General Question

lindabrowne1's avatar

IPod Touch/iPhone: Can you use a pick to type?

Asked by lindabrowne1 (329points) July 4th, 2008

Is there anything that you can use other than your finger on these devices?

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23 Answers

joeysefika's avatar

anything with warmth and a static charge.. I’m pretty sure it works like that. unlike conventional touch screens

osullivanbr's avatar

Or toe. The guys could use their umm well eh anyway. It needs heat whatever you use.

eambos's avatar

The multi touch surface responds to the minute electrical charge that your body creates. Nearly any part of the body will
work, but not much else.

XCNuse's avatar

some company started making styluses for them.

Everyone thinks it’s funny to that people don’t use a stylus, when if they were made to have a stylus, apple would have equipped them with a stylus, they’re perfect for your fingers no matter how big your hands, it just works, and works far better than anyone anticipated when they came out.

The first time I used mine I thought it was reading my mind as i clicked on these minuscule links right next to each other and always hit the one i thought i was touching.

I’m guessing you don’t have an iphone/touch which is why you’re asking. Trust me, you honestly don’t need one at all.

uno's avatar

@XCNuse: Although slim, there’s a possibility that the person asking has no arms, legs, tongue, nose, lips or breasts, and would use it with the pointy stick controlled by the moving of her ears. Or eyelids. In which a stylus is better. :-P

XCNuse's avatar

Well then I praise that person for making it this far and typing all of that out and continuing with life :D

uno's avatar

Hey, if I had a pointy stick, I could easily have asked the same.

bluemukaki's avatar

Not that I’ve tried, but I expect any man’s stylus would work. The screens don’t work by pressure so you do need to use a stylus specifically designed for the iPhone, like a Pogo Stylus.

jrpowell's avatar

I’m a twig and I have a hard time typing with my iPod Touch. I tried wrapping one of the old pointers from a Palm III with a scab from my elbow (skateboard). It didn’t work on the iPod Touch.

eambos's avatar

That’s not strange at all…

jrpowell's avatar

Kinda strange. I was just curious if it would work.

Theotherkid's avatar

Get a pencil without an eraser and cover it with aluminum foil so that the whole pencil is covered. At the bottom of the pencil ( Where the eraser should be) flatten the foil on the top so it is REALLY smooth. Do not angle the stylus when using it. Follow these directions and you’ll have a home-made stylus thing for the iPhone/iPod Touch… Just don’t scratch the screen with the foil. :-P

There is also a stylus purchasable called the pogo stylus I think.

Theotherkid's avatar

Sometimes I use my nose. :-P

beast's avatar

How about your third hand?

I’m just going to stop right there.

robmandu's avatar

AppleInsider reports that Apple filed patents in 2007 that describe sensing the difference between body parts, explaining gestures through activities, and even responding differently to input from fingernails.

I wouldn’t bet against non-human pointers… even for the current hardware. Might just be a software upgrade away.

bulbatron9's avatar

The pads on my cat’s paw worked. Now if I could just teach him to clean his own litter-box!

eambos's avatar

Already been linked…

lindabrowne1's avatar

Okay. . .so I bought the Pogo Stylus and love it! Thanks for your help everyone!

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