Social Question
Who wants to play Unfortunate Dinner Party Companions?
A friend of mine introduced me to this game when we were on a long road trip, but it’s also a fun game to play if you’re engaged in boring manual labor, as long as there is at least one other person. It’s even more fun with a group of people.
Everyone’s been to a dinner party or birthday party or wedding reception where they, or someone else had been paired up at the table with someone they’d rather not be anywhere near. Could be an ex husband/wife, could be an old friend with whom they’ve had an ugly break, could be a former boss whom they can’t stand. With this game, though, we take it a step further and pick famous people (living or dead) to pair up with other famous people, only in this game, you purposely choose a pairing that would be a disaster.
This is easy to play. Person A chooses a famous person, let’s say Emenim. Person B then chooses a most unsuitable dinner companion, let’s say Richard Simmons. Hilarity ensues.
If there are only 2 people playing, you just go back and forth. If there’s a group of people playing, you just start with person A and B, then C and D and so forth, so that everybody gets a chance.