Social Question

Mimishu1995's avatar

Adults, if you could, would you want to be back as children again?

Asked by Mimishu1995 (23824points) May 10th, 2014

Would it bring back your happiness you once experienced? Would the feeling of having to learn everything again (social cues, social skills, basic knowledge…) from scratch be good? Would seeing the world in children’s eyes be more pleasant?

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11 Answers

GloPro's avatar

I would only go back to alter the path I have chosen. Hindsight is 20/20.

Judi's avatar

It depends. Do I get to know what I know now? I would seriously punch Debbie Shelly in the face. She was the most miserable kind of bully and I would not want to go through that again unless I had the upper hand.

flip86's avatar

No. As much fun as being a child was at times, it has many drawbacks. I hated school. I hated being told what to do. I hated not being an adult. Never would I want that again.

ucme's avatar

I retained those childlike qualities, have a much bigger penis & enjoy loads of sex #bestofbothworlds

FlyingWolf's avatar

No, there are just too many things it am not at all interested in experiencing again. One thing about having kids is that it gives me the chance to see the world through children’s eyes again. Now if I could go back as the fully formed adult I am now and relive it I might consider it.

Dan_Lyons's avatar

No. Been there, done that. i worked hard to reach this point in my life and I am fine with where I am. I still see the world through child’s eyes.

Pachy's avatar

Only to revisit certain happy experiences—not to change them, just to enjoy them one more.

muppetish's avatar

I do not want to be a child again under any circumstances. Instead, I have tried to cultivate the imagination and curiosity that I had as a child.

However, I wouldn’t mind doing what @Pachy suggested: reliving the experiences, but not altering them in any way. It would even be really interesting to watch them from a third-person perspective.

Blackberry's avatar

Heck no. I like living alone and abusing substances.

gailcalled's avatar

I wouldn’t mind coming back as @Judi‘s friend and watching her punch Debbie Shelley in the face. Other than that, no thanks.

anniereborn's avatar

Only if I had a good family, and not the one I grew up in.

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