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Mimishu1995's avatar

What happens to questions after they are asked and answered?

Asked by Mimishu1995 (23824points) May 16th, 2014

Many old jellies here don’t like to go back to old questions and answer them, right?

And old questions only pop up as “related questions” to similar newer questions, or (with a lot of luck) appear on the tag sections or Fluther search. So unless a new jelly (who mostly has the tendency to answer old questions) clicks on tags or stumbles upon those old questions through “related questions”, the old questions will go unnoticed and buried forever, given how “reliable” Fluther search is and how “popular” this site is to Google.

Not to mention that some old questions have few tags, or “unpopular” tags, giving them a higer chance of going unnoticed.

So, a question’s lifetime is: asked, answered until everyone gets bored, and… what else? Die?

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