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Tropical_Willie's avatar

Have you gone to any of your high school reunions?

Asked by Tropical_Willie (31656points) May 27th, 2014

I’ll be going to my fiftieth this weekend. I went to my twentieth and fortieth. I was wondering, if you have gone to any or all of your school’s reunions ?

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12 Answers

johnpowell's avatar

Nope. Haven’t even been invited. I’m not even sure how they would find me.

cookieman's avatar

I went to my fifth, which was an awkward night of one-upmanship. Who had a degree, who was married, who owned a business, etc. Didn’t like it.

Later, I was convinced to go to my twentieth. Also bizarre as I spent most of the night wandering up to people, staring at their name tag, then their face, then back to the name tag, and thinking, “Wow!”. I barely recognized or remembered anyone.

Seek's avatar

Last year was my tenth – or would have been. We didn’t have a reunion because the person in charge wasn’t aware that plans for such things need to be made, like, in advance. He tried to book a hotel block and some meeting rooms on about three week’s notice, after telling a bunch of people when and where it was going to be held. Fortunately, no one had actually bought a plane ticket or anything.

Eventually, after a last-minute clutch to pull off something, about nine people who had never moved out of that town met at Hooters for a drink. I wasn’t one of them.

No great loss. I’ve repressed most of those years, anyway.

Judi's avatar

None of mine since I I dropped out my sophomore year and graduated from a HS completion program when I was 17, but I have been to a few of my husbands. His are like history lessons since he graduated in the Bay Area in 1968. It becomes rock and roll story telling time.

RocketGuy's avatar

I met up with @Rarebear (who is no longer here) and went to our 20th and 30th. Same old cliques hanging out together. One clique had an anti-reunion for the 20th – they did not come to the real reunion, but instead met at one of their homes. I should have gone to that one. My 20th was not fun at all.

AshlynM's avatar

Never. I’ve only been to someone else’s.

gailcalled's avatar

I went to my 25th and a picnic we had just after 9/11 which turned out to be an informal 47th reunion. I enjoyed them both. Everyone who showed up seemed to have grown up. I rconnected with a HS beau, and we had a brief yet really wonderful fling. My last hurrah probably and lots of fun. We still keep in touch, 3400 miles from each other.

janbb's avatar

I’ve been to a few and to a few mini-reunions. People seemed much less cliquish at the later ones and some of the people stay in close connection. They’ve been ok but don’t really float my boat.

talljasperman's avatar

I’ve never been invited to any. I would like to go and get a second chance with the cute girl who’s name I forgot.

zenvelo's avatar

I went to my 10th, was on the committee for my 20th, and went to my 40th last summer.

I’ve stayed in touch with a few high school friends over the years, so it was nice, although my big disappointment was that a group of then girls I had been friends with have never shown up, and can’t be found.

My 40th was small, but was very rewarding because of reconnections over the last 10 years. A man who had been very popular through out the school and for many after, because of being an all around great person, became very sick about 6 years ago, and while he was in intensive care for months awaiting a liver transplant, set up a Facebook network that had about half our class communicating. And because of that, many of us got to know each other pretty well despite not having been close in high school.

One of them became a lover for a while, and I will see her tomorrow when I venture to her city for a concert.

zainety's avatar

Me personally half the people i went to school with i didn’t like and they didn’t like me so what’s the point in seeing all of em again.

BeenThereSaidThat's avatar

nope. I moved 3,000 miles away and going back for a high school reunion was not worth the expense to me. I would rather go on a real vacation with the money.

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