike Sarah, her big brother never bothered to look for her in the Labyrinth, and that was what David Bowie in his nut-hugging white pants chose as her fate. Crazy!
So after Svetelanya put herself back together, she…
stood in front of me and I could not help but think, is she gong to kill me now and lay her eggs in my chest or…
…maybe I’ll kill her. I reached behind me for my…
Crazed and hungry pet Baboon. He has a penchant for…
Uh…nice chop job ending there @Dan_Lyons haha ;-)
@Yetanotheruser saves the day.
Voluptuous breasts, pendulous breasts, heaving, massive, fluffy breasts, covered in downy fuzz. He quivered and felt enormous in his pants…and then…. his fetish came true, his secret penchant for girls that ate hard boiled eggs dripping with…..
…Teriaki Sauce and smothered in Shitome Mushrooms {with cilantro}...
The combination plate of epicurean desires caused him to….
…And lovingly, he placed his hand on his beloved machine gun…
Oh man, this story messed up :/
his ammo clip felt seductively heavy across his hip…
He whispered: “I love you forever, machine gun. Tonight we will do something feeling good!”
Seriously I don’t even understand what I’m writing :p
He then took the machine gun home and carefully placed it in the safe. He walked out to his garage and started his…
muscle car, vrooom, vrooom. and decided to cruise the local….
Restaurant whose owner had refused to accept his Mafia boss’s “protection” earlier. He called his favorite steak and skillfully eyed the owner in a corner…
of the club, looking grim with his wooden leg propped on the table…
He stared at the owner, working out the best time to “take care of” him.
He’s going to help him remove the mafia boss and clean up the city. The owner has a special alter-ego as a crime fighting…
But unfortunately, he wasn’t aware of that. Some day later, he and several of his men (and his beloved machine gun) raided the restaurant…
we need a new story..this will never be a best seller. lol
Where they were killed when restaurant owner revealed himself to be the flying death burrito of delayed capsaicin vengeance.
He grabbed his beloved machine gun and screamed: “LET’S KILL HIM! WE RATHER DIE THAN BEING DEFEATED BY THIS FAGGOT!”
@Mimishu1995 Whoa, whoa…take a breath, you are foaming at the mouth now. lol
Woah, woah, woah. I should tell you that I have been dating the derilict vagabond bum from the beginning of the story for decades. Let’s figure out a reasonable solution, here…
My suggestion is…
Ok so they did kill and eat the flying burrito hero but then died the next morning when they experienced his delayed capsaicin vengeance.
And just before he died, he hugged his machine gun and whispered: “I’m sorry I can’t live with you forever, so now let’s share our mutual feeling…”
He died after a violent orgasm with the machine gun.
OK, let’s change to another story. This one sucks!
Holy shit. There were dinosaurs.
Dodging and running through the Triassic underbrush, mere steps ahead of the the gnashing, gore covered, snapping jaws of the pursuing Allosaurus, God turned sharply and flung herself headlong into a dark, damp hole that conveniently appeared in thick underbrush.
Me! She exclaimed. That was fortunate!
…And then, realizing she is God and has no need to flee anything, she turns, raises herself to her full height of 5 feet two with eyes of blue and passing her hand in front of her she changes the entire world into a beautiful seascape and settles in to enjoy her Mai Tai…
…Little does she know that a particular dinosaur is a freaking mutant and he is immune to God’s spells. He roams around while God isn’t looking and spread his mutant virus around…
But then she realizes that since she is God and all powerful and created all things, that she couldn’t make a dinosaur who is immune and so God changes it into a Siamese Cat with Deep blue eyes and Sharp claws and turns the virus into Skittles which rain from the sky on every other Tuesday…
when the rainbow-hued were-rabbit will awaken with a thirst for fruit punch.
But the dinosaur doesn’t give up. He turns himself into mutant Superman and flies on the sky and turns the rainbow-hued were rabbit into Super-Saiya-Joker and together they drew a plan to turn God into a virus.
But they couldn’t do that because, as it turns out, God already is a virus…
Disclaimer: This isn’t the demon spawn of my loins as I saw it. You guys are seriously twisted.
And that’s how a blind belief in God can be devastating.
Another one, please!
George awoke, blinding sun in his eyes. When he looked at his watch, he was surprised to find out it was really 11:00 pm…
“Ah shit! I overslept again!” He murmured. “Then what is the point of doing my plan?” With that thought in mind he closed his eyes again.
No, not the end. He wondered why the sun was shining in his eyes at 11:00 pm…
completely forgetting that being that far north at that time of year, the Sun never sets. But that is what Gin does for you, helps you forget.
Forget that they had been together for going on twelve years. Forget that together they had built this house, this frontier homestead, this life. Forget that they had, together, fought the bitter cold, suffocating snows, the northern wind that ripped at your clothes and froze any exposed skin within minutes. Forget that they were both been an integral part of this little corner of the world perversely called Paradise. Forget that she was gone.
Forget that he’s no longer a normal man and has been late for his job appointment with the Mafia…
On an alien planet. Organized crime in the 23rd century is controlled by insectoid aliens.
He rose from his bed and hurried to his spaceship, hoping that the Mafia would forgive him…
Realizing that general relativity will work in his favor he pins the throttle to 100%, takes a long route and is relieved knowing all the mob guys will be long dead when he gets there
Except that the mob guys are in possession of a device which bends light, time and the theory of relativity so that they will be alive when he gets there…
…in an alternate universe. He realizes, “Hey, I AM the Mob!, and these “mobsters” all work for me!” He then entered into a state of Catatonia…
But he didn’t like this state because some idiot muscle-man actor was the governor, so he…
illegally crossed the border. Having avoided the border patrol, he came across a group of anti-immigration vigilantes who…
Spent the entire day and most of the night poking holes into and spilling out the contents of water jugs that had been left in the desert by “activists” trying to provide a means of survival to those foolish and courageous enough to brave the heat, scorpions, snakes and lechegue in order to provide a means of income for their families back home. Later, lying on the bare concrete floor of the prison cell in some small, inconsequential backwater Arizona town he realized….....
that the water he stole was sponsored by a mysterious criminal companies and now they are tracking him down.
He looked around, only to find…
the secret to success scrawled across…
the bare concrete floor of the prison cell in that same small, inconsequential backwater Arizona town.
“Ajo, Arizona!” he sighed…
“Why can’t I just let thing be?” he thought, while trying to memorize what was written on the floor in hieroglyphics.
He a small voice speaking to him from the adjoining cell…
…singing a small song:
La la la, La la la”…
“You’ll never leave here alive” the voice murmured. It continued “I know, because——”
“Can you take me with you?” he asked. “By the way, if you can travel through time, why are you in this hell hole?”
“What?” “Arizona?” “I’ve been to worse places, although at this time I can’t think of one.” the time traveler said.
“I mean this jail” he said, exasperated at the thought that intelligence is apparently no requisite for time travel. “Can you spring us out of here?” he whispered?
The time traveler looked back. Her eyes suddenly looked extremely vacant. She started singing again, in that small voice…“La la la, La, la, la”…
“What are you doing?” He shouted at the time traveller…
“La la la la… Guess that doctor has blasted me to the wrong time again…”
“No! No! Nooooooooo! Take me with you!” He lunged at the Time Traveler, his arms wrapping around her young body in a total embrace. He felt her body fading from this time, then solidifying, then…
she slowly vanished, as the words to her song faded slowly in the distance “I could wile away the hours, consulting with the flowers——-”
it left him wondering if he would ever get out of this jail alive.
The guard suddenly came and asked: “Hey, what the heck was going on? Was you talking with yourself?”
“yes” he replied, “and singing as well. When do they feed us in here?”
Fast-fordward two hundred years later, when archaeologists were digging in Arizona. The found a peculiar building with a peculiar room that contained the peculiar remains of…jellies!
“But this is impossible!” he exclaimed. “Jellies are made of gel and would dry up and blow away in Arizona. How do explain this?”
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