Social Question

Berserker's avatar

How different do you think the world would be, if we could ''see'' emotions?

Asked by Berserker (33553points) May 18th, 2014

Say everyone always had some kind of bubble above their head which displayed what they were currently feeling, or whatever mix thereof. Like emoticons I guess. Happy faces, angry faces, anxious faces, excitement, sadness, what have you. If they are feeling more than one emotion, like someone in love; a love emoticon and a nervous emoticon. Very rudimentary, but enough to let you know, as a whole, what every single person was feeling.

How different would everything be? If you saw a stranger at the bus stop with an angry bubble, would you actually ask him how he is doing? If you were at the bus stop, and a stranger with an apathy bubble asked you how you were, would you take him seriously?

But of course, it’s not like emotions can never be perceived by people, as it is now. But if there was no way to mistake how someone felt…Would anything make a difference? Would people treat each other differently? If you could not hide what you are feeling, would the world be different?

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13 Answers

ragingloli's avatar

Nothing would change, because people would fake those, too.

GloPro's avatar

People would no longer say “I’m not mad, really.”

Also, the response to “What’s wrong?” would no longer be “Nothing.”

Crazydawg's avatar

People would be tripping over each other to get out of each of their way.

zenvelo's avatar

Gawd, people would feel so vulnerable. Expressing one’s emotions as honestly as possible is healthy, yet it takes a bit of learning and growth to do. And until one learned, it would be frightening to be that exposed.

Yet it might lead to a healthier society, as it would take a lot of confusion and denial out of the daily interchange between people. One would have to become much more open and accepting to others, as it would not do one well to have someone know you think they are a dick.

Dutchess_III's avatar

It could be very sad. A drug addict neighbor of ours died in her house. Rumor has it that it was 3 days before anyone found her. She has made life a living hell for her son, who is now 23 or so. I’ve seen him walking down the street quietly crying many times. I would not want to be able to see the emotion he is feeling now. Just thinking about it is tearing me apart.

Coloma's avatar

More people would murder each other. haha

Dan_Lyons's avatar

There are some people who actually can see emotions. They see what they call an aura around people. Different colored auras mean different emotional states of those observed.

However, not everyone has evolved to this stage of observational skills, and those who can’t see auras generally poo pooh this idea as utter nonsense and then quote some alleged scientific research explaining why this is not possible.

ucme's avatar

Be fun, i’d go around with a giant needle & burst dem fookin bubbles

ibstubro's avatar

I was going to mention auras, too, @Dan_Lyons. Interesting topic. I think that certain kinds of photography can show a semblance of an aura??

I don’t know how much different the world would be if we could all see emotions. We’d all still be self-centered and selfish at heart, and would come up with new ways to do whatever we wanted, others be damned. It’s not like we’re clueless every time we hurt someone now. We either justify it or ignore it.

Mimishu1995's avatar

I would be great for someone who is utterly hopeless at reading facial expression and determine emotion like me.

Oh how I want something like that to happen :)

Berserker's avatar

I’ve heard about those auras before, and from the little of them I know, it kind of makes sense that small children could see them.

I don’t disbelieve nor wholly believe in it either though. But the article @ibstubro provided is interesting…I’d like to teach myself how to see auras, if they’re real. And we can practice on ourselves, apparently. (haven’t read the whole thing through, but I’ll make some time for it)

@ucme Lol; ’‘fookin’’.

ibstubro's avatar

Thanks, @Symbeline. It struck my fancy, too. Wouldn’t it be great!?

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

If people could view emotions it would be a mixed bag of nuts, as it is now. Some people will become very emotionless as to not give away how they feel or be afraid of losing an advantage such as trying to act confident about a job they are seeking or promotion only to be betrayed by the anxious face hovering over them. Maybe some suicides may be prevented because people can’t say they are fine when the very sad face is hanging over them, etc. Some people will use it as a bullying tool, on many levels. It will not change much, just change how people act in regards to keeping that part of them private.

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