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KNOWITALL's avatar

Useless fun facts - want to play?

Asked by KNOWITALL (29997points) May 30th, 2014

My husband and I play this game all the time. State your useless fun fact, have fun!

*Did you know that Elvis Presley spent most of his life with pedophile tendencies preferring 14 year old girls well into his later years?

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91 Answers

KNOWITALL's avatar

Did you know Evel Knieval was born in Montana?

Strauss's avatar

Did you know that impressionist artist Georges Seurat painted A Sunday on La Grande Jatte using tiny dots instead of brush strokes.

Seek's avatar

Did you know the term “brat” refers to the cloaks that poor Irish children wore in the 16th century?

Well, they wore the cloaks before that, but the derogatory term dates from the 16th century.

cookieman's avatar

Did you know that Frank Lloyd Wright designed the Hannah House on a hexagonal grid?

Mrs. Hannah was not pleased.

Coloma's avatar

In Colonial America Lobster was so cheap it was often served to prisoners.

flip86's avatar

Did you know the pledge of allegience was originally recited without the words “under god” in it? They were added to it in the 1950’s.

Coloma's avatar

^^^ Huh!

In the 1970’s Mattels ” growing up Skipper” doll had that breasts that grew when you turned her arm. lol

Seek's avatar

^ I might have had that doll, second hand from my aunt.

Coloma's avatar

^^^ Haha….“from cute little girl to curvy teenager” was the marketing ploy.

In 1939 Hitlers nephew wrote and article called ” Why I hate my Uncle.”
He then moved to the U.S. joined the Navy and settled in Long Island.

turtlesandbox's avatar

Emotional pain lasts for 10 to 20 minutes, anything longer is actually self inflicted by over thinking, making things worse.

on second thought, this might not be useless info.

talljasperman's avatar

Elvis and Michael Jackson both died at the same age.. maybe Lisa Marie Presley gave her husband info on how to fake ones death?

Seek's avatar

@turtlesandbox I may need a source for that one.

turtlesandbox's avatar

@seek good for you. I have a softball game to attend.

Seek's avatar

…* blink *

Pachy's avatar

Did you know Mark Walberg has a third nipple? That’s what I read today.

Coloma's avatar

^^^ Ewww…haha

ucme's avatar

Hitler’s favourite film was King Kong
The original mask worn by Michael Myers in the first Halloween movie was a cheap Captain Kirk mask painted white.

chyna's avatar

Staying on the Hitler theme Hitler had a full mustache until he found that he could not fit a gas mask tightly against his face with it, so he shaved it to the little patch everyone recognizes.

Seek's avatar

Hitler lost a testicle whilst trying to urinate in a goat’s mouth.

I don’t care if it’s not true, this is my favourite Hitler fake-legend and I’m going to keep spreading it until the end of time.

jaytkay's avatar

Rin Tin Tin was such a huge star that in 1941, ten years after he died, his handler was getting royalties of $11,000/year from Japan (when $2,000/year was an average wage).

Pachy's avatar

Not only did I know that “under God” was added, @flip86, I’m old enough to have recited the pledge before it was added.

cookieman's avatar

Did you know that underneath IM Pei’s controversial addition to the Louvre in Paris (a glass pyramid) is… a mall?

My favorite IM Pei building is still the John Hancock Tower here in Boston — despite its sordid history.

Mimishu1995's avatar

Did you know that another version of this question has been asked? :P

Coloma's avatar

Did you know that a pregnant Goldfish is called a “Twit.” haha

majorrich's avatar

On June 18, 1879, the largest baby in history, weighing 26 lbs. and 34 inches in length—so large, in fact, that it became tightly wedged in her capacious tract, only extricated by the use of forceps and belts. The child did not survive the rigors of birth, but a cast was made, still on display at the Cleveland Museum of Health.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

The worlds longest poop is nearly 27 feet long and was laid down by a woman.

turtlesandbox's avatar

I’ve returned from the softball game and I insist everyone needs to provide a source. because I have nothing better to do ~

Seek's avatar

I would love to see the source for the 27 foot long poo.

Berserker's avatar

The original mask worn by Michael Myers in the first Halloween movie was a cheap Captain Kirk mask painted white.

I’ll be offended if you somehow thought I didn’t know that. :D

WARNING This will only be interesting to horror fans.

More Halloween Facts;

Originally, it was supposed to be called The Babysitter Murders.

Not really an obscure fact but, the stuntman who played Michael Myers in Halloween V was named Donald Shanks. Shanks, while being a last name, is also a slang for stabbing someone in the gut with a knife. As in, Imma shank his ass! Fucking hilarious.

Christopher Lee was approached by Carpenter to play the role of Sam Loomis, but Lee refused. Apparently, he really regretted it. Well, I love Christopher Lee, but in my mind, no one could have played the good doctor better than Donald Pleasence.

Pet Semetary Facts;

Sixteen different cats were used to ’‘play’’ Church, the Creeds’ family cat. (who’s whole name is Winston Churchill, two facts in one! :D )

Zelda, Rachel’s late sister, was actually played by a man. The reason behind this is, Zelda was dying, and skinny as a mummy, and apparently they couldn’t find a woman thin enough for the role. :/

Seek's avatar

Er… wasn’t Sam Loomis the boyfriend in Psycho? They did re-use that name, didn’t they?

Berserker's avatar

Yeah, Sam Loomis Hardware yo. :) Also in Halloween IV, there’s a hardware store called Loomis Hardware, although they give you about a fraction of a second to see the store name.

ucme's avatar

@Symbeline Oh I knew you’d know, that’s a gimme :)
Hitler used to ejaculate during his manic, hate filled speeches, only a little though, with having just the one nut

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

@Seek I did find confirmation of this, the woman was full of shit. It was something she faked for an art exhibition.

quote:“I think people want to believe,” surmises the artist. Her World Records could only seem authentic in a world where so many extreme acts have resulted in so much art for so long. Last year at another gallery, Hines exhibited stills from World Record #4: Peristaltic Action, in which she supposedly deposited the world’s longest shit down the length of a bowling alley. And she fooled people there too (since, according to New Art Examiner, some gallery goers were offended).

ibstubro's avatar

The only plant that the Monarch butterfly can successfully lay eggs on is the milkweed pod.

Mimishu1995's avatar

[NSFW] Did you know that the pleasure a yawn brings to you can be compared with the one of sexual orgasm?

jaytkay's avatar

a source

Here’s the Rin Tin Tin/Japan reference from Susan Orlean’s book Rin Tin Tin: The Life and the Legend.

Bonus: Scroll down two pages in the book for for Hitler references.

ibstubro's avatar

The St. Louis Zoo has a program trying to get people to plant milk weeds for Monarchs.

Coloma's avatar

4:30 p.m. on the west coast and Coloma has a dinner function she does not want to attend. Useless fact but not fun. lol

downtide's avatar

Koala bears have fingerprints that are indistinguishable from human fingerprints. I wonder if this ever causes difficulties for Australian detectives? “It wasn’t me, officer, the koala did it!”

turtlesandbox's avatar

Though often called koala “bear”, the koala is not a bear at all. It is a marsupial. :)

Adagio's avatar

The world’s first commercial bungee jump took place in NZ, 1988, it was 43m high.

ibstubro's avatar

A lightning bolt generates temperatures five times hotter than those found on the sun’s surface.

Coloma's avatar

Hydrox cookies were the predecessor of Oreos, not the knockoff.

Mimishu1995's avatar

[NSFW (again) The world’s first pornographic movie was shot in 1897. It was a French movie. And it basically shows a woman bathing with the help of her maid and… nothing else.

No sources can be provided for the sake of safety.

Seek's avatar

Haha. It’s pretty much guaranteed the second thing to be produced on any new medium will be porn.

“Wow, I got this picture to move! Let’s make a moving picture of that chick’s tits!”

talljasperman's avatar

(NSFW) Do we have 3D porn yet?

Seek's avatar

Uh, of course. Do we have 3d imaging? Then there’s 3d porn. Rule 34.

Not linking to porn, but here’s a sample google search (NSFW)

Coloma's avatar

On June 10th 1958 a woman was sucked out of her house in El Dorado Kansas during a tornado and carried 60 feet. Unharmed, she landed next to a phonograph record of “Stormy weather.” lololol

ibstubro's avatar

Best Answer, @Coloma!

Marilyn Monroe had six toes on one foot.

Coloma's avatar

^^^ She shoulda found a guy with an extra nipple. haha

Coloma's avatar

Ketchup was sold in the 1830’s as medicine.

Mimishu1995's avatar

@Coloma And ketchup had a Chinese origin.

Strauss's avatar

Sears (then known as “Sears-Roebuck”) used to carry tincture of cannabis before the anti-marijuana laws. (source)

downtide's avatar

@Mimishu1995 So does brown sauce (a british sauce for breakfasts and bacon butties). It’s based on Hoi Sin sauce. You can make an authentic-tasting Chinse stir-fry adding nothing but sesame oil and brown sauce.

flip86's avatar

Robert Cornelius took the very first selfie in 1839.

Seek's avatar

@downtide That is the single most useful piece of information that I have heard in a long time.

ucme's avatar

It’s impossible to lick your own elbow.
75% of you will now try & lick your elbow

ibstubro's avatar

It’s impossible to sneeze with your eyes open.

Mimishu1995's avatar

It’s impossible to refrain a sneeze and a yawn.

Coloma's avatar

The Candiru catfish is a tiny species of catfish that lives in south american rivers and has a propensity for swimming up mens urethras. It is less than one inch long, scaleless, translucent and looks like an eel.
The 1st documented case was in 1977.
It anchors itself inside the penis with it’s spines and feeds off the mans blood supply, causing inflamation, hemorrhage and even death.

It can only be extracted surgically.

Seek's avatar

So it’s a human fetus?

Coloma's avatar

@Seek Haha, so men really can get pregnant and spawn little fishies. lol

ucme's avatar

Right before Oswald pulled the trigger that shattered JFK’s head, he farted & almost gave himself away.
A colleague heard the noise, but assumed it was someone ripping cardboard boxes, an error which led to the death of a president, but worse, ruined Jackie’s pink little number.

ibstubro's avatar

No word in the English language rhymes with month, orange, silver or purple.

majorrich's avatar

The loudest recorded fart was 110 decibels for nearly 5 seconds!

Strauss's avatar

Contrary to common belief, cola drinks (Coke, Pepsi, etc.) contain little, if any, of the actual kola nut.

Mimishu1995's avatar

And cola drinks are the kind of drinks which make you thirty when you drink them.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Holy crap! Give me some cola drinks! NOW!!!

ibstubro's avatar

DOWN, @Dutchess_III.! THIRSTY.

Only the Dr. Pep’er can make you look like an insincere [botox] 30 at this point!

Strauss's avatar

@Dutchess_III We both know this is the better side of thirty, anyway!

ibstubro's avatar

The name for Oz in the “Wizard of Oz” was thought up when the creator, Frank Baum, looked at his filing cabinet and saw A-N and O-Z, hence “Oz.”


DWW25921's avatar

Elephants migrate. Yeah, that’s all I’ve got.

Coloma's avatar

Okay…here’s a gem!
Semen was used as invisible ink by the British but they stopped using it becacuse it smelled of not fresh. lol

Source: fact # 3 from the top.

Coloma's avatar

Scroll down past the video for the facts not shared.

flip86's avatar

@ibstubro What about nurple? It may be slang, but it’s English slang.

ibstubro's avatar

The lint that collects in your clothing (bottom of your pockets, pant cuffs) is called ”gnurr”.

Never heard of ‘nurple’, @flip86.

majorrich's avatar

Abraham Lincoln’s Grandfather fought in the Revolutionary War. His name was also Abraham Lincoln.

Mimishu1995's avatar

Also Abraham Lincoln fact:

The person who tried to stop John Wilkes Booth from assassinate Lincoln was seriously mentally ill after the assassination and went on to kill his wife and commit suicide some time later.

Unreliable source

ucme's avatar

During the D Day landings off the French coast in WWII, British soldiers placed condoms over their gun muzzles to prevent sea water damaging them.
One soldier yelled out, “Are we going to fight the nazis or fuck them?”

ibstubro's avatar

You can get a rough estimate of the temperature by counting the number of times a cricket chirps in 15 seconds, then adding 37.

Provided, praise be Lalla, thank the Gourd, there’s only ONE frickin cricket!

Seek's avatar

Walks outside into the Florida swamp

I can’t count that high. Also, I can’t tell which are crickets and which are frogs.

Strauss's avatar

It seems the crickets around here chirp at exactly the same frequency as my frequin’ tinnitus!

KNOWITALL's avatar

Good job everybody, thanks for playing!

flip86's avatar

@ibstubro Never heard the term purple nurple? It’s another way of saying tittie twister.

ibstubro's avatar

No, I have not, @flip86

Martin Van Buren, the eighth President, is sometimes credited with creating the word “OK.” Van Buren was from Kinderhook, New York. During his campaign, Old Kinderhook (O.K.) clubs formed to support the President. Later, “OK” or “okay,” came to mean “all right.”

Dutchess_III's avatar

I have known my Dad’s wife for 30 years. I just found out that she’s an animal lover! We kept the dogs out of the house for the first day she was here. But then she told us so we let them in and I was amazed!

Strauss's avatar

Did you know that Abraham Lincoln was carrying Confederate money when he was assassinated?

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