Social Question

elbanditoroso's avatar

[Vocabulary NSFW] - What is a Facebook Whore?

Asked by elbanditoroso (33707points) June 8th, 2014

I came across the expression today. I have a rough idea what it implies, but am not sure I have it right.

Can you define it?

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13 Answers

ragingloli's avatar

Someone who uses facebook.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Hm. Well, I have one friend, in her 20’s, who is constantly posting selfies of herself, usually showing quite a bit of cleavage too. I think it’s the realm of insecure people.

Berserker's avatar

My guess is, someone who appears in your feed 37 times every time you refresh it.

GloPro's avatar

If a whore is always on her back, than a Facebook whore is always on _____. Three guesses.

Haleth's avatar

Someone who 1) posts all the time and 2) in a way that’s designed to get as much attention as possible. That could be “sexy” selfies, like cleavage for girls or the slightly lifting the shirt to show off abs shot for guys. Or it could be stuff like, “oh woe, I think I might be getting fired from my job, when I JUST started it because the last one was so unfair, plus my gout is acting up and my dog ran away,” where it’s a new tale of tragedy and hardship every week. Or the dreaded combo of posting a fitness selfie and saying “I look so faaaaaaaat hereeeeeeee,” etc.

Basically when there’s a ton of it and they’re trying to manipulate people into liking them.

GloPro's avatar

@Haleth You tricked me into thinking I was going to see abs! Nice link :-)

AshlynM's avatar

Never heard of this expression but my guess is someone who posts constantly about dumb stuff just to seek attention and or sympathy.

Mimishu1995's avatar

@Haleth In summary: people who seek for likes in the most despicable way.

GloPro's avatar

Meh. Sexy selfies aren’t despicable. Desperate and obvious, maybe, but not despicable.

Mimishu1995's avatar

@GloPro A little culture referrence: Sexy selfies are among the most despicable things here.

Berserker's avatar

Facebook can be annoying, but every user has his own space, that is about them and what they do and all. They should be able to do what they wish on it without being criticized. If someone bombs my feed with things that are of no interest to me, I just scroll down and skip it all. My guess is, my shit is just as annoying to someone else haha.

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