Since China is one of our largest global enemies, is it patriotic to shoplift from Walmart?
Walmart now sells almost exclusively Chinese made products.
Since we now outsource nearly all our manufacturing jobs to China and have created a middle class there which competes for us on a global level for all the commodities which we now cry over due to price increases directly related to this outsourcing; AND China is building an incredible war machine which we are funding by our purchases at Walmart then does it follow that stealing from Walmart is a way to fight this dastardly enemy?
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34 Answers
Capitalists are obligated to say no. :(
It won’t be China that takes the hit. Walmart would have to soak up the “shrinkage”.
@stanleybmanly Since walmart will have to reflect the loss back to its manufacturers and products suppliers (China), then China will also take the hit.
It’s never patriotic to shoplift. Why not buy American Made instead to make your stand?
Stealing = patriotic? What world did you grow up in? Wrong is wrong. That is the bottom line.
Only theft can be patriotic.
Shoplifting from Walmart will earn you an awesome badge of honor, which is being banned for life from Walmart.
I don’t know how that in and of itself is not yet a movement.
Please be more careful with language. “Rivals” <> “Enemies”. China is in no way an “enemy” of the United States. In no way.
Likewise Iran, whose government we firmly and strongly oppose, but who mounts no overt threat against us – or anyone else in the West, no matter how strongly they oppose various aspects of our government and culture.
Perhaps North Korea can be classed as an enemy, at least in the sense that their government does at least represent a direct and avowed threat against our political, military and economic interests. Even so, since we are not at war with them, other than in the purely technical sense that the Korean War never “ended”, we aren’t mounting overt military assaults and strikes against any strategic targets there.
China is no longer hospitable for true cheap labor outsourcing and much of the products made in China are being shifted to Vietnam, Korea, India and Indonesia. China’s workforce are demanding better wages and health care benefit and pricing their labor force out of the cheap as shit products market.
Given that Walmart is the largest employer in the United States, I’d have to say that any action taken against them outside the law could be judged un-American, if not treasonous. Considering shipping, real estate, payroll, etc., exactly what percentage of a $1 ‘Made in China’ item do you suppose stays in China?
Hah I call it justification.,.. If you are going to do something and want to feel good about it even if you know it is wrong brains will twist themselves into knots to comply.
But really Justification is a pet peeve of mine. Illogical, cowardly and if the reasoning involves a group or idea it it becomes tarnished because people become overly vocal in their need to convince not only others and themselves and could end up being the only voice heard to spread word….
Might I ask, was this a jest posed as a question?
Shoplifting, from anywhere, is stealing. Don’t try to fob it off as patriotism.
@chyna I can no longer find American made goods in any stores.
@Adirondackwannabe I grew up on Earth. Which world did you grow up on? As for ”Wrong is wrong. That is the bottom line.”
I was trained by some of the finest minds in the world, and they trained us to plunder, pillage and rape as we please. It is the American way.
@bolwerk Excellent picture. I am still laughing. I’m followin’ you!
@kevbo Don’t they have to catch you 1st?
@CWOTUS China is our enemy, not merely our rival. Wake up my friend.
@Crazydawg China is still manufacturing plenty of goods that were once manufactured here in the US. I know several people who own corporations who outsorce to them They may then outsource to Vietnam or elsewhere some of that work, but they still get the lion’s share of the profit.
@Unbroken But that is the whole point. Is it wrong if it is a stab in the side of a mortal enemy?
The idea for this thread came from @ibstubro thread where he asks if Walmart is part of the US welfare system from earlier today.
@marinelife In Vietnam we pillaged plundered raped and murdered hundreds of thousands if not millions of human beings for no good reason at all. We were told we were patriots for doing so.
@ibstubro I have a few lawyer friends who couldn’t believe the Twinkie Defense would ever work, but they were wrong. They stated that presented properly, the patriotic duty defense might very well work in a court of law against a charge of shoplifting at Walmart, especially if the defense gets a sympathetic judge and/or jury,
@Dan_Lyons China is indeed manufacturing lots of goods imported to the US but an no where near the levels they one did. I also know several people who no longer outsource to China and had to close up shop there due to the increase in cost from the rising overhead cost evolving in China.
@Crazydawg It’s probably a good thing that their level of production is slowing down a mite as the amount of pollution they generate exceeds anything ever dreamed of here in the US. And that pollution is heading our way.
But just because you know several people who no longer outsource there is meaningless in terms of their production levels, which I don’t believe have dropped significantly at all.
Sooooo, if I shoplift 20 cans of Friskies cat food, who takes the hit, China or Friskies?
Your cat if you feed her that stuff! ^^^^
@Dan_Lyons Hey…sunrise salmon with scrambled eggs & gravy is good.
They get top of the line grain free food and Friskies. Ya know, healthy gourmet and a little junk food for balance. lol
Mortal enemy?? Our economy is linked to theirs! This isn’t mortal combat… Quite simply they supply what we need and we supply what they don’t have. You can’t cut one side out of the picture without suffering. We also keep each other in check and have specialities.
We all have blind spots.. This is obviously yours. Where did you get the idea we are mortal enemies?
I have no answer to that, but it’s not going to solve anything by shoplifting from them. You can just not go there, stay on the safe side of the law, and hope it fucks them up. Won’t solve much either though. I mean look at McDonald’s, people try and boycott that shit every day, yet Julius Caesar would run away with his dick in his ass if he saw how powerful they were.
Whether you shoplift or boycott, many, many have to do it to make a difference. Well I realize you’re not asking about making a difference really, but I mean a justification has to serve some purpose in this particular context. If China truly is the enemy of America, then it has you guys (and Canada too, don’t worry) by the balls.
But what is this death machine of which you speak? What are they building?
^^the whole purpose of a Moab is a detterent you don’t not tell people you are making the mother of all bombs
@Symbeline Not quite sure to what you are referring as a death machine. Is china now building a Death Star?
You said in your details that China is building a war machine.
Oh, I see. I guess you haven’t been keeping up with their military growth which is apparently funded by our purchases at Walmart, among other sources.
I don’t like the idea of funding a giant enemy of my country. You know, like how we armed Afghanistan to the teeth to fight Russia and then we went to war with them and are fighting against our own weapons and our own money.
Like how we seem to create our own terrorists against us.
The shoplifting idea is just a passing thought. I won’t do it myself. at least not while I have enough cash to purchase what I need elsewhere. If I didn’t have the cash would I? I don’t know. I have not ever had that problem as earning money is pretty simple stuff for me.
@Unbroken hahaha ”We all have blind spots.. This is obviously yours.” hahaha, yeah, make it a personal attack. Have a nice day.
@Dan_Lyons Yeah, wasn’t aware of their military growth, or that it was provided by America. (by proxy, if you will) I try to make sense of politics, but it’s too confusing for me. I’m following the Russia/Crimea thing, but I understand barely anything. I’m rotten in politics. Don’t mind me lol, I just thought they were actually building some kind of super military thing though.
@Symbeline Don’t be silly. You are quite intuitive and insightful. And the intel I am getting comes from people with whom I once worked who are on an inside track into these things. But they could be wrong. And really, deep down, I think maybe Chinese ownership of America would be better for us than who is running the show here now.
Well I suppose that in such scenarios, obviously an enemy would not tell you what they are doing, and the targeted country would not tell the citizens, as to not create panic. So the only way to see it would be when it gets too big to hide. At least as far as I understand it. I will agree on the thought that things could be run better, however I am so not up for communism. :/
Unless Jesus did it lol.
@Dan_Lyons The people I know are in the business of supplying Dollars store type stores and the rising cost of doing business in China squeezed them out of the market. And apparently they represent an outlier as we are importing more than ever from China and it would be very easy to point fingers at Walmart and other outsourcing trends we have seen as of late for this upswing. The good news is we are also exporting more than ever to China but it is still a 4:1 trade deficit.
@Dan_Lyons That was wrong then, and this would be wrong now. Orders do not trump morality or ethics.
Unfortunately, @marinelife I have no idea to what that was wrong then even refers.
@Symbeline It was horrible rephrasing of stanley kubriks Dr Strangelove
@Dan_Lyons China is dependent upon us to buy their merchandise which is why we were able to borrow so much money from them. They have so many investments in our country it would be a great folly to them to go to war with us. I’m not going to say it will never happen, but an economic takeover would be much more in their interest then a military coup. And stealing merchandise from Walmart is not going to stop that at all. It is better to consider their government freenemies with ours. The people on the other hand are just people with cultural differences and should be judged as people. And if say enough people had the same position as you to effect economy it will be the poorest of citizens that would ultimately pay. My understanding of economics is very rudimentary understand but that much is clear.
@Dan_Lyons “In Vietnam we pillaged plundered raped and murdered hundreds of thousands if not millions of human beings for no good reason at all.” That way wrong then.
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