Social Question

chyna's avatar

Are your friend's age generally in your age group or are they all over the map?

Asked by chyna (51682points) May 22nd, 2014

I’m in my 50’s and my friend’s ages are all over the map. It’s because I meet them through work. But I do have people that act surprised that I have such younger friends.
Are most of your friends in your age group? Or not?

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11 Answers

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Here there and everywhere ! !

ibstubro's avatar

My friends run the gambit. I bonded with a 15 yo kid, but socialize most frequently with a couple in their 70’s.

CocoSmith's avatar

My friends are my peers and we have a lot to talk about.

AshLeigh's avatar

I have very few friends (and by few, I mean my boyfriend)
It isn’t people of a certain age that I have trouble tolerating, getting along with, and bonding with. It’s just everyone. I think I enjoy my own company more than I’ve ever enjoyed anyone else’s.

marinelife's avatar

All over the map.

El_Cadejo's avatar

All over the place. Growing up I was generally friends with people that were older. The same is still pretty much true but I have friends that are much younger than me as well. Oddly enough, not many friends that are the same age as me :P

anniereborn's avatar

I guess it depends on how you define “friends”. But I’d say that generally mine are ages
30 to 60s (I’m 45)

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

i don’t have any friends

JLeslie's avatar

My friends are right around my age and older. It has been that way my entire life. I was young for my grade even in school, so my classmates were all older. I was ahead in some subjects so I had classes with even older students some times.

My youngest friend is just a few years younger, and my sister is 2.5 years younger, and that’s it for younger friends who I stay in reasonable touch with. I know younger people, but don’t really hang out with them or have a very strong relationship with them. I’m 46 and my closest girlfriends from college are ages 45–47 and a girlfriend I am back in touch with now that I moved back to FL is 44 I believe, and some of our favorite friends to visit and spend time with as a couple are in their 50’s. A couple sets of friends are in their 60’s.

livelaughlove21's avatar

Most of my friends are my age or a little older, between 24 and 32 for the most part. I’ve got a coworker that I consider a friend and she’s in her early 40’s. I guess it all depends on what you call a “friend.” I have plenty of acquaintances that vary quite a bit in age.

Seek's avatar

I’m 28. Most of my friends are in their 40s.

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