Social Question

Have you ever been to an interview where one of the interviewers seems nervous or awkward.If so what did you do?
Okay I went to an interview where the HR manager and person I would be working with directly was present. I felt like most of the questions came from the HR manager as apposed to the person I would be working with. It made me feel uncomfortable as usually questions come from both people in most interviews I have been to.
I forgot to mention also that it was a casual interview, not a formal interview.
Also when it came time for me to ask questions. I tried to direct some of them at the person I would be working with but he seemed very short and like he didn’t really want to answer.
I thought maybe because English wasn’t his first language he may not have been that confident. Also he just seemed a bit moody.
I never experienced this before anywhere.
Did you ever have a situation like this.
By the way the interview was in a foreign country , not an english speaking country. But the interview was in English.
Also he kind of gave this big sigh when i was asking my questions. No I didn’t ask too many questions and I was to the point. I only asked about 5 questions.
I never experienced this before at all anywhere. I am usually quite good at interviews by the way. Could it just be a culture clash ?
I just thought it a bit rude and weird but I still continued to be friendly