What would you expect to happen if you posted a porn video, featuring yourself, on a social networking site like Face Book or Twitter?
What do you think the reaction of others would be? Would you think most people would be impressed and just think you were awesome?
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27 Answers
A big yawn, if they even noticed.
FB would probably drop the “Ban Hammer” on you. As for others reactions, they may frown upon you, depending on their personality.
I think most people would react with “why bless his heart, he thinks he is special.”
My credibility and career would go flaccid.
@zenvelo…. couldn’t read your tone. Could you ‘splain a little more, please?
Frankly, I wonder about the women who appear in those videos. Sure, most of the time it takes 2 to tango but also, most of the time, the guy’s face is hidden from view. The woman is the star and is usually shown clearly. Verrry clearly, in HD glory! Do any of them worry about the future? What would happen if she becomes a school teacher, or lawyer, or other professional? Would clients trust her judgement? Would she have to quit?
@Dutchess_III That’s a sarcastic tone, implying that most people would think anyone who would post a porn video of themselves must be deluded enough to think they are awesome.
That’s kind of what I thought @zenvelo. Yeah, you’d have to have some sort of deluded not to expect backlash. I read an article about a beautiful young 18 year old who did just that. When she got hit with the teasing she committed suicide. Perhaps she was really thinking of it, and herself, in the way you suggested.
@LuckyGuy People always say that “kids” just do dumb things without thinking of the consequences. Well, I remember clearly avoiding certain situations in HS and in college, thinking about the possibility that my (future) children could find out. Not all of us were idiots!
People already judge you enough and assume they know you through your Facebook or Twitter or whatever. My guess is that you would have a lot of people trying to save you or help you. While talking shit about you at the same time.
Penguin porn?? Oh my, the birds would be so excited!
Would you expect to get teased and to get a lot of negative feedback and comments?
I figure it would get a few likes (not because it was entertaining, but more out of some sort of sarcasm, I guess maybe some people would be entertained by it) and I would also get some messages asking if my account was hacked, and then I think FB would take it down.
@Dutchess_III Alyssa Funke did not post it to her social media. Students at her former school found out and started attacking her on it. Funny how infrequently these stories ask how the attackers found out about the target being a performer.
You are aright. She posted it on a website called CastingCouch-X.
@janbb Penguin Porn! Call be if you get some bees involved. After all, from another Q we know it’s called the “birds and the bees.”
@Dutchess_III I grew up in the stone age. Way before the that new-fangled interwebz and MyFace and Faceypage. But I lived under the premise that there was a “permanent record” which would follow me around if/when I wanted to get into college.
“If you skip class and get caught it will go on your permanent record!”
I avoided doing stupid stuff.
People would marvel at the speed my arse flashes up & down & wonder how I don’t get whiplash in my ballsack.
Also, “my goodness, but he has wonderful skin, one word…moisturiser!!”
If I posted it onTwitter, no one would be surprised I did it in 140 characters or less.
Neither Facebook nor Twitter allows pornographic content. There is no answer to your question.
Yes, I was corrected above.
I can think of at least two, possibly more, friends who would be upset that I distributed the material without making money.
@LuckyGuy One thing to remember about the internet; storage is cheap. So long as even one person with a connected computer is willing to use 0.01% of their $100 hard drive to storing a video of your bouncing buttocks, you’ll live on forever.And I’m pretty sure that more that one person is willing to spend fractions of a cent worth of drive space for that; there’s all sorts of weirdos on the internet. “Permanent record” is an understatement.
Nothing. No one has ever bothered to look at anything I post on Facebook anyway.
1) I would lose my job (my manager is on my Facebook feed).
2) Everyone would laugh at me.
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