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Berserker's avatar

Have you ever found, or encountered an object and never figured out what it was?

Asked by Berserker (33553points) May 1st, 2014

I believe the title says most of it. It must be an object. A thing. Something you may have found or come across, and you didn’t know what it was. While my questions suggests that you may have never discovered what it was, if you have discovered it eventually, this does count.

But here’s an example.
Now I didn’t find this thing, but someone I know did, and I saw it. Back when I was playing Dungeons&Dragons years ago, one player showed up to the game with a strange object. It was this ball made out of metal, about twice as big as my fist. All silver, kind of shiny, with a round indentation on top, or what I assumed to be the top. Looked like you could open it at first, but you couldn’t. Nothing else was on this. The guy said he found it in a park, and we puzzled over it. Someone suggested that it might be one of those balls that people throw at Olympics and stuff, and whoever throws it the furthest wins. But then someone else said that if that’s what it was, the weight of the ball would be on said ball. I don’t know nothing about that sport, perhaps true, perhaps not.

So of course we joked about it all night, saying it might be from some aliens, or that it was filled with uranium and we’d all be dead pretty soon. The guy who found it said he would bring it to the university and get it appraised. D&D joke sorry, but he really did say this.
I was really curious to know what it was, but there was never any follow up on this. Don’t know if the dude got it ’‘appraised’’ or not. Nobody ever asked. To this day, still don’t know what the hell this shiny silver metal ball was.

So that’s my example. Have you any stories about strange objects you found, and that you never figured out what they were? As I say, if you know by now, the story is still valid.

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9 Answers

Jonesn4burgers's avatar

When I was a kid, we discovered a couple od good sized rocks which were a perfect place to sit in the shade of a tree and watch the creek go by. I named them The Dinosaurs, because it looked like two lizard type critters had huddled sie by side, and turned to fossils on that spot. I

I was a kid, so I had no way of contacting anyone to find out if it was just my imagination, or something worth checking. I also found a rock in the creek just a few feet away which looked like a large egg.
Eventually, as I learned more about fossils, I learned that only the bones survived to turn to stone, UNTIL, I saw a special on super volcanoes, where dinosaurs had been encased in ash , dieing from the poison gasses etc., and being promptly burried in ash and preserved in a stone casing. This happened even hundreds of miles away. So, I’m curious again.

ibstubro's avatar

I know it’s not the same thing, but this is social and I love this site. It’s still appropriate to the question, IMO.

Nearly everything I encounter is figured out. I have an auction house and if you take an item there, someone willl tell you what it is, or make up a damned good story!

Dan_Lyons's avatar

One night returning home to the farm from the city I saw a burning bright object falling straight down into a neighboring farm’s acreage.
I never did find that thing nor figure out what it was. {I always assumed it was a small meteor}.

non_omnis_moriar's avatar

Parts of machinery can look mysterious until they are in context.

Metal MODERN ART sculpture pieces also fall into the same category.

dxs's avatar

“This” Fluther mystery never got solved…

dxs's avatar

This Fluther mystery never got solved…

ibstubro's avatar

I consider it solved, @dxs. I believe it to have been migrating spiders, as was discussed. The items suspended from the lines might have been the launching point at the time, later picked up by the wind and the direction reversed.

Coloma's avatar

My ex husband.

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