(NSFW) O.k. I want a final debate on what specific foods and activites , like drinking and smoking, are good and which are bad?
On a scale of 1 best for you and 10 bad for you. taking everything into consideration , like taste and cost and health factors and pleasure. I’m sick of watching the news and finding out that everything is eventually bad for you. I’ll start with a cheese filled frank fruiter and chocolate milk vs. a pack of cigarettes and a six pack of beer. Feel free to add more food items or drug use or activities like auto-erotic asphyxiation. Humor and serious answers welcome.
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32 Answers
At this point going out for a walk right now would be better for you than eating any of that.
You are burning daylight.
@LuckyGuy I’ll hang out on the patio, for a couple of minutes. edit it is too cold and stormy.
Coffee is likely good for you.
Beer is not. Sorry.
Hot dogs are basically death. As bad as inactivity.
Wear a coat. You have at least one. It is 13C there now. Go out before it rains tonight.
Just go around the block.
I second @LuckyGuy‘s suggestion. Put a coat on and walk around the block. You will warm up by walking, burn a few calories and possibly meet new people.
@LuckyGuy I don’t want too go outside… that’s why I stocked up on food. I’m scared of being alone outside. Ps. while I wrote this I ate a chocolate bar and finished my teriyaki chicken wings for snack… I will have supper in a few hours.
Hmmm I drank and partied like a mad thing last night. Bad. I smoke. I’m drinking a heineken right now. Bad. But I have chicken cooking that I’m going to eat on basmati rice. Good.
“Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants”
-Michael Pollan
The less processed the better and in moderation. Except maybe vegetables. Eat the hell out of those guys.
Reminds me of the old joke:
Do you smoke after sex?
I don’t know. I never looked.
David Carridine agrees, now.
One or two indulgent days a week are fine, with anything, short of Heroin, otherwise, anything in excess can be bad.
You can die from drinking too much water. lol
Obviously living on booze, junk food not exercising and smoking like a chimney is the fast track to an early death, but, it’s all personal choice. One could also argue that the sooner you die the better for the up and coming tadpoles in the pond.
The more older frogs that croak the more bugs for the small fry. haha
@Coloma I’m slowly learning how to shop healthier, and cheaply, (and simply). I’m on a fixed income and the only way to save money is to find creative ways to feed myself. I saved $25 by shaving my head with the trimmer function on my electric razor. I cut back on bandwidth and cable channels my rent is as low as it can go.
@talljasperman Good for you, the healthier you get the less you will want to eat too much junk. from the cheesecake addict. lol The trick is to treat yourself but not go crazy.
The secret is a lot of good and some bad thrown in. Everything in moderation.
There is nothing good about diet soda. That reason alone makes it just as bad as a turd sandwich.
Not that I want to die anytime soon (I am 45)... but with the Alzheimer’s that runs in my family, I’m not so sure I want to live that long either.
So, even though I need to eat better and exercise, I am not going to go crazy fretting about it.
Everyone dies eventually. Why not just have that cigarette or chocolate bar or whatever?
@anniereborn Alzheimer’s or dementia have been linked to sugar hfcs. My anecdotal knowledge of working in a assisted living facility the ones with sugary treats stashed here or there or constant consumption were more prone memory problems.
@Unbroken many many things have been ‘shown” to be linked to Dementia. and many many things have been show to “supposedly” help prevent it. My mother did everything healthy she should have and it didn’t matter.
I wouldn’t feed those cheese filled frankfurters to my dog. Those should be tossed.
If you google “Top Ten Preventable Causes of Death” it will show you that smoking is number 1. Try to eat unprocessed foods as much as possible, try to limit salt and sugar intake as much as possible. Doesn’t mean a hot dog will kill you, but don’t eat that crap every day. Teriyaki chicken wings you are snacking on? Not really so good. Full of salt and sugar. Drinking you should limit, too. Really, the worst thing you can do is smoke.
@talljasperman I think you know what you need to do – you just have to start do some of it.
WHO AM I to tell people what indulgences they should or should not engage in. (Inhales deeply).
@SecondHandStoke Would you feel the same way if others made you pay for their indulgences? I have no trouble with self-funded indulgences. If a person pays for it themselves then they should enjoy. I object when I have to pay for it . We already know the OP is funded by taxpayers.
A small effort would have such a big effect on so many aspects of life.
Oh well…
Even if he weren’t funded by taxpayers, any health insurance is essentially a big pool. When many people cost the system more, the administrators of the system will raise the rates for all.
@LuckyGuy Anything that ANYONE does that is “unhealthy” physically, mentally or emotionally costs society in one way or another.
I do indeed pay for their habits. For example:
Smoking is a tremendous burden on our healthcare system.
But disallowing others to smoke thus limiting their right to options is far more a problem to me.
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