Meta Question

What is the function of the "Abandon your question" option when a member has a question moderated for editing?
In the past when Auggie was here, I usually chose to abandon my questions and re-ask them if more than a few hours had passed. I preferred to have the question re-appear in real time, since once a question is modded a member is not able to access them to see if there were any responses. It was never an issue.
Now it seems there is an issue. I’ve had a question disappear from Fluther entirely this week – from both editing and post – because I chose to abandon the Q and re-ask. How can it be against the rules if there’s no record of the OP existing?
This week I’ve been modded for a question being too long, a question being too short, and I have a question from a week or two ago awaiting editing that I’m told cannot be edited successfully.
I mean, really, if Fluther so flush with questions that we need to be discouraging people from asking them?
Standards, schmandards. We most of us know that there are certain jellies that get by with just short of murder when it comes to the English language.