Why can't I pick a favourite colour?
I always have this problem of picking a favourite colour for something (car, clothes, etc.). At different times, I like different colours but I can’t pick one as my favourite. This happens with other stuff as well – picking a book, food, people… almost everything – picking one makes me unhappy. I can’t idolise (or demonise) almost anything.
Can you relate? I’d like to know why this happens.
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12 Answers
Indecision, nothing more shady than that.
You like many things. Try descriminating between when it really matters and when it doesn’t. Meaning, what decsisions are important enough to not make a quick decision. Deciding what to eat, just make decision, you can eat the other dish you are interested in another day. You can like blue today and red tomorrow. Read one book today and another when you are done. Those things should not be difficult. Save the difficulty for things like what house to buy, who to marry, what college to go too, and other big life decisions.
@ucme LOL.
I am exactly like you. My idea is that I don’t pick favorites because I like them all for the special qualities they possess.
What compels people to think they need to have a favorite color, food, song, book, friend? I don’t pick favorites. I don’t care to. If the question comes up I pull an answer out of my ass.
Because you’re asking the wrong question. Answering a “why can’t I…” question will only lead you to a long list of failure. What good will that do you?
Try answering this question instead, or asking one of your own that will lead to a solution instead of more failure:
“How can I decide on a favorite color?”
Really try to answer it. Make a list of responses, no matter how absurd they might be. What are some events, actions, ideas, requirements or situations that would force you to decide on a favorite color? How could you pick a favorite color and not deviate? Answering that question or one like it will lead you to a list of options that might actually help you make a decision, pick a color or at least learn something about yourself and your world. They won’t all be valid resolutions, and there may not even be “an answer” to the question, but at least you’d be looking in the right direction. The question that you’re asking now has you looking for “reasons to fail”.
My “favourite” anything changes over time. I like variety and get bored of the same thing over and over and over.
I don’t feel shady @ucme :P
Will the real slim shady please stand up, please stand up… :D
Maybe you find you like a certain type of shade? The colour spectrum is a wide one.
I tend to like earth tones: olive greens, deep chocolate browns, warm auburn, burnt orange.
My friend likes the whole spectrum of what I call “real estate” colours. Eggshell white. Eggshell beige. Eggshell blue. Anything you’d paint on the walls of a house you’re trying to sell because they’re neutral and comfortable.
But all in all, my favourite colour is green. Mostly I just looked at my closet one day and realised that most of my clothes were green. Haha.
You don’t need a favorite color.
Those kind of questions baffle me, too. When web sites ask you to set a security question, when they ask “Favorite restaurant?” or “Favorite movie?” or “Favorite musician?”, I am stymied.
A smart person solved this for me.
On the phone with a customer service rep, when she asked, “Favorite music?” I said, “I have no idea.”
She said, “Say classical.”
“OK, I love a lot of classical music. But I also love lots of other music.”
“Fine, but just say classical. You will always remember this conversation, and the answer ‘classical’.”
Smart! So that’s my answer now to security questions. Favorite restaurant? Classical. Favorite movie? Classical. Name of your elementary school? Well, I attended three elementary schools. But the answer is ‘classical’.
I do like green best, though.
I am the same. I don’t have a favourite colour, I like them all.
Except pink.
@GloPro: So… you’re saying “brown”?
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