Meta Question

ucme's avatar

Fluther reaches its "two minute warning", what's your final post?

Asked by ucme (50052points) May 30th, 2014

Okay, so depending on who you listen to, this place is either on its last legs, or chugging along under its own steam for the foreseeable future at least.
Regardless of how much time the site has, in the event of a final countdown to closure, how do you think you’d like to leave your mark?
Goodbye & thanks for the memories, rant like a pointless thing etc…

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46 Answers

talljasperman's avatar

I would give my Facebook account to continue the conservation.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

So long you redacted. LOL LOL LOL

johnpowell's avatar

It looks like there is already a Fluther subreddit.

But that seems to be by a disgruntled user and made five years ago.

So I just made this:

I’m probably going to forget about that so if you want to be a mod and run it let me know.

PhiNotPi's avatar

A discussion like this can easily turn into a self-fulfilling prophecy. If people honestly believe that Fluther is doomed, then it is already dead.

johnpowell's avatar

It might help if you asked Ben what kinda heads up will we get in the event that it was to be shut down. I don’t think there would be this level of concern if we knew we were guaranteed at least a few weeks notice so we could all share info with the people here that we actually like.

Right now it kinda feels like that if some catastrophic server thing happened (even if fixable but time consuming) Ben would be all “Fuck it, shut it down.”

johnpowell's avatar

And I should add that:
Last visit: May 13th, 2014
Last visit: January 7th, 2014

This doesn’t exactly inspire confidence.

Berserker's avatar

I’d quickly PM all the people I want to keep in touch with, and who I know don’t have a FaceBook. Well if there is a demise looming on the horizon, I should probably do that pretty soon. :/ Hopefully there isn’t.

Seek's avatar

If you do the facebook thing, hit me up. Link is in my profile.

I’m willing to pass out my email address, if you want to communicate like it’s 1999, too.

I’m bookmarking the subReddit, but I’ve never been very active on Reddit except as a lurker and don’t really know the ropes there.

johnpowell's avatar

The reddit thing was more of to show that another gathering place could be figured out in under a minute that isn’t Facebook.

Seek's avatar

Yah. Fair enough.

Haha, I couldn’t even remember my Reddit login info. Had to make a new one. It’s ok, though, I’ve been planning on building a new online identity, anyway.

Mimishu1995's avatar

I’ll PM everyone I love and ask for their Facebook usernames (if they don’t I ask them to make one now), then I’ll go to Facebook and ask the people of the Fluther secret group to add all of them to the group.

At least a new Fluther life will start, in a new land.

Coloma's avatar

It’s been fun!

ibstubro's avatar

I’d post an email address where I could be reached.

I think my final post on Askville might have been a clip of Carol Burnett sweeping up and singing “I’m so glad we had this time together…” Apropos.

Blondesjon's avatar

So long, and thanks for all the fish.

ucme's avatar

@PhiNotPi Calm down, as indicated in my details, i’ve no idea if Fluther is doomed or not.
Plenty of recent chatter on the subject, so I thought i’d place a lighter tone, meant to be positive.
Not a great deal of difference to asking for people’s first post here.
A common Fluther overreaction to a simple, question with no agenda whatsoever.

janbb's avatar

@Blondesjon There have been fish?

gailcalled's avatar

Please continue to send contributions supporting Milo’s run for King-of-the World. Like it or not, It’s will always mean it is, grasshopper.

janbb's avatar

@gailcalled Didn’t you mean contribution’s?

And you do know that the Froster has already claimed that title (and eaten it.)

gailcalled's avatar

No document, no authentication. F is only The Pretender.

janbb's avatar

Did you see the video on FB about cats taking over dogs’ beds? I’d like to see a match-up between Fro and Milo.

filmfann's avatar

As @PhiNotPi says, if people think the site is doomed, then it is already dead. Fortunately, a Zombie question and answer site could be quite popular, and better days would lie ahead.

Mimishu1995's avatar

When humor meets misinterpetation…

ucme's avatar

It puts the lotion in the basket…

ucme's avatar

My final post would probably read something like this…
“All the pretty girls may now send me pics of their breasts, thanks for the mammaries”

AshLeigh's avatar

Just make sure everyone knows about “The tide pool for jellies” on Facebook. We can keep in touch that way.

Seek's avatar

Is that the secret group that no one will invite me to?

AshLeigh's avatar

I’ll invite you if you send me a PM with your Facebook username. Hah

Seek's avatar

It’s definitely a secret group. It doesn’t come up in Search.

AshLeigh's avatar

Yeah, you have to be invited. Like I said, I’ll do it if you send me your username :)

Seek's avatar

PM sent. ^_^

Berserker's avatar

That accursed secret group again? Peh.

gailcalled's avatar

I was recently finally invited to join the secret FB group of owners of tuxedo cats.Too many eople send pictures of their cats every thirty seconds; I am drowing, which is a ridiculous since I live with the most handsome tuxedo and have only to raise my eyes to see an enchanting sight. I may have to unjoin (or stop clicking). Secret groups may be more work than they are worth.

Seek's avatar

@Symbeline You’re in. Mua haha.

gailcalled's avatar

edit; Too many people…“I am drowning”...It’s hard to type lying down on a laptop with a cat also on my lap.

longgone's avatar


Just to stir things up one last time…

@gailcalled Lying down…on a laptop…with a cat on your lap? How does that work? I just tried to draw a diagram, unsuccessfully.

gailcalled's avatar

^^—You/re right. I got myself snarled up in that sentence. I am lying on the bed, several pillows behind my head and my laptop on my abdomen. The cat is draped around the laptop and finding the power cord delicious to chew on. I am trying to type. The cat rubs the scent glands on his cheeks against the corners of the laptop occasionally, snapping it shut.

longgone's avatar

@gailcalled Thank you for clarifying. I can see how that would make typing difficult, even without paying attention to syntax ;]

dappled_leaves's avatar

For those of us barely keeping score, this question is not actually triggered by real events, correct?

ucme's avatar

It’s based on the Charlton Heston movie where a sniper goes all shooty bang bang.

Berserker's avatar

@dappled_leaves It isn’t. Er, least not that I know of. But for some reason in the past two days, alla sudden this topic came up, but I think that’s just wildfire spreading, although, a ghost lit up, so to speak.
There is nothing to indicate that Fluther is going to shut down, at least not anymore than what could be threatening it ever since the founders left.

longgone's avatar

@gailcalled Tell Milo his one black ear makes him an extremely attractive cat!

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

follow up Thinking of it, if I had two minutes left, I would wait until the last 45 seconds and post a blatant and obvious grammatical error knowing no one will ever have time to correct it. Bahahaha Bahahaha

Mimishu1995's avatar

@Hypocrisy_Central Great idea! I think I’ll post my long-time-suppressed “I dream about my crush” question the same time you post yours ~

Pachy's avatar

I would post a goodbye with a :-( included and then…

unceremoniously delete the bookmark.

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