How many of you are below 25 years of age?
I mean, I am not doing any survey or analysis of any sort. Just wanted to see the participation of different age groups on Fluther?
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75 Answers
I am 23 years old. But I feel like an old fart, because I don’t really do or have interest in much of what people my age typically do.
God I wish, I’m over twice that now that just makes me feel old.
I’m 50, but I feel, mentally and emotionally like I’m about 18. Sometimes when I wake up in the morning, though, and my joints and muscles are aching, I feel like I’m about 300 years old. After a cup of coffee and a hot shower, I’m good to go.
Haha…I am 25×2 + 4.5. Do the freaking math. lol
I’m with @Kardamom young at heart, nice face, but man, the ol’ bod is getting funky.
Even worse, the older men are just repulsive. I am so fucking out of the loop. hahaha
I’m turning 23 in two weeks
@Coloma While some of the older men are clearly repulsive, let me remind you of Him and This Chap.
I am older than 25.
@Coloma I am 3.5 years older than you; I don’t think you’d find me repulsive.
It was so long ago, I don’t even remember 25. Compared to me, my old pal Squeeky is just a kid!!
I have lapped you guys and I’m still going strong.
@zenvelo You certainly don’t repulse me! You’re making me enchiladas fer cryin’ out loud. How many men would do that? I’d rather have enchiladas than flowers.
@Kardamom Okay, point taken. haha
@zenvelo I am sure you are not repulsive. Maybe a little overkill there, over the hill kill. lol
I was over the age of 25 over 25 years ago. lol
My inner child is between 12 and 13. He refuses to change. So I’ll just enjoy him.
37 physically. Mentally….well…let’s just say I still find Beavis and Butthead funny.
About 19 physically (I know, I can’t believe it either) and where I feel I really stopped aging, but reality is in a few short time units there will be a zero and a six fluttering about.
I unfortunately never found Beavis nor Butthead funny, but I did give 6 hour long video cassettes of Barney the purple dinosaur to children of parents who were in need of some discipline, as it were.
Let’s just say I learned most of the great classics of music by watching cartoons like Looney Toons, Felix the Cat, Mighty Mouse, and the Lone Ranger
To be honest Beavis and Butthead is pretty much rooted in 90’s teens-20s slacker/stoner humor. People outside that demographic at that time probably won’t find it all that funny.
Yo! I’m 18.
That’s only what my birth certificate says. In reality, I’m a mixture of an 18-year-old, a 9-year-old and 27-year-old. Sometimes they mess us and get me to troubles, but most of the time they cooperate fine :p
I’m 24.
And I feel like I’m 24.
I have no idea what it’s like to be older than 24 so I don’t feel “older” than 24 and yet I don’t feel younger because every year feels just a little different from the previous one. What other people do my age is of no consequence to me.
I think I joined Fluther when I was 18/19? This place is pretty cool.
I’ve noticed that most here are either young or young-at-heart. I guess it at least partially explains the very big liberal slant. Not a slight, just an observation.
Old enough to have been alive when Saigon fell, young enough to not remember it. ;)
@Dan_Lyons Yeah, you’re a little old for that, just as I’m a bit old for Barney. No Frog Baseball for you!
@seekingwolf I’ve seen a few young Conservatives and quite a few old Liberals here, so I don’t think that’s it.
I’m 18.87671233 years old.
My awesome daughter is 26. I relate to 26 year olds much better than 96 year olds, like my nosy ancient neighbor who was freaking out yesterday because she heard “noises” coming from my laundry room off the back off the house. “Uh, HELLOOOO, it was, gasp! the DRYER running! Rolls eyes, feels highly annoyed. I am going to kill mysel if I ever become a nosey old lady that hallucinates. haha
@dxs Is a redwood tree! lol
@dxs Then I’m 18. 248941085326 years old.
Sooo..the tally is, 7 under 25, and 8 50 and over, with @Darth_Algar falling smack in the middle.
Us old folks rock win. lol
@Darth_Algar I love Beavis and Butthead, watched them all through the nineties. Did you know that there are actually new episodes, too? These actually take place in the 2000’s. At first I wondered if this was a good idea…I figured, if the boys had the internet, they wouldn’t be having any adventures, as all they’d do is look at porn all day. There aren’t that many new episodes and Judge is going to stop doing them, but they were pretty interesting. (B&B going into a military camp, controlling drones on a computer, thinking it’s a GTA game lmfao) I also got the box set of the old shows, really wish a fourth one would come out with all the episodes that are not included on the three sets I have.
Also, I’m 32.
How scientific is that tally, @Coloma? Fingers, or were you just winging it?
@ibstubro Fingers. I can count ya know, without using my toes. lol
I was listening to Pearl Jam and Blues Traveler when I was 25. I was also watching Seinfeld and X-Files on the television. Fargo and Scream were movies I watched in the theater.
“Then I’m 18. 248941085326 years old.”
Since you posted that on May 19, that means you’ll turn 19 on December 110, 2014. ;-0
I am 22—I’ll be 23 in August. :)
I’m 8¾ & like to look up ladies skirts
@Mimishu1995 “Did I say I’m hopeless at math? :(” Not until just now, but I bet my calendar skills are way worse! ;-p
Well over 25, definitely and certainly over 25 is what I am. All I can say to those who are young, enjoy it, it goes as fast as the blink of an eye. Pretty soon, the twenties of today’s Fluther will be the ones telling the new generation jellies to hang on to it while it lasts.
I’m 52 if you want to know.
I’m 53 and my advice to those 20-somethings is “Try not to break too many bones, burn too many brain cells, or contract any STDs. Now get out there and have some FUN! You’ll probably never be so attractive, fit and resilient again in your lives.”
25 to 35 is the decade of our lives, in my opinion. Peak.
^and don’t forget to floss
I’ve spent my 18–24 (age wise) years being morbidly obese and in pain. Just getting my health back now. I sincerely hope life gets better because frankly, it has sucked in many ways.
@ibstubro I dunno…in my case, my 40’s were the decade of my life. A vortex of extreme growth, mental, emotional, spiritual. I kicked more ass between 38 and 48 than I ever did in my 20’s & younger 30’s. 38–44 were peak years, I was rockin’ through the universe. Best decade to date. Mid 50’s now kinda sucks. lol
38–43 was my peak, actually, @Coloma
@turtlesandbox Sounds like you were also a fan of Prelude to a Kiss. :)
@DaDuede Yo! Welcome. Let’s join “19-year-old club” together!
Hey, I want in this club!
I’ve been a member of the 19YOC for 48 years!
Hey I want to be in this club !
sigh…10 was a great year! lol
^^You have got to be kidding me…
@dxs That 10 was a good year or that she can remember stuff that far back?
^^^^ Hahaha…typo…I meant to write 19 but yeah, 10 was a good year too. lol
@Coloma I’m in the same boat lady. :)
@Coloma That makes more sense. I’m looking forward to 19.
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