General Question

Mimishu1995's avatar

Can you suggest some mystery/detective stories like this (details inside)?

Asked by Mimishu1995 (23824points) May 2nd, 2014

The protagonist is accused of a crime they didn’t commit (most preferably murder, and they have to prove their innocence. And optional: after the protagonist discovers the culprit, there are plausible reasons for the culprit not to be bring to justice (like the evidence the protagonist finds can’t be summitted to the police, the classic “you find it, but you can’t prove it”).

Short stories, novels and novella are welcome.

Can you help me with that?

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11 Answers

talljasperman's avatar

The hurricane… a story of a black man falsely accused and later released with the help of a book written about him… He died last year.

Mimishu1995's avatar

@talljasperman thanks for the suggestion, but what I need is a story which focuses on the investigation of the protagonist to prove his innocence. The protagonist is like a “detective” roaming around and solve the crime.

@GloPro the protagonist in that story seems to prove someone else’s innocence, not his own.

funkdaddy's avatar

The Fugitive?

link might be goofy because of the parentheses

wildpotato's avatar

Rita Hayworth & the Shawshank Redemption – it fits all your criteria except it isn’t a mystery story, and the protagonist doesn’t do much roaming around – at least, not in the course of solving the crime that framed him.

dappled_leaves's avatar

@Mimishu1995 What kinds of mystery novels do you enjoy? Do you prefer potboilers like the works of Raymond Chandler and James M. Cane, or do you enjoy British parlour dramas / sleuth novels, like the works of Agatha Christie or Dorothy Sayers? Or something else?

CWOTUS's avatar

You might enjoy some good attorney / courtroom novels. John Grisham, for some reason, is a more popular and better known author, but Steve Martini actually writes better stories, I think.

In Martini’s novels, the hero is a practicing attorney, and he hires an investigator to assist him with the defense of whichever of his clients is accused of a particular murder. So it’s not “the hero” who has to prove his innocence, but the hero is the attorney who mounts the investigation to counter the police and prosecutors’ investigation, and a courtroom defense against an oftentimes hostile judge.

Mimishu1995's avatar

@dappled_leaves I like all kind of mystery, but I prefer hardboiled stories, those Raymond Chander styles.

talljasperman's avatar

Batman from Detective comics.

weeveeship's avatar

Picking Cotton. True story about a falsely accused man.

Skaggfacemutt's avatar

If you like British parlour drama/sleuth novels, you need to check out the works of James Hadley Chase. They are a hoot! My first husband had a stack of them, so one day I picked one up and started reading it. Couldn’t put it down.

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