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Kardamom's avatar

What is your most treasured recipe from your Grandma, Mother, or other relative?

Asked by Kardamom (33607points) June 8th, 2014

Both of my Grandmothers are gone. Both of them were excellent cooks. My maternal Grandmother used to make this dish for Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter that included cottage cheese, lime Jello mix, pineapple chunks, and chopped pecans. You just mixed all those ingredients together, it was not like a Jello mold. The Jello mix was only there for flavor. We called it Gramma’s Green Jello Salad.

Unfortunately for me, Jello contains gelatin, which is not a vegetarian ingredient, so for many years I never tried to replicate the dish. A few years ago, I found a vegan Jello substitute made with agar agar (seawead) that was perfect, except that they didn’t have a lime flavor, but they did have a raspberry flavor, which tasted almost the same. It was made by a company called Hain. Unfortunately they don’t make it anymore. More recently, I found a similar product at a Japanese market, so we’re back in business. The only difference is my salad is pink, rather than green, but that’s OK, because it still fits in with the holiday color theme.

My paternal Grandma was also a great cook, but my most favorite thing that she made was this incredible garlic bread. She always let me melt the butter on the stove and then spread it onto the big, thick loaves of French bread which were sliced down the middle. She had one of those nifty old Pastry Brushes with which to apply the melted butter. Then she would give me a jar of Lawry’s Garlic Spread which was spread on top of the melted butter, then the loaves went into the oven, under the broiler. Best garlic bread ever.

My Mom was, and still is an excellent cook. Today, I’m making for her, her nectarine crisp which is similar to This Recipe

Do you have any favorite recipes from your Grandmothers, Mothers, or other relatives? Do you have the original recipe in your possession, and have you tried successfully, or unsuccessfully, to replicate it?

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30 Answers

ragingloli's avatar

My parents can not cook for shit.
Any recipes I like are from Gordon Ramsay and Jamie Oliver.

dxs's avatar

My Italian grandmother had this recipe for carne with tomatoes, garlic, oil and some seasonings on it. It’s make with cube steak and pretty good. Put slits in the sides of the meat so that it doesn’t curl on the edges. I also make a seasoned chicken breast that she showed me how to make. It’s pretty basic but good, just add seasonings and panko crust. Then there are her meatballs. I pan fry mine because it’s quicker (to her consent), but the ones she makes with her own homemade salsa are amazing.

Blondesjon's avatar

My Grandma Dorothy’s potato salad, my Grandma Eva’s oyster stuffing, and my late Mother-In-Law’s Mexican chicken casserole.

Coloma's avatar

My great grandmother ( who died in 1982 just a week shy of her 98th B-day ) cranberry apple relsih. This recipe was handed down from her mother from the 1860’s. A cranberry/apple compote, relish, for pork and poultry dishes and delicious spread on toast as well.

Kardamom's avatar

@ragingloli What recipes from Gordon Ramsay and Jamie Oliver do you like?

This recipe by Gordon Ramsay for Beets Leeks and Onions sounds good. As does this recipe by Jamie Oliver for Hungover Noodles

mazingerz88's avatar

Garlic fried rice from my grandfather. Never rush. Do it for an hour in low fire. Fry each grain of rice so to speak. The sizzling sound and aroma of garlic is just….lovely. : )

JLeslie's avatar

From my maternal grandma the most treasured recipe are her Passover candies. She had given me the recipe once when I was a teen. One passover she told me how to make it and wrote it down for me, and I had never tried to make them. I quickly lost the recipe not really taking seriously how much it would mean to me later. I had taken for granted that she would always be there to make the candies. I asked her at one point for the recipe when I was in my 30’s and she couldn’t find her recipe book. When she died, I asked my mom to keep an eye out for the recipe book, and she did come across it. Many of the recipes were illegible. The Passover candies was difficult to read, but my mom made out what she thought were the measurements and I copied them down. It indeed was the recipe, I made them the first Passover after she had died. It’s a nut candy. Walnuts and honey and some spice and you roll it out and cut into small squares. They are sticky and slightly chewy and nutty.

One other recipe of hers that I like very much is her brisket recipe. It has apple cider vinegar, ketchup, and cinnamon. It slow cooks for hours and makes a yummy sauce. I wasn’t sure if my husband would like it, because he comes from a family that if anything even teeters on sweet in food they reject, but he loves it.

My paternal grandma died before I was born, but according to my dad she was a terrible cook anyway.

Seek's avatar

My mother’s mother taught me the basics of cooking, but I don’t have any lasting recipes of hers. I was denied the opportunity to take her cookbook (the leatherbound one with all the handwritten recipes) after she passed. It was the only thing I really wanted of hers. And my aunt threw it away. I will always fondly remember the vast array of Christmas cookies we made every year, including my favourite: krumkake made on the stovetop iron (that I was also not allowed to have – I believe it also ended up in the trash).

My mom is an awful cook.
My maternal grandmother was in her 80s when I was a child, and already no longer able to cook except from a toaster oven.

Most of the recipes I know I made up myself through trial, error, and inspiration from The Joy of Cooking (though I rarely really follow the recipes).

gailcalled's avatar

My paternal grandmother’s sweet and sour Russian beef cabbage soup, similar to this recipe

We used a beef cut called “flanken” which is a form of short ribs.

She omitted the onion, raisins and lemon juice and used only sour salt for the sour.

As a garnish, she added a piece of boiled potato sprinkled with dill to the soup just before serving.

This is delicious but, beware. The sweet and sour combination will swell you up like a dirigible

Blondesjon's avatar

just looked up sour salt. clever name for a simple product.

ragingloli's avatar

I am a simple alien.
Ramsay’s scrambled eggs, and Jamie Olivers Tagliatelle with broccoli and cheese sauce.

Dutchess_III's avatar

My mom’s baked beans.

longgone's avatar

My mom makes a pasta sauce with mashed carrots and camembert. I love that, as well as her pea soup. My maternal grandma makes perfect jam tarts and fried potatoes.

Still shocked at the idea of @ragingloli having parents.

Haleth's avatar

I grew up eating mushy frozen vegetables and mac and cheese from the box, soo…

Actually, my aunt has a recipe for apple upside-down cake that’s really good. The cake is tender and delicate, and it’s nice to have apples without apple pie spice. My grandma that can cook (as opposed to the grandma who starts every story with “oh, it’s just dreadful,” bless her heart) has a super delicious recipe for homemade pasta, I’ll have to learn it from her.

Buttonstc's avatar


Do you have the recipe for that pasta sauce? It sounds delicious.

Kardamom's avatar

@Dutchess_III I remember you gave me that recipe for the baked beans when I was but a newbie to Fluther. Thank you.

longgone's avatar

@Buttonstc It is delicious. Not too difficult, either. Here you go:

Scrubbed but unpeeled carrots, 2kg
2 onions, diced
200g mascarpone
200g cheese – Brie, it turns out
200g ground hazelnut or almond
200g cream
Garlic, salt, pepper

Boil onions, carrots and garlic in vegetable broth. Once cooked, add diced Brie, ground hazelnuts and mascarpone. Mash it all up, add the cream and heat the soup up again, adding salt and pepper. Enjoy.

Aster's avatar

My mother’s baked beans.

Dutchess_III's avatar

What’s the recipe @Aster?

JLeslie's avatar

I bought a brisket today because of this Q.

Aster's avatar

@Dutchess_III she’d just fry bacon and save the grease. Then in a big bowl she’d put Van Camp’s Pork n Beans, a tablespoon of mustard, two of ketchup then pour the bacon grease into the beans and stir. She might have added dried onion flakes; not sure. Then she’d place the bacon on top in a line and bake it. Not recommended for clean arteries or the health conscious. I don’t think this is an original. I think many people do it. Some add molasses but I don’t care for it in baked beans. Molasses makes fabulous molasses=ginger cookies, though.

Seek's avatar

^ I think my absent gallbladder just vomited.

Stirred in the bacon grease? Oh my word.

dxs's avatar

This reminds me of a specialty dish I invented while feeling creative:
1. fry bacon
2. use bacon grease to fry chicken
3. put fried bacon on fried chicken, add cheese
Voila! bacon cheese chicken thing!

JLeslie's avatar

I possibly will never eat baked beans again. Not unless I know how they are made. Although, I admit a dish my MIL makes with pinto or black beans (kind of a soup) has bacon fat in it and it is delicious! I do the recipe without the bacon. It’s not the same, but it is still good. I was a in a “southern” restaurant a few days ago and I knew enough to ask if their green beans had bacon. They did. So unnecessary.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I put raw bacon in mine and let it simmer down. Lots of catchup and mustard. The kicker is I put in brown sugar.

Blondesjon's avatar

If you really want to do something different with baked bean add some applesauce to it.

You can also dice some fresh apple and fry it in a little butter and brown sugar before adding it to the beans.

Kardamom's avatar

^^ Hmmm, that sounds very interesting. May have to try that.

Blondesjon's avatar

A little sprinkle of cinnamon on the apples doesn’t hurt either.

Kardamom's avatar

A bit of sweet and savory.

JLeslie's avatar

The apples do sound interesting.

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