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Dutchess_III's avatar

Who do you think has the coolest avatar on Fluther?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) May 24th, 2014

This was asked in 2009. I read through it, and was sad to see all the Jellies who are no longer with us. So lets ask again!

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38 Answers

gailcalled's avatar

Milo here; Me.

Coloma's avatar

<——- and Myles. Milo & Myles..the cats meow. :-)

marinelife's avatar

I vote for the penguin. You can’t get much cooler than Antartica.

Dutchess_III's avatar

<————- They call me Milo Yellow. (Quite right!) :)

dxs's avatar

Aww c’mon I made this avatar all by myself and haven’t changed it since. This (segment of a) drawing is the only object created on my first laptop that remains today.

Dutchess_III's avatar

It’s beautiful @dxs.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

I don’t use it anymore and the other I was told was a violation to use… I don’t know, I would have to look at a view more 1st.

Coloma's avatar

I love @dxs avatar and I told him/her so recently! Being an artsy type Iike color and design. That’s my architect daddies brain influence.

Dan_Lyons's avatar

Well, @Dutchess_III and @ragingloli just changed theirs (for this question??? hmmmm). Both are quite nice, although I liked Loli’s fanged avatar better than the new one. Your cat looking at her reflection in the door is cool, dutchy.
@Coloma‘s fat cat is pretty cool, but I think my electric jellyfish is by far the best (after all, this is a fluther of jellyfish, is it not?)!

Seek's avatar

Mine is full of awesome. It’s me. Duh.

Mimishu1995's avatar

@Symbeline’s avatar, the one she used before changing to the jellyfish one.

Coloma's avatar

@Dan_Lyons No offense, but your eclectic jellyfish looks like a fried egg, over easy. lol

Dan_Lyons's avatar

@Coloma That’s why I switched to it. it is just like me, a cracked egg!

Coloma's avatar

@Dan_Lyons Over easy ey? haha

Dan_Lyons's avatar

shhh @Coloma You’ll give me away!

LuckyGuy's avatar

Mine. It was made by @anartist. (RIP).

Coloma's avatar

^^^ I miss her.

LuckyGuy's avatar

When I found out she had passed I went to her obit site and read about her.. She had such an interesting life.

zenzen's avatar

Mine was designed by jeruba back in the day. In place of picards comunicator, there was alittle bob. Alas, i lost it with my hard drive crash. Now i just use a picard from the net. She did it in 09. Time flies.

zenzen's avatar

* sigh *


janbb's avatar

Jeruba added the Jelly on the cover to my existing Pengy reading for me.

gailcalled's avatar

@Bob_ has a good one.

@rooeytoo gave Milo his little red beret (with alternates of a yarmulke, a mortarboard and glasses, and a tutu and pink satin ballet slippers.)

Dutchess_III's avatar

What happened to anartist???

Dutchess_III's avatar

I miss rooeytoo too.

Coloma's avatar

@Dutchess_III She died awhile back. I’m not sure where the link is to her obit. it was posted somewhere a few months ago. @LuckyGuy knows, she created his avatar.

gailcalled's avatar

Anne’s obit She died in February of this year.

cookieman's avatar

I didn’t know @anartist had passed. So sad, but thank you for the link @gailcalled.

One of my favorite avatars was @tinyfaery’s old one — the candy-coated lips.

I liked when @Blondesjon and @jonsblond would have matching avatars — but I haven’t seen her in a long while.

I like @Mimishu1995‘s currently.

wildpotato's avatar

Of currently active jellies – someone has or had a sandpiper bird. That one. I thought it was jaytkay but no…hm.

@gailcalled bob_’s avatar is from a webcomic called Cyanide and Happiness (I think).

El_Cadejo's avatar

@wildpotato Ya, it’s from cyanide and happiness

dxs's avatar

What?? I always thought he was the writer of those comics!

El_Cadejo's avatar

@dxs That is a possibility, there are quite a few different writers for that comic.

Coloma's avatar

Here’s my new one. My old goose Sonora and his ducky true love Lucy, having an intimate pool party for two. They love each other so much, but alas, it is a platonic love as geese and ducks cannot crossbreed. They are content to just swim together and sleep together and gaze at each other adoringly. haha

Seek's avatar

Sonora is a BOY?

Coloma's avatar

@Seek Yes, his gander , er, gender, transformed once upon a time, like Marwyn. It is really hard to sex geese until they decide to flash you their penis. lol

Seek's avatar

Haha. So you’re 0 for 2 now. That’s so funny.

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