Where's the weirdest place you've ever exercised?
I’m a bridesmaid in a wedding this Saturday and tonight I have to go get a spray tan so my skin doesn’t match my champagne dress. Thursday is an evening cardio night, so I won’t be able to do that now. I planned on getting up at 5:30 (like I do on lifting days, MWF) so I could get my workout in. I woke up so tired that I didn’t exercise. I felt pretty guilty because I’ve been working out M-F consistently for over a month and I didn’t want to break my streak.
SO…I worked out in my office for the first half of my lunch break. Not only that, but I did it in a skirt, tights, and sweater with the sleeves rolled up. Ditched the heels, though. My office is tiny, so it took some maneuvering, but I got about 28 solid minutes in (thanks to FitnessBlender). I was so self-conscious about the people around me hearing me huff and puff and wonder what the hell I was doing and half of me felt stupid for doing it at all. The other half of me feels pretty proud. I can’t decide if it’s commitment, or an obsession. Oh well, I feel much better now!
Where’s the weirdest place you’ve ever exercised?
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12 Answers
Good for you! I’ve done exercises in a hotel room. Still do.
I often do knee-related weight-bearing exercises on the steps at our post office because the steps are 8” high and there are hand rails on both sides. There’s not much traffic, particularly between 12:15 and 3:00 when it is closed, and, besides, everyone knows me.
Then I lock the car and go for a 30 minute walk. The road is next to fields and a stream and has a wide shoulder. People’s gardens are starting to bloom too.
I also aroutinely do posture and neck and shoulder stretches and rolls while in line at the bank or supermarket.
The middle of the ocean. I went on a week long scuba dive trip and every morning I would don my goggles and do a 40 minute swim out and around the dive boat. I felt eerily vulnerable in just a swim suit in 50 feet of water by myself. One morning I swam headlong into a swarm of tiny jellyfish and got stung easily 200 times. I was a bimply mess by the time I got back to the boat.
At work I’ve run stair repeats and worked out in the storage area doing calf raises using 40 pound boxes. Also at work I’ve done push-ups, sit-ups and roll-outs (with a little wheel) in the bathroom. In the parking lot I do leg exercises with a rubber cord and walk hills on my one hour long lunch break. (I don’t need but 15 minutes to eat lunch).
I’ve also worked out in my hospital room (I was an in-patient for 15 days last July and August) doing pacing back and forth with my I.V. pole and did leg flutter kicks, push-ups and sit-ups (when the nurse is gone). One time the nurse caught me doing push-ups and confined me to bed. But that didn’t stop me from doing crunches, flutter kicks and isometrics.
I did three yoga postures in a hospital hallway while waiting for them to let me go in and see my s/o after his operation.
@Aster I hope they were all standing postures…I can’t imagine putting my hands on a hospital hallway floor!
^^^^ I was extremely upset and it never entered my mind to care a bit.
@Aster If I was upset and anxious Down Dog would be my first choice but I would have stole some rubber examination gloves to do it there. :D
In a room filled with a bunch of ½ naked men.
Oh, wait, that was gym class.
The school’s yard.
With the bonus of a forever-frown-and-always-demanding-and-always-shout-at-us-and-always-make-getting-marks-seem-so-hard heck of a teacher.
@Cruiser I can’t ,of course, say you’d be wrong to use gloves but I will say I“m never sick with anything. Now I’ve just cursed myself by saying that.
In my car. While I’m driving and listening to the radio, I squeeze my butt cheeks to the music. Lol
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