General Question

pleiades's avatar

Is it good to work out when the day will reach up to 100 degrees?

Asked by pleiades (6622points) May 11th, 2014

It’s going to be a scorcher here in San Diego this up coming week. Two weeks ago we reached 90 degrees and I would work out in the morning, a 3 mile walk. I was so fatigue in the afternoon, I did my work out around 9–10am. I drank water all day but still felt fatigue.

How should I keep my little guy cool? He has therapy sessions throughout the day all week should I cancel them this week? We don’t have air conditioning & he was grumpy as heck the other week.

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10 Answers

ragingloli's avatar

How would you even stay alive at the boiling temperature of water?

pleiades's avatar

@ragingloli Well I guess I’m really hoping my homeostasis if functioning ok.

Anyone in a hot city can answer this question?

GloPro's avatar

Hot yoga

No excuses now :-)

weeveeship's avatar

Beware of heatstroke.

JLeslie's avatar

What little guy? You talk about yourself and then I guess you are talking about your son? If you are going to work out, stay hydrated as I can tell you already are, and when you get back take a cool shower and bring your temperature down. Your body works hard to stay cool and you can use a cool shower to take the burden off the internal mechanisms.

If you are talking about your son, be very careful. Children can dehydrate very quickly and they are less likely to stop activity if they begin to feel tired. They are less in tune with danger signs.

I live in FL and have lived in “more than Florida hot” Memphis, and I always walked in the morning without trouble. But, I was just walking, some small hills, it probably was in the 80’s when I actually took the walk, and the walk lasted around 40 minutes. I did come home to air conditioning. I’ve walked through Disney in 95 degree heat where you get small breaks in the shade and on rides. The heat definitely can wipe you out. Just 45 minutes in the 90’s by the sitting in the sun can make me want to nap for an hour and a half. I usually don’t notice it right away, but it catches up with me within a few hours.

You should not go far from your home if you will be exercising alone (remember you need to make it back home and it will be getting hotter as the hour gets later). Wear your name and the telephone number of a contact who knows you (you should always do this, especially when exercising alone).

Choose alternate exercises during intense heat like mall walking or swimming.

Consider getting a portable air conditioner.

zenvelo's avatar

Make sure you not only hydrate but keep your salt and potassium up; you can do a world of good with some salted nuts and a banana. It’s not so much the amount of water as keeping your electrolytes in balance and being aware of your sweating.

It’s supposed to be in the 90s here in Northern California this week, I am facing the same dilemma as I run in the afternoons. Might have to plan runs for the morning…

pleiades's avatar

@zenvelo Yea that’s what I’m referring to, however I feel like if I run in the morning I’ll sap all my energy. (Yes I’m one of those weird sensitive to weather types especially hot weather)

Thanks for the potassium tip, I might just stay in and do some yoga. @JLeslie yes my little son is what I meant!

JLeslie's avatar

Can you run in the evening instead? Just remember bug repellent.

whitenoise's avatar

Where we live temperatures are above 40 centigrades pretty much from april thru November.

Depending on your fitness level, you can run and train in this climate. Start slowly and adjust yourself. Take your pulse and run on your heart rate rather than speed (get a heart-rate monitor for your wrist).

My wife runs the marathon in this climate. She can give you tips. PM me and I can share some of her schedules.

And of course…. Drink. Drink before you need it. Take some extra salt, magnesium and potasium.

sinscriven's avatar

Used to do marching band practice for several hours a day when it would hit 110 in the Inland Empire. It’s certainly doable if you’re reasonably healthy but it just won’t be pleasant.

Eventually you’ll acclimate to the heat, but in the meantime just keep hydrated and keep major heat release points on your body cool by wrapping a cool wet towel on your neck, or under your armpits so that it helps cool down your body faster. Doing that for myself actually affects how “hot” i perceive it to be, especially on the neck.

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