What's the strangest compliment you've ever received? (As NSFW as you want)
Asked by
zenvelo (
May 1st, 2014
I don’t want to know the best or greatest compliment, just what was the weirdest, most odd, strangest? Maybe backhanded, maybe not. But don’t make it up, just whatever someone has told you…
I had a lover once tell me, “oh, so nice, you have no backfat!”
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30 Answers
A woman I had know for less than a day said, “Who did your nose?”
When standing in line at the strip club during a bachelorette party this past weekend, a young drunk guy was walking out, took one look at us, and said, “Dang, do y’all work here? You’re all fine as hell.” I’m pretty sure it was meant as a compliment, but it’s a bit strange to compliment a woman by asking her if she’s a stripper.
Apparently I have a beautiful back & upper buttocks ..lol Backs are sexy? To a photographer I guess.
“Hey this isn’t disgusting” after someone tried a dish I made. I guess they could have hurled.
When I had long hair more than once I was told “nice ass” by a guy and when I turned around I would here “she’s a dude!” lol!
@Livelaugh I know guy backs are but a regular chick? Guess I just figured they focus on boobs.
“You’re beautiful but your feet are just cute!”
@KNOWITALL A girls back can be rockin sexy! Especially in a backless evening gown and of course bikini.
I GUESS. i like sexy smooth feet!
@KNOWITALL I agree that guy’s backs are more likely to be described as sexy (especially by me), but I’ve seen some sexy backs on ladies, too. I hope to have one someday soon. Working on it. :)
My ex used to tell my my back was sexy.
I know a woman who practices Karate, (yoseikan) and now she’s a teacher. She wasn’t back then but there was a party at her house and I went. She had a bo there which she also practices with. A bo, like a staff, or stick. She showed me some very basic moves with it. Nothing major, basically just how to hold it, and some slow motion strikes. So I started trying the basics she showed me. As I was doing them, someone told me I looked ’‘hot’’ doing it. lmao I really didn’t know what to respond to that.
That lady also has sais, but she wasn’t showing anything with those. (I didn’t think martial artists were supposed to unofficially show you anything, but yeah, this happened)
One former girlfriend complimented me on my soft lips, desribed as like a woman’s mouth.
“I’ll wager that mouth never had to chew through the side of a ship to escape the dreadful spindly killer fish”...said I, that was the strange bit :D
When staying in Honduras I rented an apartment with an English couple. They asked me what part of England I was from. I was confused by this and asked them why they thought I was English, clearly they could tell my accent was quiet different from theirs.
“Well, you seem pretty smart and tend to use big words, we figured you couldn’t possibly be an American.”
You’re pretty nimble for a fat guy.
You are pretty fast! You almost got away.
“You have a strange mind.”
Your forest is so beautiful, with all those tall and healthy trees.
Just kidding. It’s my imagination.
Ok, I finally have it! I’ve been thinking and thinking, finally remembered something. Once upon a time I had it all as far as looks go. I was beautiful, with a body that would stop traffic (Literally. More than once guys slammed on their brakes, or drove around the block to look again. Once a street sweeper swept the street in front of my house 5 times as I was trying to wash my car. I was like, “Leave me ALONE!” and I finally quit in mid wash and went in the house).
Anyway, I went out on a date once with a guy who had a convertible Corvette. Oh, nice car!! So, I slide into the passenger side of the car, he gets in, glances over at me and says, ”Damn, you make a nice seat cover!”’
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Deal Breaker!<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
As I said, I went on A date, as in ONE, with that guy.
From some random creep on Instagram: “Lets trade nudes mb? ;) btw I got trich too I like that shit weird is sexy ;)”
Trichotillomania: compulsive hair pulling.
Not sexy. At all. What the frick frack!?
“You dress well for a fat person.” This came from someone who was a size 0.
“Your calves are so hot I want to take them and bite into them like they were chicken legs.” Oooookay.
When I had blue hair, the crazy catcalls I used to get. It was like, “Hey, lil’ miss blueberry!” “Smurfette! Smurfette! Come over here!” and “Rainbow brite” and stuff.
@linguaphile That size 0 would’ve gotten punched in the face if I were you.
When I was fourteen I was walking to church on Easter. My mother had gotten me all decked out for the occasion. A man was pulling out of a driveway in front of me and he put on the brakes, stared at me (I became slightly anxious) and said , “You’re going to be awfully cute someday.” I can’t think of any compliments except that one!
was he driving a “free candy” van?
When I was 13 we were on a family road trip. Stopped at some podunk gas station. I went in to get a pop and some old guy asked if I wanted a beer.
Got back in the car, back on the road, and I told my folks about that. Dad slammed on the brakes, was ready to get back and kick the guy’s ass! My dad was a very peaceful, non-violent person, too! At 6’4” all he really needed to do was stand up. But that’s another story.
Mom put her hand on his arm and said, “Joe….Joe…..” so we kept driving. In silence. For a long ways.
When someone asked me if I knew a girl who use to work where I work now, said I looked just like this girl, that I could be her daughter. Turns out when she told me this girl’s name it was ME! I was mistaken to be 20 years younger!
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