General Question

pleiades's avatar

2014, what are you doing for Mothers Day?

Asked by pleiades (6622points) May 10th, 2014

I have a 2 year old, so I’ll be painting his hands and framing them. Wish I could afford some dinner too but the wife only wants money for her upcoming bday next month.

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23 Answers

gailcalled's avatar

I just had an acquaintance driop by unexpectly, having been secretly commissioned by my daughter, 3400 miles away. Apparently, he went to the local nursery and bought me a big and beautiful white peony on her behalf. The gift includes his labor, so he will plant on Wed. That means digging a big hole, adding enrichment and compost.

The peony should outlast me. A perfect gift.

hearkat's avatar

We have numerous birthdays in the spring, so we just have the whole family over for dinner. This year, we’ll do next weekend, so tomorrow will be a Sunday of laundry and relaxing, as most Sundays are.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

Fishing with my dad.

Coloma's avatar

My daughter is otherwise engaged with pre-arranged plans but she is taking me to lunch and a movie next Weds.
It’s all good though because I have a lunch date lined up with a new guy friend. :-)

Dan_Lyons's avatar

When is Mother’s Day?

livelaughlove21's avatar

Laying out by the pool with friends, grocery shopping, laundry, and food prep. I guess we’ll call our moms at some point…

Tropical_Willie's avatar

My wife wants Indian food, new restaurant with a cook from Delhi India.

johnpowell's avatar

A few years ago I built my mom a new computer for mothers day. She is cut off until the computer breaks.

I was mostly raised by my sister so this year I got her a Fire TV. I also installed Plex on it and set it all up to see my server. She should just be able to plug it in and stream hundreds of shows and thousands of movies from my server.

Dan_Lyons's avatar

That’s okay I will just google…OMG, It’s tomorrow!!?!?!?!!!

anniereborn's avatar

Visiting mom at the nursing home and hoping it’s not the last one

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@anniereborn I’ll keep you in my thoughts. That’s pretty tough. Anything I could do to lighten your load tomorrow?

janbb's avatar

Having a wonderful weekend visiting cousins and seeing friends in Maryland. Learning to make lemonade.

anniereborn's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe say a little prayer or think good thoughts for us?

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@anniereborn Yes you got it. I’ll do both and then I’ll come on tomorrow after I get home to see how you are doing. Hang in there.

JLeslie's avatar

I called my MIL today, because Mother’s Day is the 10th in the country she is from. Tomorrow I will call my mom. I failed to send her a card this year.

Mimishu1995's avatar

Do all the housework for her.

wingsonroots's avatar

Call her and remind my sister too. We all live very far apart.

tedibear's avatar

My mom has been gone for many years, but I’m lucky enough to have a great mother-in-law. We had her, FIL and BIL here for brunch. Much easier than going out.

hearkat's avatar

I transplanted the herbs and veggies we bought yesterday for our container garden.

anniereborn's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe Things went pretty okay. It was a shorter visit, which can be easier on both of us sometimes. Than you for your concern.

Coloma's avatar

OMG! My date, this guy talked non-stop for 3 hours! I’m exhausted.

Happy Mothers day mamas. :-)

28lorelei's avatar

We went to the beach as a family today :)
My brother and I both came home from college yesterday.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@anniereborn Good for you. Hang in there.

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