Should I bring up the possibility of dyslexia to my doctor?
So, I don’t have a lot of understanding when it comes to dyslexia or ADHD (which I’ll mention at some point in this), except the basics: difficulty with words, and difficulty with focus. Which makes me feel a little silly asking this, because I’m an avid reader, and proficient in writing. But, as I said, I’m not that familiar, so maybe there are different types of the disorder?
Anywho, I ask because I’ve noticed over the years that I some times skip words or read/write them out of order. With that, I also tend to reread things often. It’s especially bad with textbooks/articles—things that are heavy-information dense. I’m not sure if that’s a focus thing or just a reading comprehension issue. Maybe both? I’ve had a couple friends suggest that I get tested for ADHD. Again, something I’m not that familiar with, but I thought the general association was with high energy people and I wouldn’t necessarily consider myself to be high energy. Again, I’m not sure if there are various levels to this or not. I’m capable of sitting for hours and thinking; thoughts are endless. But I find it hard to sit in a classroom or through things like orientation. On top of that, there are times where I can be in the middle of speaking and I lose my train of thought mid-sentence. There are also times when I can be having a conversation and suddenly it’s like I’m listening through water, or glass; I can see them talking and hear mumbling, but I can’t actually focus on what they’re saying. And I’m a terrible, terrible, procrastinator (not sure if that may be a symptom or just a bad habit) and I fidget quite a bit. There are other little things that tend to raise flags to me, but I’ve rambled enough here, haha.
I’ve taken some online quizzes for both, and scored moderate to high, but I also realize that they aren’t diagnosing tools (I just needed a place to start). And then I thought I’d ask here, and hope that I could get some more realistic viewpoints (be straight forward and honest, please) and if I should in fact discuss it with my doctor, or if I’m just overreacting. I just feel like my mind is all over the place anymore, and I’m getting into 300 and 400 level science classes and I /realllyyyy/ need to not screw up my GPA anymore than I already have.
Hope I haven’t stepped on any toes.
Happy to answer more questions, if need be.
Thank you for reading this far.
Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
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13 Answers
As someone who is both dyslexic and ADHD, I think you should get it checked out. If you do have a learning disorder, certain accommodations can be made by your teachers that might be a big help (e.g. being able to record lectures). There are strategies and techniques that you can learn that should help as well. I’m an avid reader myself, but it takes me much longer than other people. Whenever there’s text in a movie, it almost always disappears before I finish reading it.
The earmark for getting a diagnoses is that it impairs normal life functioning. That seems to be the case with you. In order to know what, specifically, could be the disorder and then work towards management, you need to stop taking online quizzes, asking the opinions of friends and Internet backseat doctors and go see a doctor. Feel free to show him/her this post, as you have done a good job describing your frustrations here. It is possible to get help, but only if you go through the appropriate channels. Stop procrastinating.
Diagnostic Criteria ADHD
ADHD is a bogus condition. Invented to sell drugs.
@GloPro I don’t care what you think. I was “diagnosed” as ADHD as a child and was on a ton of medications that did absolutely nothing. I behaved the same whether I was on them or not. You know what did help? Time. I grew out of those behaviors. I haven’t been on medication since I was 16. I’m 30 now. Society, and you apparently, have been brainwashed into thinking ADHD is a real disease. It isn’t. There are underlying causes(like stress, family problems, neglect, abuse)to the behaviors attributed to ADHD. Address those, and you change the behavior.
Nothing you can say will convince me otherwise. ADHD is a phony disease.
Ok. If that’s your opinion maybe you should refrain from giving negative and judgemental viewpoints to someone asking for help and feeling frustrated. What do you care if another person – a stranger to you – is “brainwashed” into a better control of themselves. Being argumentative serves no purpose in this general thread.
Because people should seek to actually fix their problem. Getting a bogus diagnosis does nobody any good.
Well, he has a choice of taking your opinion and comparing it to everyone else’s, this is true. I guess suggesting to a new jelly that they may be brainwashed and judging them when they ask for help is the standard welcome, though, isn’t it.
@PriceisRightx26 It is my opinion that ADHD is a real issue that may be treated in a number of ways. Drugs are only one method. The first step is to go seek professional opinions, multiple opinions if you like. Then you may address managing what is discovered.
@GloPro I was addressing you and society in general. The OP seems reluctant to believe the ADHD claim. They are right to be skeptical.
@PriceisRightx26 They’re both real and exist at different levels in different people. I’ve known a lot of people with either one. And they seem to respond to some meds and not others. Or if they can’t find a med you can at least make allowances for it and live a better life. So ask about them. And welcome to fluther.
I suggest you read The Dyslexic Advantage and The Gift of Dyslexia.
They both give you tools to handle and understand dyslexia and its resulting problems. But also to see and use the strengths.
I don’t know much about doctor’s or accommodations for this sort of thing so I will let someone else answer that.
Well, I do the same things. I think the text heavy, having to re read issue is pretty normal. It’s hard to focus on boring stuff. I had to re read all the time when I was in college.
Sitting through boring things, like orientation, is hard for everyone. No one likes to be bored. I think it’s worse today, though, with a never ending stream of entertainment usually at our finger tips.
I have forgotten my train of thought a few times in the middle of a conversation, but I never felt that was unusual. It’s pretty common to hear people say, “Wait…what was I (or ‘were we’) talking about?”
As far as your friends suggesting you get tested for ADHD…that’s short for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.” Have you friends told you why they think you should get tested for it?
@flip86 – Just because you believe that you were misdiagnosed does not make ADHD a “bogus” diagnosis. Having worked for several years as part of a developmental team that assessed children’s learning challenges, I assure you that some people genuinely can not focus and truly benefit from the medications. However, I do agree that too many kids have been given the diagnosis and put on medications without undergoing comprehensive evaluations. There is a great deal of overlap in how learning differences manifest in kids, so misdiagnosis does happen.
@PriceisRightx26 – The first thing to do is to express your concerns to your parents (if you are a minor or financially dependent on them), and your school counselor. You can begin with basic hearing and vision tests to ensure that your acuity in those senses is normal, because even mild sensory deficits can lead to surprising behaviors, because the extra effort one expends in trying to compensate is very fatiguing. Even disrupted sleep from breathing, sinus, adenoids, apnea can show up as learning difficulties. If your insurance requires referrals, you will need to mention it to your physician.
More comprehensive testing of visual and auditory processing may not be covered. A neuro-optometrist would test you for ocular-motor and perceptual problems that might cause your symptoms. An Audiologist (which is what I am) would test your auditory attention and auditory processing abilities. Occupational Therapists can check for sensory integration, fine-motor, hand-eye and other measures of skills needed for learning. The school may cover some of the specialized testing, but some might be self-pay; your counselor should be able to advise you in that regard.
Much of what you experience describes me, too. I am confident that if I had been born 30 years later, I’d have been classified or diagnosed. I managed to struggle through and surprised myself by getting a Master’s Degree. I hope that you do get some answers and effective coping strategies. Good luck!
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