Social Question

filmfann's avatar

Have you ever had to perform a software upgrade on your DVD player?

Asked by filmfann (52620points) May 28th, 2014

I recently bought a new DVD, and first time trying to play it on the Blu Ray player, the menu would work, but the movie would not run.
I first thought the disc was bad, but was able to play the movie on other machines.
Checking the machine manufacturer’s website, I found that one occasionally needs to update the firmware in the player. I followed the instructions, and without too much trouble successfully updated the firmware, and now the movie plays.
I have had 4 DVD players, and I never have heard of this kind of issue.
Is this kind of thing only for Blu Ray players?
Have you ever had to do this?
I wonder how many times people have replaced machines without realizing that their player just needed a software upgrade.

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6 Answers

elbanditoroso's avatar

Not on my DVD player, but I had to do a software upgrade on my Canon SLR digital camera a couple weeks ago, to fix a particular problem. It’s a little scary to do that… but in my case, it worked perfectly.

ucme's avatar

I think it’s exclusive to Blu Ray players as opposed to DVD’s.
Done it with mine, but knew right from taking it out the package, perks of reading through the manual.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

I did a dvd player once to enable some newer features. You can actually update the firmware on most of them but hardly anyone bothers or thinks to do it as long as the player works.

El_Cadejo's avatar

I didn’t have to, but I’ve updated the firmware on DVD players so that I could play burnt movies of whatever file type I chose.

Darth_Algar's avatar

My blu-ray player is a Playstation 3, and they update the system’s firmware pretty often (not specifically for playing movies, but just in general). And you have to download and install pretty much every update they release. Otherwise the system will not connect to the Playstation Network and you can use the online features of any game. So yeah, I’ve had to update mine dozens of times since I got it.

filmfann's avatar

My DVD player is not hooked up to a WiFi or a LAN, so I had to download the updated firmware, move it to a flash drive, put the flash drive into the DVD player, and load the program. I suppose it would be easier if it was just already online.

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