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JLeslie's avatar

Was it easier to be with just one parent when you were a teen?

Asked by JLeslie (65918points) June 3rd, 2014

Specifically if your parents were still married, was it easier when one was out of town, or if you were spending the day with just one of them as opposed to both of them or a full out family day whether it be at home, vacation, or just a day out.

My family dynamic was exhausting, and being with just one parent, either one, was much easier. I just wondered if other people had that experience.

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9 Answers

josie's avatar

My parents were great but very different. My mom was a shy violet worrier who adored my dad. My dad was a take no shit combat vet with a heart of gold. They were sort of hoot to be around. Like a comedy team.

jca's avatar

My mother was a single mother until I was about 14 and I definitely did not get along with my stepfather when we lived together, so yes, for me it was better with one parent (my mom).

turtlesandbox's avatar

No. My father was rarely home due to his work and it put a lot of stress on my mother. She was happier when he was home and that made my life better.

rojo's avatar

Not really easier but there was a more comfortable feeling with my mother; probably because we spent much more time together.

Pachy's avatar

Depending on the situation, I sometimes preferred being with one or the other of them, sometimes both.

With Dad—Once a week he went to the YMCA to play handball with his buddies. On the days he took me along, I’d shoot hoops or swim while I waited for him, usually an hour or so, then we’d swim together. I loved those times.

With Mom: My favorite time with her was watching old movies.

With both of them and my younger brother—We did lots of fun things as a family, including picnic and lake outings, eating out at restaurants, seeing drive-in movies, and going to Temple for Shabbat and holiday services.

Damn I miss those times!

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

I lived that everyday, I don’t think it was easier, but if I had a douche bag violent father it might have been worse.

AshLeigh's avatar

I really couldn’t say. Financially, it was easier for us before the divorce. My father was abusive though, and to this day I don’t like being around him.
However, when we left, my mom started dating someone who was no better than my father. I think it would have been fine if she knew how to be alone, and to heal. But I’ll never know.

Mimishu1995's avatar

If I did something wrong, it depended on what it was. I would choose the one who would not take the matter too seriously.

If I wanted to ask for something, same as above.

Otherwise, I preferred (and still do) being with both of them. I felt like something was missing when one of them wasn’t in sight.

filmfann's avatar

As a child, my Mom was empathetic to my requests, while my Dad was the hard liner. They switched roles when I was a teen.
My rents were married till my Dad passed away, when I ws in my late twenties.

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