Meta Question

Mimishu1995's avatar

Have you ever... clicked on a spam link?

Asked by Mimishu1995 (23811points) May 9th, 2014

Have you? If so, why? Out of curiosity, by accident, or… on purpose? :P

Do you have any confession?

I confess: when I first joined, I sometimes clicked on them, just to see what was in there (a sincere apology to the mod team)...

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6 Answers

Dan_Lyons's avatar

smiles No, I never click on spam, offerings as I am too afraid of possible malware loading onto my puter.

johnpowell's avatar

Sometimes I have clicked on them ten times a second for a few hours.

GloPro's avatar

No. I also get irritated when I get caught up in the spam loops because my friends cannot help but forward crap about Angels and good fortune being bestowed upon them if they send the email to everyone they know. I’ve asked a thousand times not to be a part of those forwarded emails, and still have to respond to a friend forwarding them to me with a reminder to leave me out of it at least once a week.

Berserker's avatar

Only if they offered me sacrifice victims.

zenvelo's avatar

not here. But every once in a while on a spam email, just to see what scammers are up to.

majorrich's avatar

Afraid so. Paid the price, got the scars. Also got a less sensitive mouse.

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