I think we would all agree that the video I posted in the details is horrible...but would you agree that this kind of behavior is glorified in so many ways in our society today?
Here is the video.
Yeah, everyone is saying how awful this is, then they turn around and post things like, “I can be as sweet as pie, but if you piss me off I will F——K You Up!” Or, “Mess with my kids, bitch, and I will F——K You Up!” It seems to be mostly women who do that, and why is beyond me. They don’t even have a real reason to post that crap, they just do, to show how “tough” they are. And many of those people have kids on fb who are reading what their parents write.
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66 Answers
I agree that most of the reactions are rather counterproductive.
It reminds me of Sophie Lancaster, a goth girl who was killed by some dudes who beat the crap out of her for being a goth, and the general response by the goth community was, I would kill those fuckers!
I understand the anger and frustration to such things, but it isn’t going to end by being a hypocrite, and the most important part is that kids look up to us as exemplary models on how to deal with these things.
I wonder where she stole them kids from, because who would fuck that bitch?
A few weeks back on another thread someone said they didn’t believe racism was really an issue anymore. I disagreed then and I disagree now.
Sure it’s still an issue. But I think People Behaving Badly and Being Encouraged to Do So is a real problem today, too.
Did anyone else notice the large broad in the yellow top in the background?
Jesus, Britney Spears let herself go a bit…shocking really.
I’m fascinated by “Bulbus Britney” she walks in from out of shot & carries on into the near distance before immediately turning on her heels & heads into the store.
Was she perhaps looking for her blind date, also clad in yellow?
I swear she looked up at that bitch & called her Toxic :D
If someone thinks racism is gone then they are also ignorant. I had to live and sleep in the same room with two racist, bigoted ignorami for four months. You can bet we didn’t get along at all. I couldn’t even speak to them. I’ll admit there were some pretty violent thoughts that crossed my mind with them at the time, and I can’t help it (They were also jerks to me). But I know not to bring those thoughts into action.
@dxs We all have violent thoughts, but it’s all the rage to express those thoughts all over the internet now. That woman probably thought she was being “cool.”
@Dutchess_III I definitely think there’s some assbackwards pride thing going on with people who are racist and bigoted like how my roommates were. I believe it’s all ignorance—they’re slaves to the media. From the clothes they wear and the music they listen to to the words they use, I think they’re just trying to fit into a societal niche.
Most of the people I know who post the “I am a bitch from hell,” kind of shit aren’t necessarily racist. And without exception they’re women. I don’t know WHAT they’re trying to fit into or what they’re trying to prove, but the attitude is infecting everything about our society.
Obviously some shit went down before the videotaping started. I have no idea what the cameraman did when he started his car to flip this bitch out, but I understand her point of view when she says she doesn’t want him taping her kids. The rest is a mystery. Yes, she is a racist, but she shouldn’t have let her kids be out there while he was filming. I don’t absolve him of any responsibility. I just don’t know what happened to begin this.
There is that @filmfann, and she might even have been somewhat justified in her anger, but the way she expressed it was horrible and even worse that her children had to witness it.
7 Deadly Sins, 2014 Edition:
1. over-entitlement, I’m better than you attitude
2. judgment, contempt, derision
3. rage, lack of self control
4. lack of perception, intolerance
5. apathy, ennui, not my problem attitude
6. thinking one deserves what they want, taking-taking-taking
7. disregard for others, lack of empathy
I am even hesitant to say the woman is racist. She certainly uses racist language, but it may be the she wanted to strike out and hurt the cameraman, and used the most hurtful words she could gather. I just don’t know what is in her heart. That said, i have no doubt racism is still infecting a great deal of society.
You know it does! I mean, just look at the people who freaked out over Obama getting elected as President!
@filmfann You are hesitant to say she is racist? What line would she have to cross to have you be certain?
Don’t even waste your energy on trying to make sense out of ignorant, illiterate, idiots. That woman, ( I only watched a few seconds of the video ) is not worth my time, period. Just another example of how many humans should never have been conceived, born, and went on to reproduce another generation of kids that don’t have a snowballs chance in hell of growing up healthy. Pffft.
Here is the woman attempting to defend herself on a radio show that aired after the clip went viral. While she claims that this fellow almost hit her kid with the car, and that he hurled racial epithets at her, she also supports her claim that she is not racist by saying she has a black cousin. <<face palm>>
I really don’t think that a person who is not at least a latent racist would throw around that word so liberally. I am pretty sure most sane people, especially with their kids there, would get in their car and drive away.
I think you have a point @Dutchess_III, there are entirely too many people who take entirely too much pride in putting people’s “ass on blast,” screaming, threatening battery, etc., just to prove how bad ass they really are. They do it in the name of defending their kids, because someone said something that didn’t sit right, whatever gets their dander up. I can’t help but wonder what happened to civilized communication and consultation for settling problems.
she also supports her claim that she is not racist by saying she has a black cousin.
What the…
Oh. She’s bi-polar too. So that makes it all OK.
Now the ex is trying to take her kids! He just might succeed, too!
Well, her lawyer and her husband will be right there if he would just stay put.
I also love the old standby of “nigger actually means ignorant person” like she throws it around regularly. The radio interview hurt more than it helped her.
Now she’s insisting that he TRIED to almost hit her kids! Bullshit! Something happened but whatever it was was an accident!
OK. The bottom line is “Not My Fault.”
@Dutchess_III that was the most striking thing about her “defense,” she didn’t accept responsibility for anything she said. Her behavior was all someone else’s fault. It is everyone else who is ruining her life and is out to get her. The poor thing.
“He’s a racist n*gger.” – Hm…there’s something fundamentally flawed about that statement. Hell, there’s something fundamentally flawed about her. Poor kids.
Where did this happen? I can’t figure out what kind of accent that is.
And how many times did she use the F word in the broadcast…and her children were there to hear it!
@livelaughlove21, it happened in Cheektowaga, New York, it’s a suburb of Buffalo.
If someone was filming my kids while sitting in his car, my first thought would be to move away. If he followed me, I might take action, but – come on.
Him filming her kids wasn’t the issue, anyway. She stayed turned away from the camera a lot, but let her kids run around. She visibly perked up when she got ready to scream “Don’t point the camera at my kids.” In my opinion, she was overjoyed at having found something to rant about which she could be sure to get supported in. Calling someone a nigger – not widely accepted. Threatening to kill/maim/“fuck up” someone “hurting” your kids – widely accepted.
Yes, I do believe behaviour like that is glorified. Not sure about today, but it definitely gets me worked up.
@longgone I totally agree, if him filming the kids was the issue, why would she stay there yelling? If that was it she wouldn’t have engaged, she would have taken her kids and left.
The other thing that kind of annoys me is that even of the guy made a mistake and almost hit her kids, the point is he didn’t and every single person who drives a car will have a close call at least once. We all make mistakes, the kids are clearly fine, and neither seemed the least bit traumatized by this alleged near miss. Frankly I am pretty sure their mother’s tirade was more hurtful to those kids than any close call in that parking lot.
^ Their mother’s mindset, for sure. That hate will be with the kids forever.
I really do not believe this woman’s anger stems from racism. She is mentally ill. She was having a manic episode and started saying the meanest thing she could think of. The black guy posted this intentionally on youtube as “proof” that racism is “alive and well”.
The woman said some nasty things, especially being in front of her kids, but I still say it isn’t racism.
From what I heard in the video, she claims he scared her kids, he replied ”...by starting my car?”, and she replied with something about it being loud.
Apparently she never says anything during the confrontation about him almost hitting her kids, and his vehicle is still parked, which is more evidence that his vehicle was never even moving from the time she claims he scared her kids until the end of the video.
So her whole racist rant was based on the alleged loudness of his engine and his recording her despicable behavior.
They are both morons. She was louder and more out of control, obviously, but he was feeding into what was setting her off.
He startled her precious. He must die.
I still don’t see much racism. It could be where I live and who I have as friends but any reasonable, well adjusted and usually educated person is not racist. The ones that are generally have mental issues. I think racism would all but go away if the media would just stop sensationalizing it. A lot of things that are played as racism really are not. Racism is a pretty rare thing these days. We keep racism alive by shining a light on it whenever we see it.
This got plenty of action too .
It’s the new YouTube race drama.
@ARE_you_kidding_me ” It could be where I live and who I have as friends but any reasonable, well adjusted and usually educated person is not racist’
Well that’s just it, it’s where you live. Where I’m at you don’t need media to shine a light on it to see it’s alive. Just take a look at trucks passing on the road, I can bet by the 5th one you’ll see at least one confederate flag. Still not convinced, talk to the driver. They’re actually proud of it, that’s the sad thing.
Btw I live in the north east
@ARE_you_kidding_me that woman definitely qualifies as having mental issues. Doubt that she’s reasonable, well adjusted and educated.
My BIL is reasonable, well adjusted, educated and racist.
Guys, it’s still a rare thing though. Like less than 1% of the population.
@ARE_you_kidding_me Maybe in some areas, but what do you do about the areas of concentrated racism? Shrug it off and say it’ll just go away if we ignore it?
She’s a true lady and a worthy role model for her two young children.
Unbelievable. I hope those kids will grow up to be decent, civilized people, but they have so much to overcome. I never heard either of my parents utter a single profanity or racist remark. Imagine listening to that mouth every day of your childhood.
What would have happened if this raging, irrational woman had been carrying a gun?
@El_Cadejo Yes. That is exactly what will happen. Stop highlighting it and it will wither away. F.Y.I. I live in the rural south and it’s not that prevalent.
I don’t think a person judge how prevalent racism is if they aren’t a person of color.
@ARE_you_kidding_me if we ignore it and don’t shed a light on racism when and where it happens (and it does indeed happen) we are giving tacit approval. We have to shine a light or people such as yourself are going to pretend it doesn’t exist.
The bulk of racism may not look like it used to, Jim Crow laws and segregated lunch counters, but with incidents such as the murder of Trayvon Martin, and the disproportionate number of minorities in US prisons (as just two examples), it is impossible to believe racism doesn’t exist or that it is fading away.
I’m not buying that the woman in this video wasn’t racist. I am fairly certain that if whe was speaking to a white person, their race would not have been mentioned.
@ARE_you_kidding_me This isn’t some elementary bully shit where if you ignore them they will stop picking on you. If we ignore the actions of racists it only confirms in their minds that it’s an ok way to behave. Pointing out and punishing racist doesn’t make none racists suddenly think, “hmmm ya know what, imma go out and start hatin on black people cause I saw that guy on the news do it”
I live in the South and racism is certainly alive and well down here, but I’ve never seen anything like that happen. I’m white, so I can’t say it doesn’t happen, but I know plenty of racist people and they’d never do something like this. The racism happens behind closed doors. Southern racists these days are sweet as pie to your face; politeness is part of the culture. Here, the woman would’ve got into her car and closed the door before calling that guy a n*gger.
A bit of internet searching tells us that the man’s name is Narvell Benning, a 36-year-old father. Janelle Ambrosia is the charming woman.
I admire Mr. Benning’s dignity and non-confrontational composure. In interviews, he’s said that he’s glad his own children weren’t present, and that his real pain is for Ambrosia’s kids.
I hope Ambrosia gets charged with disorderly conduct and harassment. She’s already trying to do damage control: “I have been under…care for mental health issues and was in the process of changing my medication.”
We are one and at most two generations from it disappearing. Yes we can watch it go away. I’m not saying totally ignore it just stop sensationalizing it.
In the radio link someone posted above, it’s looking like she might lose custody of her kids to her ex over this. But it isn’t her fault, of course. It’s the nigger’s fault for startling one of her kids.
I agree that it’s glorified, but I also think people like that should be called out and humiliated. If you’re going to call someone those kind of names, in front of children no less, you pretty much deserve whatever kind of backlash you get.
Well, if you read facebook, you would think that’s how one is supposed to react.
Ugh, Facebook. Don’t even get me started! XD
@Dutchess_III White is a color too, and I have talked of my experience with racism as a blonde, blue eyed child in a hispanic/native american school in the southwest. I was one of 3 white kids and it was a hellish ride. My dad was an Architect for the BOIA and I was tormented beyond words during those years he was on assignment. Gringo on the reservation.
@ARE_you_kidding_me While I usually agree with your views, on this issue I find you painfully unaware and ignorant. You clearly are sheltered on racism, and view it only from a sensationalized media viewpoint. I assure you, racism is alive and well, and will not go away by ignoring it. It is statistically relevant that race is directly tied to social class, welfare, education, and job status. Those relations are facts. It is not an easy battle. For you to minimalize that race issues are prelevant across the world is almost embarrassing for you. Ask any Middle Eastern American if they are treated differently for wearing a burka. Ask a young black man how he is treated if he sags his pants. Ask an Asian woman how often she is the butt of a sexual joke or comment.
I assume you are a white, middle class male. You honestly have blinders on and I am disappointed in your opinion.
Sheltered, perhaps. White middle class, yes. I do think a number of things that people attribute to racism really are not. Zenophobia, sexism and class discrimination are more appropriate. A white person who sags his pants will be treated different. That’s not racism. While i do see racial overtones there also it is not the predominant theme. True hardcore racism is still somewhat rare here in the US. When i do see it it is always in the older populaton, baby boomers or older. I almost never see it in the younger demographic. Now outside the US is a completely different story. There is still genocide going on in some areas. I cannot speak for that.
This has struck a chord with you for some reason @glopro so your perspective and experience is probably vastly different. I have lived all over the US as a child and it was more noticeable when we lived in the poor areas (folks had some ups and downs). It was obvious that when people don’t have much a portion of them will try to use any difference to try to and artificially move up the food chain. That was most of the racism I saw in the rural south. It’s dying more and more with each generation here. It will continue to as long as we raise our children to respect each other.
@ARE_you_kidding_me When Obama was running in the first election my sister told her 5 year old that she was not voting for him “because he was black” as an easy answer. I know many, many people that refer to Brazil nuts as nigger toes. Despite the fact that my friends from Iran are wealthy, educated and well spoken, not a day goes by that someone here in California doesn’t say some ignorant shit to them. It isn’t the grandpa saying mean things; it’s the grandkids. The people barely old enough to remember 9/11 and barely know their daddies because he’s always been overseas protecting us from the towelheads [sic].
It’s the jokes people make about the terrible Asian drivers that we tolerate because they bring so much money to our casino tourist driven town. It’s the people that bitch at customer service phone operators because they have strong accents and they want to speak to an American. It’s the smak talk about Hispanic immigrants, whom everybody knows must be here illegally and taking advantage of our country. Yet no one says a word to my white Polish girlfriend with a cute accent who has been here illegally for 10 years. Nobody has ever said a word to her… Why not if it isn’t her race?
It’s the immediate media coverage of a missing Middle Eastern kid when the Boston bombing occurred. An innocent kid that turned up dead several days later with no connection to the bombings. It’s the fact that when the true bombers were identified as Russian, people still made Middle Eastern connections and associations. Every terrorist just has to be a Taliban anymore. Every Muslim Indian must be watched closely. There were not nearly as many retractions as there were accusations because watching a missing Middle Eastern kid must have been a valid thing for our country and media to do. Why? Race. Period.
It’s watching a black kid as he wanders the aisles of the convenience store, while his white buddy robs the place blind. It’s people complaining that “having black neighbors” is going to lower the property values in the neighborhood. It’s assuming a young black man must sell drugs if he drives a nice car. It’s flying that Confederate flag and staring down anyone offended by it.
I could go on and on. Racism has existed, and will exist, as long as people exist. Sometimes there is no better way to lift yourself up or make yourself better in your own mind than to judge physical characteristics. That small minded mentality will never go away, because there will always be small minds.
A lot of what you said is not specifically racism though. Bigotry, fear of different cultures, dislike for certain lifestyles…yes. Bigotry will always be around as long as there are people stupid enough to be bigots. I do see certain racial groups at an economic disadvantage that was caused by racism initially but it is perpetuated by culture, lifestyle and class discrimination. Not racism. My issue is that it’s not always racism. Calling everything racism is basically ignoring the real issues that are ignorance of culture, class discrimination and poor education. We need to fix those things and they are a problem. Stupid we can’t fix. There will always be that.
You all have so many good points. I think that being racist is “frowned on,” therefore is someone is racist they’d be more inclined to hide it in today’s world.
I also agree that it seems like the older generation is more likely to be all hung up on race. Rick’d dad is 92. We were watching American Idol with him once, and Jordan Sparks got up to sing. His dad allowed that she was good “But her color is against her.” To this day I don’t know if he was serious or if he was teasing me!
One thing that I don’t agree with is that when you get ahold of a customer service rep from India (or wherever) most people don’t demand to talk to an “American” just because that person is from India. I’ve asked to talk to someone else who is more fluent in English because I flat can NOT understand some of the reps sometimes, and they can’t seem to understand me.
“One thing that I don’t agree with is that when you get ahold of a customer service rep from India (or wherever) most people don’t demand to talk to an “American” just because that person is from India. I’ve asked to talk to someone else who is more fluent in English because I flat can NOT understand some of the reps sometimes, and they can’t seem to understand me.”
Couldn’t agree more. This has absolutely nothing to do with your race; it’s the fact that I called somewhere for help, but, I can’t understand you, and you can’t understand me, so what in the bloody fuck am I even doing on the phone?
I’m more talking about what people say about that phone call to others. Many times there are racial slurs or jokes in that conversation. Maybe I’m the only one to hear what others say when they bitch about those phone calls. It doesn’t always stick to the difficulty in understanding the accent.
@Dutchess_III “I think that being racist is “frowned on,””
In most cases, being racist is not just frowned upon, it’s illegal. But the government can’t stop people from expressing their beliefs.
My boss is also racist. He’s old, and the way he expresses his racism is different than how my ex-roommates do, although they both target the same cultures (Hispanic, African-American, Middle-Eastern). He doesn’t admit to it, but if there’s a problem with customers of those specified descents, then the racism along with other hate words will start spewing out. I now deal with all of the customer disputes for various reasons, a big one being to avoid lawsuits.
@dxs I’m talking about society as a whole, like conversations between people. Hints of racism is a no no, and rightly so. Your boss may be a racist, but I bet for the most part he keeps it under wraps until, as you said, he gets frustrated. There was a time he could have felt free to spew his disgusting hatred any time he wanted. Not today, though.
@Dutchess_III It depends on who you are talking to. For him, I think he usually doesn’t even realize he is being racist. I’ve called him out on his racism various times as well, but he still tends to spew it out in my presence anyway, giving off the impression that he isn’t even cognizant of it. He’ll refer to a nice, well-off “Hispanic” couple as Spanish while he’ll refer to a not-so well off or obnoxious “Hispanic” couple as Mexican, without knowing their heritage (as if it matters). When a lady asked what my boss thought about her tan, he said she looked like a nigger. I could go on and on, but the point is that it’s reflexive.
Other times, like when he has insulted people, I think that he realizes it and just lacks a filter.
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