(Possibly NSFW) What words would you like to see banned from Fluther?
Based upon this recent question.
Are there any terms that you’re sick and tired of hearing, or terms that just gross you out, or terms that are ridiculously out of date, or any other words that you hate or that make you cringe, for whatever reason?
Of course, only the guidelines and the Mods of Fluther can do away with certain words, so this is just a general (although I’ve posted it in Social) question about certain words that irk you.
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33 Answers
I don’t mind the occasional “fuck”, but I think it’s often overused and I know that it offends a good number of people, so I would probably have eliminated it had I been a developer. I probably would have eliminated the multi-syllable curse words for the same reason. The language is so much richer and descriptive with them.
By and large, though, I’m pretty sticks-and-stones about it. I say those words in real life to people I know. I make it a habit to not blurt out the obscene version of “Corksucker!” in front of people I don’t know, and Fluther members generally fall into that category.
Yes there are terms and words I’m sick of. Should they be banned? No, our freedom to use anything we want is more important than my irritation at some cretins use of certain words. Should we be burning books? Should we be stifling free speech? I think that has more problems than it solves.
Why should they not be banned? There are words that are banned, why some and not others? This is a small, privately owned site. Comparing the banning of a few words or phrases here to the burning of books or the eradication of the First Amendment seems a bit overblown.
We can’t say anything we want, here. That’s not censorship, I throw people out of my house for certain things. We have no “rights” here. To assume so is silly.
If we ban words then we might as well return to @Hypocrisy_Central’s idea to ban questions. I believe we are all grown up enough to handle potentially offensive words or topics.
If you chose to ban things, then the discussion becomes to what level? The level of the most easily offended? It makes me feel held back in expressing myself, much in the same way I felt frustrated to be in a class where we learned only as quickly as the slowest learner.
“I’m only guessing so you’ll have to do the research.”
“I can’t really remember but that won’t stop me from saying something vague and not helpful”
Textspeak. I don’t know why, but I always cringed when I see DH, smh or fml.
Punctuation used as decoration.!!!!!!!!!!!
Caps used as emphasis. IT WAS SO AWESOME.
“Pun intended” when it is obvious.
Emoticons, hearts, musical notes :-0, ♥~♥~♥, (too exhausting to cut and paste musical notes so just imagine them here).
Response moderated (Obscene)
I’m not looking to ban any words. I just wish people would be a bit more sensitive to the feelings of others. But it isn’t my site so you can cunt-up the place all you want.
Banning stuff is childish. And if you don’t respect other people’s freedom, they won’t respect yours.
Fluther bans textspeak, bad spelling, spam, bad grammar, flaming, etc. Just look at the flag tags.
@bolwerk :: I run a site where anyone can post anything. Sometimes shit has been so bad I have stared at the screen thinking about what to do for ten minutes. Your freedom of speech ends when it hits my database. At that point the government comes after me and your stupid shit isn’t worth my trouble. Best to just nuke it.
@johnpowell: I don’t see that as the same thing as banning. That’s editorial discretion.
@ibstubro I know Fluther bans textspeak. A sentence full of textspeak will be removed, but now and then you see fml at the end of a sentence. smh
I don’t really want those banned. They just annoy me, badly.
Other than text speak I could care less about most words, I toss in “fuck” on occasion, it is what it is, and what it is, is for humor and emphasis….” The fuck you say!” I use it fairly sparingly but, nothing like a good “fuck.“lol
It’s a loose ban, though, @turtlesandbox. You still see lol, OMG and some of the others that have so firmly imbedded themselves in our language. IMO
I never said banned. The word I used was refrain. A polite request to keep the use of a word that I find offense to a minimum is all that was suggested.
I’m not allowed to use the word “Cunt” at home. My wife objects to it. Don’t see it here much either. I’m not one to use colorful euphemisms much anyway, but it’s a slippery slope to start discouraging the use of certain words.
@majorrich THAT is the ONE word, I do not tolerate. So ugly.
No problem with “butthurt”. ?
Is it supposed to be funny?
It’s not up to me to decide if anything should be banned.
What phrase I find annoying is “Don’t get your panties in a bunch.” It sounds so stupid.
Also, “butthurt” sounds stupid, too.
I’m one of those who is opposed to banning any comprehensible words that are felt necessary to properly communicate. It’s what words are for. On the other hand… I would like to see all words used more responsibly. (The way I feel about gun ownership: I don’t own any, but I’m not opposed to others owning them, as long as they handle them safely and don’t commit crimes with them – and I never consider ‘simple possession’ or transportation to be a crime.)
For example, I’m opposed to political extremists of all flavors, but I abhor the terms “libtard” and “batshit crazy right-winger” or “teabagger” to disparage the people holding ideas that someone doesn’t like. I’m fully in favor of dissecting, ridiculing, satirizing or passionately tearing apart the ideas that one doesn’t like (even if they’re ideas that I do like), but I hate the disparagement of people holding opposing views, because it coarsens (and negatively personalizes) the discussion, poisoning the atmosphere before a discussion can even occur, in fact. There are times to criticize people, but I think we should still criticize “what they do” rather than “how they think” or – which is more likely the case, anyway – “how we think they might think if they thought like the people we know”, which is obviously pretty absurd.
Yeah, that.
I’m also put off by adult discussion of ‘pooping’ instead of defecating or good old “shitting”. I mean, c’mon. We are adults, right? Let’s use our grown-up words, even if some of them are only grown up as old as junior high. ‘Pooping’? That’s old old school – elementary school, that is.
I like all words that are used by – and the way that those words are used by – “good” writers, including some on this forum. I’ve never seen a good writer use the word “libtard” or “batshit crazy” or “poop” (except in terms of a “poop deck” or “pooping waves”, which are nautical terms that don’t mean what you might think).
Use your adult words in grown-up ways, by which I mean comprehensibly and responsibly.
Words to ban, huh? Well I would do away with:
• F***
• S***
• N*****
• N****
• Sky Daddy
• Pedophile
• Zealot
• Misogynist
there were a few more but I can’t remember right this moment.
@johnpowell I read the link from your other question, and I imagine how it can be offending to someone who has suffered anal rape, but in this thread, you used the word cunt, which can be offensive to women.
Don’t want nowt banned, save for maybe a double negative like I just used :/
A small selection i’d be happy to see less of…
If we should ban anything (IMHO we shouldn’t) it would be questions or discussions about banning thongs things like textspeak and gratuitous things for the sake of humor.
I dislike many of the words mentioned above, but I probably wouldn’t ban any of them. I simply wouldn’t engage with anyone who couldn’t articulate a question or comment without resorting to commonly agreed upon offensive language
Omg, my nekkid cunt is so butthurt that ur 4rl avocadoing sensorshipm lol!
@Brian1946 Its ur prob deal w it i not care u bastard ~
The words stupid and ignorant really annoy me when I see them being used to refer to others’ opinions.
It is the single facet that I find stupid and ignorant on this site.
Personally, I’d take cunt over butthurt.
From the perspective of a woman who has not experienced anal rape.
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