Social Question

Dutchess_III's avatar

How do you react to someone who's kind of talking out of their head for reasons they have no control over?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) May 8th, 2014

Toward the end of her life my mom had dementia. They had her on some powerful drugs too. She’d do things like talk to her legs, or talk about her legs, as though they were separate people. She’d pat her leg and ask if it wanted a cup of coffee, things like that. Rick and I would look at each other with faint grins. Well, either you have to find some humor in it, or burst into tears.
My sister, on the other hand, would try to “correct” her behavior. “That’s your LEG mom. NOT another person! Stop talking to your LEG.” That just confused and worried Mom, of course.

Today the grown daughter of an old neighbor of ours had some pretty significant surgery, and appears to be having some complications. Lets call her Kris. She’s out of surgery and awake, and trying to post on fb.

She posted: “Hill out ok m ok….km hungry for some food”

Her Mom, who’s about 500 miles away, and couldn’t come for some reason, said, “You’re not okay Kris. You can’t talk, you are still having problems with stridor and eating and what you just said makes no sense.”

I posted: “Hi Kris! From experience I know that you might have no recollection of posting that you’re hungry, but I’m glad you did. Hang in there girl!”

Her Mom posted “She called me earlier this morning. I don’t know why because she can’t talk. All I heard was a bunch of grunting sounds. I told her to hang up and text me. She hung up and never heard from her. My guess is she went to sleep.”

I just want to kick her! I posted that the meds were going to cause her to be a little goofy for a while. I wanted to ad, “SO BACK OFF!!” But I didn’t.

Why do people do that? Do they think they’re going to change them?

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14 Answers

Crazydawg's avatar

I don’t. People are off and have off days for various reasons that for the most part I would have little to no control over. You mentioned Kris is on powerful meds and she probably has little idea what she is doing and I would just let things take their course and of course keep an eye on her in case there are outward signs of distress or trouble. About all you can do.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Perhaps you didn’t understand the post. I wasn’t looking for advice.

Also, she’s not my daughter. It’s not up to me to watch over her. It’s up to her family.

Crazydawg's avatar

@Dutchess_III You asked “how do you react” I answered “I don’t” and simply offered my reasoning why I don’t and added a small observation about what Kris is going through.

LuckyGuy's avatar

Why do people post that on FB at all? If they need to communicate quietly why not do it privately?

Dutchess_III's avatar

@Crazydawg, the question was “Why do some people try to correct behaviors that others can’t help displaying,” not “What should I do?”

I kind of thought that too @LuckyGuy. My daughter is having surgery tomorrow at the same hospital, coincidentally, but we’re not posting it all over fb. It’s personal. Some people just want the attention, I guess.

Crazydawg's avatar

Sorry @Dutchess_III I usually try to answer q’s based on the title question and must have missed the underlying question in the details under.

Dutchess_III's avatar

And I thought about it too, and realized I should have put the “underlying” question as the lead question. My bad.

Dan_Lyons's avatar

I have heard people suddenly speaking gibberish that sounded like Martian and soon discovered it was the onset of a stroke.
My reaction now is to call 911 for an ambulance to head off the main stroke a-coming.

_This is my answer to the main question__

Judi's avatar

A modern approach to someone with dementia is called Validation Therapy
Instead of correcting the person you validate the way they are experiencing life. Trying to correct them serves no purpose at all and only scares and adgitates them.
It sounds like you (like me) knew that instinctually. For many the instinct to correct causes much anxiety and heart ache.

GloPro's avatar

My grandmother plans vacations with her husband, who has been dead for 10 years. Sometimes she’ll talk about the vacations as if they went on them. Other times she’ll show you a picture of my grandfather, praise him and say he’s off at war and she hasn’t seen him in a long time.

At her 90th birthday party she didn’t recognize anyone. She said she knew we were there because we love her and she was glad we all wore name tags. She introduced me to my own father.

We just roll with it and are grateful she’s happy.

GloPro's avatar

…I will add that she forgets she can’t walk and has to be strapped to her bed and wheelchair now because she has hurt herself multiple times trying to do so. There are things we have to do to maintain her safety whether she understands them or not. We have to explain daily that she is strapped in for her safety, because she doesn’t remember from day to day.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Yes, @Judi, it is something I just knew instinctively. But others seem to think they can somehow change the behavior if they just nag them enough.

Thanks for the story about your gramma @GloPro! “We just roll with it.” Perfect.
She introduced you to your own father! LOL! Hope you saw the humor in that.

One time I was talking to Mom and she said something about someone who died recently. I said, “Yeah, that was Dad.”
She said, “Was that that horrible I was married to for all of those years? That was your father.”
I said, “Well, that’s what you always told us!” And you know what? She TOTALLY got the joke! Totally. :D

Dutchess_III's avatar

Damn that mom is a piece of work. Her daughter is about 26. Mom and I have been going back and forth on the milkshake thing. I was going to take one to her tomorrow, but then said I decided not to. I didn’t want to be the reason she went into anaphylactic shock!

The mother posts, “I think a popsicle is just what she needs whether she likes it or not.”
WTF? Where’s the love? If my daughter had major surgery wild horses couldn’t keep me away, but the Mom sits there in Georgia or wherever she is and posts snarky mean shit to her daughter on facebook. I just really want to slap her.

wreckless's avatar

If I don’t know the person, and they are not in distress….I walk away

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