Does wood need to "breath"?
I posted pics of my “computer table,” which is really a vintage dining table on fb. I have it covered in clear plastic to protect it from scrapes and spills and all the crap that can happen to true work tables.
Some folks on fb are saying it isn’t “good for the wood” to be covered in plastic. Some are saying it needs to “breath.”
That kind of makes no sense to me. As long as it’s clean and dry when I cover it, I think it should be fine. I’ve had it covered off, and on, for several years.
Also, I gave it a good oiling yesterday before I recovered it. To me, it seems like the plastic will stop it from drying out.
Do they know something I don’t know?
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11 Answers
If it needs to breathe, it’s got plenty of breathing surface on the underside surely? If it were a new freshly cut piece of soft wood like pine, you wouldn’t wrap that in plastic because the moisture content is high and it would go mouldy. But a table, an old table at that, would be well seasoned by now and fine to cover in plastic cloth.
It’s just like a table cloth @Stinley. It’s just draped on it.
No. Lots of wood gets smothered in polyurethane varnish, which excludes air much more effectively than your plastic covering does, and it doesn’t suffer for it. Furniture has a hard time with fluctuations in humidity; when it’s humid, the wood swells and when it’s dry the wood shrinks again. Every time it goes through that cycle joints in the furniture loosen up. If anything, covering it with plastic would moderate those swings a little.
@Dutchess_III sorry I looked at the pic, saw it was a cloth, then edited my answer. It’s a lovely table!
Thank you @Stinley. I do love it. I have a buffet to go with it. They were sold as a “set” at a Flea market many years ago, but they aren’t an actual matching “set.” They just look good together. The buffet is in the living room. I can’t wait for the day when I can have a proper dining room so the pieces can be together once again, uncovered and in all their beautiousness.
I ran out of breath typing the question!
Why does my wood need to breathe? You know there is more than one definitionm for wood, doncha?
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