Something that broke or was torn/damaged when you were a kid that particularly upset you?
Asked by
ucme (
May 2nd, 2014
A toy, or a book, maybe a favourite item of clothing, or a teddy bear.
Could be that whatever it was became destroyed accidentally, or perhaps you or someone else did the deed out of anger somehow.
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50 Answers
The day I broke my yellow power ranger action figure. I will never forget the horror of hitting her too hard against my concrete sidewalk and her head rolling off. It was utterly devestating.
Heh here is a lame story. As a kid I found a rear view mirror from a car. The rectangular ones inside the car. So I kept playing with it, holding it up to my face and walking around, pretending I was in a car. It was awesome because I could see behind me with it, so it gave that sweet ass reality experience. I played with it straight for like 3 days, pretending I was driving around. Eventually I dropped it and it broke, and I was super sad. I mean, really upset.
A few weeks later, we moved in this new house, and in the garage, guess what I found…not one, but TWO rear view mirrors. I was like, JACKPOT!
Started playing with those just as I did with the first, but I got bored of them real quick, and abandoned them in the garage. I think I learned something that day, but I don’t remember what it was.
We lived in the sticks and burned all our trash. One day I came home from school and there sat my favorite stuffed animal from babyhood, ½ black on the burn pile. My mother thought I would never miss it, and she might have been correct had she completed her task. I was traumatized.
Yes, it was literally traumatic for me at the time, @Dutchess_III. It was a teddy bear with a sort of orangish brown fur and white face. It took me a bit to remember the bear, but not the experience.
I used to have a plastic purse. It was black and there was a white flower on the front that was covered with clear plastic. We were on a family road trip and one of my sisters got ahold of it and we started fighting over it. Mom yelled, “Give it to me!!!” So I passed it to her and gave my sister a triumphant look, like nanny “Nanny poo poo!” Seconds later my triumph turned to horror when my mom rolled the window down and threw the purse out the window. I will never forget the shocked betrayal I felt.
Sounds like something my mother would have done, @Dutchess_III!
“Do you want me to backhand you??”
I was around 10—almost 60 years ago—and I still remember how sad and upset this made me. I was at summer camp and my parents had come to visit for a Sunday open house. They brought me a huge watermelon to share with my cabin mates, and as I was carrying it back to the cabin, I dropped it and hopelessly watched it roll down an embankment into the creek. Of course it busted into a hundred pieces. I just sat down and wept… Not so much for the loss of the melon itself as for the fact my parents had driven all that way to bring it to me and I had ruined it.
@Pachy I understand your melon-choly…sorry, i’m trampling all over your feelings with humour, do forgive me.
My mom kinda had problems with impulse control @ibstubro.
@Pachy that is so sad. :’(
Most. Depressing. Thread. Ever.
I knew this would get emotional when I asked it, kinda feels like all the sad parts of Toy Story.
Far from depressing though, recalling fond memories of childhood posessions, okay, they ended up as toast, but still…they were alive once :D
@ucme We all remember our toys…and they remember us, too. :)
When my age was in the single digits I lost a sock monkey that my great grandma had made for me. Around twenty years ago she passed away (great-grandma, not monkey).
A few years ago my aunt sent me a package for Christmas that had a new sock monkey and snicker-doodles in it. Turns out my great grandma heard of my lost monkey and sent a replacement that she made to my aunt. My aunt was in the Air Force at the time and living in Germany. The monkey got lost for around 25 years. But I have it now.
@johnpowell Nice. :) (also you got a lot of tabs on your computer)
I suppose I should share my own sob story.
I got a bike one birthday & I rode it around the block, my mum was sat on the step of our front door eagerly waving as I completed each circuit.
“Look Ma, no hands” I said, unfortunately next time around…
“Look Ma, no teeth” I’d crashed into the kerb & went arse over tit onto the path through showing off & buckled the front wheel…sad times :(
No, thankfully my injuries weren’t that severe & my missing teeth, they grew right back.
Hahahahahaa, @ucme. Your pun brings water to my melon-choly eyes.
My mother bought me a Chinese doll at the shore when I was old enough to wear lipstick. I kissed her lips and left a red stain that’s still there. LOL Yes; she is in my drawer.
@Dutchess_III LOL thanks for that purse story, you made my day, still can’t stop laughing, I can just picture the chaos in the car!
I got a Chatty Cathy doll for Christmas one year and within an hour of waking up and finding her under the tree, my brother had torn her head off to see what made her talk.
Eons ago I owned a toy drum and I became very upset when my friend stuck a drumstick through the skin. My mother wasn’t sympathetic as it was me who left it out in the rain for two weeks but I didn’t see it that way.
This is one fine thread sniff thanks for revealing your heartbreaking stories whimper
I know with a fair wind sobs & shared goodwill bawling now we can come through the other side on this one no really, properly blubbing over here
Poor @ucme. I’m sniffling too. :(
I was all about science probably age 10 or so. I was so excited when I found an old headlight lens because I had a ‘petrie dish’ of my very own. My sister (3 years older) asked me for it. I told her no, that I found it and I wanted it. She demanded it. I told her no again. I made the mistake of leaving it out, and the next I saw it, the dish was in pieces. She would have been forced to return it if she’d stolen it, so she just made sure I couldn’t have it either.
I was pretty upset when my brother (6 years older) and sister tore my talking Casper the Friendly Ghost apart, then tortured me by playing the little record that had been his voice. Yes, there was a little 3” vinyl record in him, @chyna.
Those shitheads @ibstubro! Where are they?!! I’ll go beat them up!
The only one I associate with is my brother, @Dutchess_III. He came to the auction and we were getting along really well. Then my brother – the only one of 3 kids that will speak to my mother – started bringing stuff to the auction with my name on it. As in, mom sent a set of collectable coffee mugs that I bought about 1977 in the box with my name on it. I figured if he didn’t have the courtesy to remove them from the box, he could hit the road, too. I don’t know which of the 2 was getting the money. To start, we weren’t even charging him commission!
Imagine holding up a fancy cowboy belt you’re selling at auction and seeing either your father’s or grandfather’s (Jr. & Sr.) initials written on the back. And my brother has a different father from me!
The time that most sticks in my mind was when my little brother deliberately ripped a Les Miserables (I collected musical posters as a kid) I had in a fit if rage. Little bastard!
@Symbeline BEST. STORY. EVER.
When I was three, I parked my trike behind my dad’s car in the driveway and he later backed over it. I remember being really upset about it and had to wait till Christmas to get another.
One morning when I was five, I was out in the driveway with my dog. He was on a leash because we were outside of our gated barnyard. I suddenly had to pee and had been recently punished for peeing outside, so I tied my dog to my dad’s back bumper and went into the house to take a leak. My dad left for work while I was in the bathroom. When I came out, both dog and car were gone. I remember my dad was totally freaked out when he got home that night. He worked in a secure area of an air force base about ten miles from the house, and had to flash a badge to the guard as he drove through the gate. He coasted through as usual, but the guard called him back to ask him what the hell he was dragging behind his vehicle.
Years later, when I was about 30, we were sitting on the beach watching the sun go down and out of the blue he asked me if I remembered that dog. I did. It still bothered him after all those years, which totally amazed me because he had had a lot on his plate in the interim. He was an amazing guy. And I was a real pain in the ass.
@Espiritus_Corvus That’s sad…
I was hoping you found the dog and the car when I read: “Years later, when I was about 30…” :p
Sorry. Poor Blackie died a death not fit for a dog.
I had a magic 8 ball a long time ago, it was the victim of a mid air collision with a wall.
How much water is in those, anyway?
Not much, about a cup of blue liquid (that stains).
Heh cool, I always wondered. And how do the predictions inside work? I used to think it was these tiny signs that just floated up to the window, but somehow I’m thinking that’s probably not it.
It’s a hexagon with different answers written on each side.
@Espiritus_Corvus That’s the sadest story I’ve ever, ever heard. Poor you. Poor dog. Poor Dad.
We had a cat who had kittens once. We kept them in the garage. My dad got into the car to back it out of the garage, not realizing that all of the kittens had crawled up on the tire and were hiding, or sleeping, in the wheel well. To my horror I saw kittens rolling off the tires and my dad running over them. I was screaming bloody murder. Then I got ice cream.
Not Spumone, @Dutchess_III!
Sorry!! HORRIBLE STORY! It was the juxtaposition that made me do it!
Where’s @ucme to make me look warm and fuzzy when I need him?
I remember 2 distinct and very upsetting events.
The first when I was about 8 years old and was excited to order 300 monogrammed pencils.
They were a wonderful, satiny, red with gold embossing. When they arrived and I opened them, to my devastation, instead of saying ” Laurie”, they all said ” LOUIE!” lol I was crushed beyond words.
The second event was when I was 9 or 10. My dog killed my pet bunny that had gotten out of it’s hutch in the yard. I woke up one morning and the kitchen curtains were drawn and when I questioned why my mother acted strangely and as she was trying to break the news and tell me to not look out in the backyard I pulled the curtain aside to see nothing but clumps of white bunny fur all over the yard. Horrible, horrible.
I didn’t look longer for fear of what else I might see and my poor mom had to go collect ” Marshmallows” scattered remains and dispose of them. :-(
That reminds me, @Coloma, of our German Shepard. He was chained to a tree where he had about a 40 foot circle life – we were rural folks. I was standing off to the side one day when a frisky little poodle came trotting up to make his acquaintance and he snapped it’s neck, then mauled it.
I mean, I liked the Shepard a lot. To this day I have a healthy respect for large dogs.
My family.
Really though, I lost my favorite teddy bear that I’d had since I was born, when I was 8. That destroyed me for like twelve minutes, and then I inevitably forgot about it.
But the teddy bear did not forget yooooou….
No. He’s been wandering sound Canada for eleven years, looking for me…
@Coloma That same thing happened to me with one of our rabbits!
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