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talljasperman's avatar

(NSFW) what are different reasons for having a colonoscopy ?

Asked by talljasperman (21924points) May 29th, 2014

Patient is complaining about diarrhea for months at a time.

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11 Answers

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gailcalled's avatar

Polyps and abnormalities such as signs of colon cancer.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

Also for things such as hernias or to find sources of discomfort or bleeding. It’s generally not a big deal to get one anymore.

gailcalled's avatar

As a rule, colonoscopies are not used to diagnose hernias

“A physical exam by your health care provider is often enough to diagnose a hernia. Sometimes hernia swelling is visible when you stand upright; usually, the hernia can be felt if you place your hand directly over it and then bear down. Ultrasound may be used to see a femoral hernia, and abdominal X-rays may be ordered to determine if a bowel obstruction is present.” Source

jaytkay's avatar

I had one twenty years ago because I couldn’t swallow food and I had horrendous acid reflux. I don’t recall the reasoning for the rear end exam, it doesn’t seem right. They ran me through a LOT of tests before they figured it out.

Eventually they diagnosed a hiatal hernia. But that’s a stomach & throat problem, the colonoscopy didn’t help.

Recently I had a colonoscopy because I turned 50 and screening for colon cancer is recommended.

Pandora's avatar

Diarrhea could be possibly be cause by colitis or IBM or diverticulitis. All 3 could only be detected through a colonoscopy screening.
Diverticulitis is actually pretty common. So are the rest, but most people in their life time will develop diverticulitis as they age, only some show symptoms and some don’t if it is not severe. Some people can have a minor case of it but suffer symptoms because it becomes septic.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

@gailcalled Sometimes they are found during a colonoscopy though.

gailcalled's avatar

I did preface my remark with “As a rule.”

majorrich's avatar

Blood in the stool or a history of polyps in previous colonoscopies.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Update. The colonoscopy was fine… no problems.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Update Dr. diagnosed me with IBS. I am on a low FODMAPS diet.

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